Logan stared out the window as the first snowflakes began to fall. It had been over four months since Marie disappeared. Four months of hell, searching every place he could think to look for her. The professor was practically brain dead from his many sessions in cerebro. Twice he had made a connection and twice he had been too late to find her. Her ability to fly was becoming a pain in his ass. Not for the first time he damned Mystique’s conniving that led to Rogue's absorption of Ms Marvel’s power. Otherwise she would be here now, safe in his arms. Not god knows where, living in her own private hell. "Why didn't she trust me enough to tell me?'" The questioned tortured him everyday, because he knew the answer. His M.O had always been to run from emotional battles. This time she ran instead, but she was not alone. Lying beneath her poison skin, was a life. A life that they had created. They had been so careful too. Except for that first night and well maybe that time in the lake. None of that mattered now. His one thought was to bring her home safe and sound. "When I get you back, Marie, I'm gonna tie your ass to the bed until you get it through that thick skull of yours that you're stuck with me. Come hell or high water. You're mine!"

Australian Outback

"Whoa, little fella! You’re gonna leave mama's inside black and blue with all that kickin. Just like ya daddy, always fightin." Rogue ran her hand over the gentle swelling at her abdomen. She lay back on her lounger watching the sun set over the deserted plains of the outback. Her only visitors were a nice aborigine couple and the occasional kangaroo. The isolation suited her melancholy. The last thing she needed to worry about was someone finding out she was a mutant. The locals were a friendly lot, but very suspicious of outsiders. She had a close call once, when one of the children saw her flying back from her monthly doctor exam in Sydney. Luckily the child's imagination was blamed. After all who would believe a flying pregnant lady. Rogue laughed at the picture she must have made. "I look more like the goodyear blimp right now." Her thoughts were interrupted when Mara and Benjhi walked out of the house. "G'day, Marie. How the little sprite behaving today?" Rogue's face beamed with pride. "He's kickin somethin fierce today, Mara. How are your little ones?" The trio spent the afternoon together talking out all the things friends do. It wasn't until Benjhi asked a certain question that the happy mood evaporated. "When we gonna meet the babe's dad, Marie girl?" Rogue didn't see the painful kick Mara dealt her husband underneath the table. Rogue pulled bulky form up from the lounger and rushed inside, before they could see the tears rushing down her face.

"Any luck, professor?"

"Maybe so, Jean. A old friend of mine from Australia called me this morning. He is a doctor in Sydney. One of his friends was telling him about a strange woman he was seeing. She insist that he wears gloves at all times, even during consultations. A woman with pure white and brown hair. The doctor thinks she is one of those new wave guru's or something, but the description fit the one I sent of Rogue."

"What are we waiting for, professor? It's Rogue, it has to be."

"I'm sure that it is too, but Logan has been so disappointed before. Just in case, I e-mailed him a photo of Rogue. As soon as he contacts me, we will tell Logan."

"Tell Logan..What?"

Jean and Xavier turned to find a very agitated, Wolverine standing in the doorway.

Logan hated waited on anything, but he didn't have a choice. He couldn't fly the Blackbird himself and ole one-eye wasn't taking off without the prof's permission. "Suck up!" So here he was staring at the computer screen waiting for three little words. "You've got Mail"

What was taking the bastard so long? He didn't know much about computers, but he did know it only took a few seconds to look at picture and hit reply. This was bullshit! What the hell was she doing in Australia, anyway? "Maybe, because she knew it was the last place you would look. She had spoken of going to Alaska when he first met her and sometimes Paris. So he had spent weeks in the frozen tundra looking for her and another 2 weeks combing the streets of Paris. "You've got Mail"

Rogue knew the second that she was no longer alone. Reaching under her pillow for the ever handy gloves, she climbed off the bed and waited. The dark shadow of the figure crossed by her open window. She cursed herself for being careless and leaving the house so unsecure. Their was no need for locks out here in the middle of nowhere, so the next sound she heard was the creaking of footsteps coming ever closer. Taking the element of surprise, she jumped out at the intruder nailing him to the floor.

"Nice to see you too, sweetheart. Miss me?"

"Logan....how did you find me? Are the others with you?" Before she could speak another word Logan pulled her to him. Capturing her lips with his own. For a few blissful seconds the kiss lingered, then the pull started and he released her. "Are you crazy? Why did you do that?"

