This was probably going to be the last nice, perfect snowfall for the winter before spring started up again. So the residents of the mansion planned a last-minute, all-school snowball fight. Everyone was edgy and couldn't wait until the afternoon. No one, not even the teachers, were going to miss out on this event. It would be RED versus BLUE and start after the last class of the day. There was no scorekeeping or anything else -- it was just to have some good clean fun.

Class got out and everyone got bundled up for outside. Earmuffs, mittens, sweatshirts, boots, and coats. Rogue was halfway there already but layered up a bit more. Finally she slid the BLUE colored band around her arm and Katherine slide on a RED one. They stood toe to toe, growling and grinning at each other as friendly opponents. Finally they laughed it off and went out separate doors to their home bases in the yard. The match would cover the entire mansion grounds outside, excluding the woods, and the teams shaped up accordingly...BLUE: Rogue, Jubilee, Gambit, Scott, Storm and Parks (Felix) with a few other students and then the RED team: Bobby, St. John, Katherine, Logan, Jean and a few others.

As 4 p.m. hit all bets were off and snowballs started to fly. Felix used his powers to stretch his arms for greater throwing distance. Logan purposely hunted down Scott and clobbered him with snowballs. Scott retaliated in kind. Storm cheated a bit and used her powers to throw Logan backwards into a mound of snow, almost burying him. Bobby got revenge for his teammate with a snowball attack of epic proportions.

Professor Parks got a good reach and smashed St. John in the face to get back for all the practical jokes his students had played on the him during class time. Felix now felt they were even.

Rogue and Katherine were having friendly roommate rivalry, venting frustrations for loud music, not turning the lights off and borrowing stuff without permission and more in every snowball hurled at each other.

Scott got Jean once or twice but she just used to powers to send snow slushies all around to the opposing teammembers, hitting everyone at least once.

After an hour or so it then became a free-for-all -- no teams, just you-versus-the-rest-of-the-world. It was fun for all. Rogue got Scott, and Jean smacked Logan.

Finally Rogue got tired and was walking around the edge of the yard so not to get hit. That didn't stop Logan. He found her and pounced on her, driving her into the snow. She didn't see who it was but was laughing as she discovered it was Logan. He stared at her, glaring down at her face covered in snow. He took his gloved hand and removed the snow gently from her face as she gazed up at him. She was beautiful and so special. He let out a low growl, which she distinctly heard.

"Get up," she said and he got up off of her. He thought he had done something stupid. She remained lying down and made a snow angel. She extended her hand and Logan helped her up to observe her work. It was good.

"Not too bad if I say so myself." She smiled. He removed the snow from her hair and looked down at her face. He wouldn't admit it aloud but she was his little snow angel as her eyes glistened like the white snow in the sun. Finally she broke his gaze as snow went down his shirt. She was no angel but a she-devil in disguise!

He grabbed snow and flung it right back. They fought for a while, running here and there. Rogue was smiling and laughing so much more then ever before. St. John looked up and those were his first thoughts. He nudged Bobby to look over at Rogue.


"So...doesn't it make you kind of warm inside seeing her having fun like that for a change? No worries, no cares." St. John smiled. His friend was doing ok. They all worried about her a lot but now he felt that she'd be all right.

"Why St. John, I think you're right," Katherine had to agree. Then Gambit and Jubilee broke their moment with a surprise attack.

Finally everyone got tired and a few of the students moseyed on in. Jubilee came running around the corner as the rest were finally heading in. "You guys have got to see this!" So everyone followed her out back, where Bobby, Gambit and St. John had taken their time to create a snowman scene like out of the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip. They were deformed and melting from the paralyzing sun's evil rays. Along with it Bobby had sculpted out of ice the X-Men which he now named the Ice-Men, with him as their fearless leader. After all, he was THE Iceman.

Finally they all went in for hot chocolate, drying off their wet clothes. The last big snowfall ended that night and spring would soon be there.
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