Author's Chapter Notes:
Winter holds everything in it's grip and the settlers find a little warmth in what they have and Logan gets a reminder of what he means to people other than Marie.
Logan watched the other two men disappear over the hill, their last wave as they crested the ridge telling him that they wouldn't see them again until the worst of the snows were over. The food they had cached was enough to get them through, and the tinned supplies were staples. Their own supplies were enough to get them right into
spring, he'd made sure of that. They had pickled wild onion, cabbage, peppers, dried apples, blackberries, huckleberries, cranberries, so many things in jars that he had to ask Marie what they were but she seemed to know the layout of their shelves in the small cold cellar. She was putting the little bits of tinned luxury she'd picked up at the store, hams, turkey, beef,peaches, pineapple,
honey in tins, olive oil he'd spied there too, along with several jars of what looked like dried tomato's in oil. The dried stuff was upstairs in the dry stores cupboard and that was groaning with stuff. He wanted to be prepared and he was, last winter they'd been moving around trying to find somewhere safe. Now he had it but he
was wondering how much of it Marie was willing to share.

When they finally sat together in front of the stove his heart was nervous about telling her what he was thinking and what her reaction would be. She beat him to it as she glided her fingers over his knuckles, "Why don't you just come out with it and we can talk about what's on your mind Logan? I can feel you getting more wound the longer you leave it." Her smile was still there, as was the light in her eyes, it might not be as bad as he thought it might be so he plunged on.
"What would you say if Hank and the rest of them stayed here, over the ridge permanently?" She looked at him her features showing her thoughts as they passed through her mind, finally finished thinking she opened her mouth to answer his question.
"I kind of thought they would be, I know Jubilee is still talking about moving on but I don't think she realy wants to. I mean if they've had a hard time getting this far west I hate to think whats laying in wait beyond here. I know there were plenty of people who took the cure but not everyone will understand or be willing to take in a new group of people. Even if most of them are young kids and female."
Logan just looked into her face, seeing that she'd really thought about this; really given it some serious consideration. Seeing his stare she touched his face, her fingers resting calmly against his skin, sending her own thoughts into his, her security about the people she had around her, inluding those over the hill.

"I know I wasn't very pleased when they first came here Logan, I know that but I wasn't really myself then. Wasn't really 'ME' if you get my meaning;" he just nodded, letting her continue. "We need more than just us here Logan, I know we both do. I mean I'd drive you
insane with girly stuff eventually and you'd need to have some other male company even if it's to beat the hell out of them in the guise of training. We're living again Logan, really 'living' and that means sharing ourselves with others too."

"I mean look at Frankie, she's been hurt enough already, she still looks as if she's about to break you know. As if everything she has is going to disappear and she'll be back at that damn truck-stop. I know the rest of them aren't as bad as her but if they leave I won't be able to rest thinking that she could end up there again. Not at
that truck-stop but somewhere just as bad, Hank wants to put down roots as does Anne. But what about the rest of them? I mean we're going to have kids showing their 'talents' real soon if I'm any judge and Terry already has trouble keeping his feet on the ground."
Looking at her Logan could see her mind working, the way she'd already had plans in her mind to help out the kids around her, how she could bring them along without fear of themselves. What she said next made him do a double take, "Jube's needs to collapse, she's running from everything like I did. Thing is you can't run from
yourself, she's not sleeping much I know that. Hank tries to hold her when she's sleeping but she just wakes up and pushes him away from her. Hank's hurting about what she had to do, that she had to be the one to deal with the humans they met on the road and what happened to her."

Her eyes met Logan's own she he knew she knew more
but wouldn't tell him what she did know. That was between her and Jubilee.
"She suffered Logan, but it's poisoning her the longer she holds it in. She won't break down until she knows their safe, settled but she just won't believe it yet. When she does she'll need us all, you included." Her finger poked him in the chest making him growl a little, her expressive face taking a serious cast. "She needs to see you haven't changed toward her, that you still think her worthwhile. Doing what she did took a lot out of her and I doubt if it had been me that I'd have even made it this far." Logan was about to tell her different when she stopped him with a kiss, light but filled with emotion. Her gaze filled with pain and he understood the weight of
what she knew about Jubilee, it had been bad, very bad and she needed him to just trust her on this.
"Okay I'll talk to her when we see them next."

Settling down in his arms Marie just let the warmth of their fire go through them both. Sitting in silence they felt the snow landing heavy on the roof, the quiet of the world only punctuated by the crackle of the wood burning. They had peace, each other and a future, one that would take work but then everything that was worthwhile took effort. He'd put the work in on her and look what he
had, a woman he was comfortable with and was comfortable with him. When they went for christmas dinner to the other camp he'd spring his surprise on her then, she didn't know they were going in the first place but Hank had suggested it when they were loading up the sleds. The look of hope in Pete's gaze and settled it for him, they
wanted them there and he was sure Marie would like it too. Smiling he let himself drift off into contentment wrapped around the jewel of his life.