"Because I've been wanting to do that for four months and because I can. Now its your turn to answer some questions darlin. UHH....wanna let me up?" Rogue stood up and stepped away. This was not how she pictured their first meeting to be. Hell. she didn't plan on seeing him again....period. Now here he was, in all his manly flesh and she couldn't catch her breath. She was completely unprepared, when he stepped forward and placed his hand on her stomach. The look in his eyes, nearly flatlined her heart. They were filled with pure wonderment and joy. When she realized they were a reflection of her own, she completely broke down into tears. All these months of isolation had been senseless. If only she had trusted her heart and explained what happened, they wouldn't have lost so much time. Logan reached up and wiped away her tears. In unison they asked the same question " Can ever forgive me?"

The sound of laughter came floating out of the house. Scott and Jean each breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe now things could get back to normal. Well...as normal a life as mutant warriors could have anyway. Jean rushed forward when Rogue and Logan emerged from inside. Pulling the couple into a hug, she congratulated them on the baby. Rogue couldn't help but start crying again. "Damn, these wild hormones. I cry at the drop of a hat these days. You all come in and I'll whip us up a early breakfast." As they walked inside Jean caught sight of roaming kangaroo. When she commented on it Rogue just laughed. "They're cute little critters, but don't piss em off. I hear they have a right hook that would put Logan here to shame." Disappearing inside, no one noticed the kangaroo's form shifting into the shape of a woman.

Mystique watched the four x-men's shadows through the window. Magneto was not going to like this one bit. A new plan would have to be made, if they were to capture Rogue and her unborn brat.

Alone in her room, Rogue snuggled closer to Logan. They snickered when Scott's snoring filled the night air. "Ya almost have to feel sorry for Jean, putting up with that racket every night." Logan buried his face in her hair and whispered. "Darlin, you could screech like a old hoot owl and still not get me out of your bed." Rogue giggled, " You do say the sweetest things, sugah." His hand rested lightly on her swollen belly, rubbing lightly through the fabric of her gown. Suddenly, he snatched his hand away as the baby gave a mighty kick. Rogue reached for him and put the hand back where it was. "Feel that? It's his little tush and here" moving his hand "is his tiny head. Must get that from me." When her words were met with silence, she looked up to see what was wrong. For the first time since she met him, she saw his eyes shimmering with unspent tears. "What's wrong, Logan?"

"I guess it finally sank in. We're having a baby. I felt it move."

"Not a it, love, a him. We have a son, or so the doc says anyway, but I know in my gut that he's right. You didn't think all this weight was from my lousy cookin did ya?"

"I knew. Hank told me right after you left, but only this second, did it become real. Oh God, Rogue, don't you dare leave me again. No matter what problems come our way. From now on we face them together. I'm gonna be a father. I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!!" The last was shouted so loudly the rafters actually shook. "Alright, DADDY now can we get some sleep" Scott called from the next room. Rogue thought her heart would burst with happiness. Laying cradled in his arms once more, they talked softly through the night.

The following afternoon, Logan and Scott went to do a last minute check on the Blackbird. They had landed it behind a small cropping of trees a mile or so away. Luckily Mara and Benjhi had stopped in and he was able to give them a ride. The three woman sat under the porch drinking lemonade and talking about the eccentricities of men. Mara however was unusually quiet. Rogue assumed is was a bit of shyness, with Jean being a virtual stranger and all. It wasn't until they saw a helicopter closing in that the real reason was revealed. Mara jumped to her feet, and grabbed the pitched of lemonade. Rogue could only look on in disbelief as the little woman smashed it into the side of Jeans head, knocking her unconscious. In a instant Mara transformed into Mystique. Before Rogue, could act a strong hand came from behind and stuffed a strange smelling cloth in her face. Unable to break free, she slipped into a drugged sleep.

Jean woke up with a terrible pounding in her head. Looking around she found herself alone. Rogue and the woman were gone. A quick search of the house left no clues, so she sent out a mental SOS for Logan and Scott to return. "Scott, get back to the house NOW! Rogue is gone. Someone’s kidnapped her!" Even from this distance she could hear the Wolverine's anguished howl.

"LOOGGGAAANNN!!!!!!" Mystique listened to the anguished screams coming from inside the padded cell. A few years ago, she might have found a sense of joy from the sound of Rogue's pain. Now, she cringed and fought the urge to rush in and comfort the girl. Ever since Erik had revealed Rogue's parentage to her, the previously dormant mother's instinct had emerged.

Rogue was her daughter, the child she had thought dead all these years. The child the scientists at Genoesha had stolen and used as a guinea pig for their mutant project. When she had shown no signs of mutation, they had simply discarded her. How she survived and came to be with her adoptive family was still a mystery.