"Come on Marie, move it. We've got to go get ice to melt for water. Move it or I'll dump you in a drift!" Snarling she threw back the covers on their warm bed. Why the hell they couldn't use the snow that was packed around the house she didn't know. Although she had to admit drinking water was better from ice, the sled was out in the
bright sunshine. Logan was dressed in his buckskins and furs and her thoughts suddenly went back to the bed she'd just left. Catching her smile and leer he just straightened himself further and growled, knowing that one she just pouted as she closed the door to the cabin. Griping and moaning she got on the sled as Logan began to
pull it along, there were several bags alredy tied to it and she shuffled them around her.

"Why are we taking stuff with us?" He didn't even stop as he answered her, breath clouding behind him like fog in the crisp cold.
"Because we might need it, clean ice is a hard thing to find Marie. We might be longer than we expect. Better to be prepared than not be." Nodding to herself she agreed, good ice was a rare thing but when they did get it there was nothing sweeter; it beat evian any day.

They were coming back with a good haul of crystal clear ice wrapped in hard packed snow when Logan turned the sled a different direction. The sun was just over half way, telling her it was around 1pm when they changed direction again, they were coming down into the other valley. Where their friends lived, the small columns of
smoke visable in the stark crisp air. Logan stopped a way away and turned back to judge her reaction, her warm smile had him beaming at her in moments. Her words giving him even more energy than he thought he had, "You know something, I love you Logan, for doing things like this for me. I love you, c'mere."

He dropped the leather ties and let her touch and kiss him, her face flushed with heat as he pulled away, his own eyes glittering with passion held in check. "I'll show you my apprecaition when we get home." He had
enough confirmation of this good idea and he pulled them both the rest of the way. The shouts of the kids telling Marie they'd been expected. The colours of their clothing standing stark against the white of the world, making her smile as the words they were shouting reached them. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Hank had the food ready, Pete gave them a warm drink as soon as they entered the large house, Anne was playing with the kids who were throwing off coats and running to help Hank with the dinner. Only Jubilee was quiet,sat in a chair watching the fire, Marie looked over to Logan and he just nodded at her and left her to talk and play and help out. He went over to Jubilee and sat next to her,
noticing how she flinched back from him, giving him more room. Her face was pinched and bitter, the smile that had once filled her was gone. Even her clothes were muted, no sign of yellow on her, muddy browns and greys, taking his life in his hands he reached out behind her. Pulled her into his shoulder and just took a drink, her body was rigid trembling with the effort to stay still. Getting no
negative reaction from his touch he just pulled her closer so his arm was wrapped over her own. Her quiet shudders told him what he didn't need to see,his nose told him what was happening, salt hot and wet.

Her shoulders finally relaxing as she slid into the solid warmth that was next to her; letting herself finally feel what was eating her up inside. Knowing that the one person who was with her wouldn't let her fall, wouldn't let her go easily. He'd left everything behind for Marie, a life, friends, a home and she was herself again.
He was there and he hadn't changed even though the world around them had,Marie came over a little while later. Putting herself on the other side of her, resting her head on her arm, touching her skin gently. Her words settling gently on her shattered self and knowing it was the truth.

"It gets better Jubes, it does. You just have to
want to, you're not what you had to do Jubes, what you did was survival. You kept them alive, now it's your turn, let them help you, let us help you. Your staying here Jube's, there's nothing over the next hill but more pain and more running. Thing is you'll never out run it, it's in here." She tapped her friends chest seeing her
shadowed eyes meet her own, "We won't let you fall Jubes, you're home now." That broke the wall and Jube's finally let herself grieve for everything she'd lost, wrapped up in Marie's arms she let the world fall away knowing that Logan was there to catch them both. His solid weight holding them together, a stability that they all needed,
someone who wouldn't put an ideal above common sense.

Seeing the two of them in his arms, he looked over to Hank who was silently crying. The relief in his features overwhelming as he saw Jubilee letting go, knowing it was okay for them to be here, to settle here. They had a hard road ahead but they'd had a great start; things would only improve from now on. Hank began dishing up food to the kids around him, every single one happy and smiling, the looks on their faces enough for Logan. He might not have been there when the mansion went south but he was here to help pick up what was left. They'd cope.

Looking back at the women in his arms he watched as Jubilee released Marie, her eye red and tired. Moving into his grip she rested her head on him as Marie stroked her short hair, her whisper only for him. "Thank you, thank you for being here." His answer loud enough
for Marie to hear.
"Your welcome kid, you're family." Feeling her hold on him increase he just let the world get on with itself, he had important things to talk about and do. Most of which were in this room.
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