Mystique brushed a tear away as Rogue let out another scream for help. Only Erik's arrival stopped her from rushing in to comfort her. "How is your daughter doing, my love?"

"She keeps screaming HIS name. Do you really think it is necessary to keep her locked up like that? I don't think she will fight us now that it is so close to her time. She won't risk hurting the baby."

"I suppose you are right. You may release her from the bonds, but do not let your guard down for a second. Even this far along she could be dangerous. You know the most fearsome creature on earth is a mother defending her young. So be careful. Alert me when it is time. I want to personally be there to see your grandchild born." Erik leaned in and gave Mystique a brief kiss on her forehead, before leaving the facility.

Rogue was beginning to think that her kidnappers had abandoned her. She had been sitting in this tiny, stark white room for over a month. The only person she ever saw was the tiny little oriental woman who delivered her food each day. On several occasions she had tried to start a conversation with the woman and hopefully get her agree to help her. After the third or fourth time, she figured that the woman must be a deaf/mute. Which was probably why Magneto hired her, instead of some mutant thug. Why she was there was still a total mystery. A million scenarios raced through her head each day, but her mind couldn't wrap around one solid reason. She did know one thing, if their plans involved her child, they wouldn't live to see them played out.

The door to her cell opened and the little woman walked slowly inside. Rogue relaxed and waited for her to set the tray of food down on the nearby table. She was surprised when the woman walked over to her and began to unlock the steel cuffs around her ankles. Maybe her pleas for help had been understood after all. When the cuffs were freed, she sighed with pleasure. The shackles had been sheer torture around her swollen ankles. "Someone should tell ole iron head how to treat a pregnant lady. My feet are the size of Shaq's now, cause of them cuffs and this baby." The little woman smiled as if she knew exactly what was said and backed out of the cell. Once outside the little woman morphed back into Mystique.

"Help me! Help me.....please!"

Mystique ran to look in the two way mirror on the door of Rogue’s cell.

Inside her daughter was laying curled up in the floor with a puddle spreading out around her. She rushed to unlock the door and changed back to the servants for before running inside. Kneeling down she cradled Rogue's head in her lap, smoothing the hair away from her sweating brow. She carried Rogue out of the room and straight into the waiting elevator. Pressing a button on the control panel she whispered "Erik, it's time."

Even in her frantic state Rogue knew something wasn't right and looked up in horror as the face of her keeper changed into Mystique.


Erik stopped in midstride as the words blasted through the complex's sound system. "No, it can't be...not yet! Damn you Xavier, how did you find me so soon." The look of motherly concern on Mystique's face swam in front of him. "Maybe you had a little help!" he thought.

The pain was shooting through her body like tiny snakes of electricity. The urge to push was so great that she didn't know how much longer she could fight it. The prisons alarms had caused the flame of hope in her to ignite. It could only be Logan and the other X-Men. It just had to be. The thought of giving birth in this place, surrounded by all these strange and potentially dangerous doctors, scared her to death. But now, help was on its way. She just had to hold out a little while longer. Rubbing her stomach she pleaded with her unborn son. "We gotta wait for daddy, sugah. Just hold on inside mommy for a little longer. Your daddy is gonna wanna be here to see you first, but don't let his mean ole face scare ya. Inside he's just a ole softy. He is gonna love you somethin awful. Just a little longer an..ahhhhhhhh!" Another contraction ripped a scream from her throat. "Logan, I swear to God, if you don't get here soon I...I.....aaaaaaaah christ a mighty this shit hurts. Thank heavens you ain't got yo daddy's claws or we'd be reliven that scene from "Alien" bout now. Jeeeeesus H Christ....thats it... I just decided. You awe gonna be a only chi.....aaaah!"

The sound of ripping metal and a giant rush of wind announced their arrival. The whole team was assembled plus reinforcements. Several of the junior team members had stowed aboard the Blackbirds return flight. Jubilee, Bobby and Gambit brought up the rear of the first onslaught of fighters. This was a all out assault. No one messed with Rogue and got away with it. Xavier was leading them telepathically from the waiting jet. Thanks to an anonymous call he knew exactly what Magneto had planned and they were able to prepare accordingly. He just hoped Logan didn't let his emotions get the better of him and waiver from the plan. He stretched his mind out and was quickly able to lock on Rogue’s pain filled thoughts. "Marie, listen to me. We are on our way. Try to stay calm and we will have you out of here in no time."

Xavier’s mental message came through loud and clear. Rogue’s answer however nearly broke Charles' concentration. "RELAX! You try pushing a watermelon through the head of your dick and tell me how you can relax!!!" A few seconds later a calmer response "Sorry, professor. I'm not quite myself right now. Please tell them fella's to hurry, cause this baby ain’t waiting much longer."

"No need to apologize Rogue. We're not going to let anything happen to you or the baby. I promise. Just re...um I mean..."

"I get the idea, Professor. Thank you."

The chair came out of nowhere, cracking Mystique on the side of her head. "You betrayed me! After all I have done for you, this is how you repay me. I give you the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to witness the dawning of a new era. Rogue's child was going to be the leader of my new army and now...."

"She is my daughter Erik! I couldn't stand back and watch you do to her the same thing that was done to me."

WHACK! The blue mutant fell silent. Erik looked down at his female companion and snarled "I should have let those scientist at Genoesha finish off you and the brat!"

Logan could hear Rogue’s screams of pain through the heavy steel doors. "Blast the damn doors, Cyclops or I'm tearing them down!"

Scott understood Logan's rage, but they had to wait a few more seconds for the security sequence to de-activate. The Professor's anonymous source had promised to power down all the grids and so far they had. For some reason this one was still working. They could see the energy field surrounding the door. His laser blast would have no effect. The other members of the team watched in silence, waiting for the field to drop.

When seconds passed into minutes they knew their unknown savior had been found out. Rogue’s scream pierced the air again. "Loogaaann!!" The look on his face gave away his intent, as he sprang at the door claws extended. "Wait" a mental voice called out to them. "Logan, hold! It seems we are on our own again. Storm, try to short out the energy field." Ororo stepped forward and concentrated on summoning a bolt of lightning. The others stepped back, except for Logan, who was determined to be the first one in. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as the static electricity began to build. Ororo's eyes fogged over to a milky white and blue streams of electric current began flowing from her finger tips. The second the field seemed to waiver Logan began tearing into the metal doors.

The team of doctors had fled at the first sight of Wolverine's blades penetrating the doors. Rogue lay panting as the need to push became unbearable. Her eyes were clamped shut while she concentrated on her labor, so the touch of a hand on her shoulder completely startled her.

"Marie, darlin. Are you o.k?"

"DO-I-LOOK-O-K?" she panted.

"You look more then o.k to me, darlin. Let's get you outta here." All Rogue could do was nod and hope they would get to the Blackbird on time.

"Isn't he perfect, Logan....Logan?

"He's not gonna faint again, is he professor?"

Jubilee's question was followed by a threatening growl from the new father.

"I think it's time we left these three alone, come along everyone. Congratulations Rogue...Logan. He is beautiful."

Rogue thanked the professor and watched as all her friends reluctantly filed out of the medlab. She just wished Hank were here. She felt like she owed him an apology for the way their last therapy session had ended. He had gone to help Dr. Kelly with some experiments at the Muir Island Mutant Research Center. He was in for a small surprise when he got back.

"He is beautiful, Marie. Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Not since about two seconds before you hit the floor after little Henry came out."

"Henry Logan Xavier, what a name to tack on a kid. He's gonna need some self defense lessons with that label. Of course the Xavier is only temporary, darlin. Cause when I find out who I am, its gonna change real fast."

"Why, Wolverine, was that a proposal?"

Logan looked down into the face of his son and then at the woman who held his heart. "No,Love....that was a promise."

Six months later

"He is a wonderfully healthy boy, Rogue. You and Logan must be very proud."

"We got you to thank for it Doc. If not for the serum you created, he would never have been born and I can't imagine our life without him. Bye the way, Doc, did you ever figure out what caused the serum to reverse itself?"

"Actually my dear, I figured that out before your un-scheduled vacation last year. It appears it was my name sake that caused the reversal or more specifically his DNA. Logan’s healing factor was passed on to your son. In his early development that DNA saw the serum as a threat, so to speak, and fought it off. Now that his body system is not intertwined with yours...."

"Are you saying what I think you are saying, Hank?"

"Yes, we can resume your therapy whenever you are ready."

Rogue let out a gleeful cry and hopped onto the old exam chair. Hank laughed as she nearly tore her sleeve off to ready her arm for the injection.

"Alright, Doc let's do this! BUT, don't tell Logan yet. I wanna surprise him."

Hank shook his head and thought "Here we go again."
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