Author's Chapter Notes:
Please give me feedback! Thanks to irishekl for fb.
Waking up in the heat Scott rolled over and knew that he would not sleep again tonight, it had been the same every night of the heatwave and it was set to last for at least another week. Looking across the room to the closed window he wondered if it was any cooler outside. Climbing out of bed in the hopes that a cool shower would do him some good Scott passed the window before doubling back to open it to cool his room. Pulling back the curtain to allow more air flow Scott paused when he saw movement on the grounds outside. Wondering who it was that was out so late and suspecting a stray student Scott watched as the figure moved towards the pool. Watching for another moment Scott moved closer to the window trying to recognise the figure. Seeing it was a woman it was only a moment before the moonlight reflected off the white streaked hair and Scott smiled in recognition. Making a quick decision Scott decided that a midnight trip to the pool to cool off was a good idea and that there were definitely worse excuses to be alone with Rogue. Grabbing his towel and throwing on his boardies he slipped out of the room and headed for the back door.

Walking quickly across the grounds to catch up with Rogue, Scott suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw her throw her top to the ground beside the pool, then her pants join them. Standing only meters away and hidden by the darkness, Scott had the perfect view of Rogue. Standing beside the pool clad in only a dark green bikini with so much soft pale skin revealed Scott could only gape at the vision before him. Letting his eyes wander over her curves and the soft, full roundness that the dark bikini emphasized and barely contained Scott’s body was quick to respond. Caught up in watching Rogue he moved forward as she stepped closer to the pool, the moonlight reflecting off the waters surface to make Rogue’s pale skin seem to glow for a moment before she dove into the water.
Deciding that from Rogue’s vantage point his position would be revealed when she resurfaced, Scott moved forward and dropped his towel next to the pile of things Rogue had dropped. Waiting for Rogue to resurface, Scott smiled and moved to the edge of the pool, sitting with his legs in the water. Watching Rogue turn suddenly, startled by the sound Scott held up his hands in surrender. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.’

Rogue blushed and nodded, ‘didn’t hear you.’ Scott smiled and made his best fearless leader pose and put on a TV voiceover voice, ‘Yet again the leader has demonstrated the practiced art of stealth under pressure.’ Giggling, Rogue splashed him and quickly swam out of reach as he splashed back at her and slipped into the pool to chase her so that she got payback for laughing at him. Quickly cornering her, Scott grinned, ‘what are you going to do now, huh?’ Rogue grinned back and splashed him in the face before diving under the water and slipping between Scott’s legs for a quick escape. By the time Scott wiped his goggles off enough to see Rogue was laughing on the other side of the pool. Swimming quickly after her they circled each other for a while before Rogue was cornered again. This time Scott was prepared and Rogue had nowhere to go and screamed and laughed when she was rained with splashes.

Holding her hands up in surrender, Rogue laughed with Scott and wiped the water off her face and her hair out of her eyes. When she was done she looked up at Scott who had an odd look on his face but it passed into a smile and then he grinned, ‘I cant remember the last time I had this much fun.’ Rogue smiled and then grinned when she realised the same thing, she was so happy to be truly happy. Scott moved even closer to were Rogue was still in the corner of the pool and that snapped Rogue back to reality, ‘Scott, don’t get too close to me. Ahm not covered.’ Rogue tried to back up but was pressed into the corner as Scott moved within centimetres of her. Scott’s face became serious and he moved closer, ‘I’m not afraid of you Rogue.’ Now only centimetres away from her Scott raised his hand to her face and using her wet hair as a barrier lifted her chin so that she was looking eye to eye with him, ‘I thought I’d made that obvious.’

Looking up into Scott’s eyes Rogue knew that he was telling the truth and that he had never feared her like the others did. Gazing into Scott’s eyes Rogue suddenly realised that she could see them. Blinking and glancing away for a moment to clear her head Rogue looked up at Scott who’s only movement had been a questioning tilt of the head. Smiling, but still nervous having him so near her bare skin Rogue stuttered over her words, ‘I can… your umm I can see your eyes.’ Now it was Scott’s turn to smile again and he reached up to touch his goggles, ‘ Yeh, the darkness. The reflecting particles aren’t so strong against the wavelength this level of light travels on. I’m not really around people in this light though so people don’t… see, I guess.’ they shared a smile that lingered as Rogue gazed into Scott’s eyes again until a car pulled up the drive and the lights blinded them both. Glancing at the mansion Rogue looked down, ‘ I guess I better head back up, the professor wants to see me early tomorrow.’ Scott tilted his head again and tried to catch Rogue’s eye but then nodded and moved away giving her room to slip out of the pool. When Rogue turned around again, Scott had turned his back and wasn’t looking at her. Wondering at the events of the night Rogue reached for her towel and dried herself off before towelling her hair off too. Glancing up at the sound of Scott exiting the water too Rogue wrapped the towel around her and used the corner to squeeze the more of the water out of her hair. Watching Scott walk towards her and grab his own towel Rogue took a moment to admire his toned body and the way his wet shorts clung to him before turning away and taking off her towel to dry her hair more toughly. Suddenly feeling a slight breeze Rogue looked down and gasped. Dropping her towel and pulling her bikini back into place Rogue glanced up to see if Scott had seen her. He was staring at her expectantly, ‘what?’ Blushing but grateful that he hadn’t seen her topless again Rogue turned slightly while holding the front of her bikini and the back tie cord swung by her side. Staring at Rogue for another moment before understanding dawned Scott couldn’t help but grin, ‘Need a hand?’ Rogue raised an eyebrow in a familiar gesture and Scott still grinning dropped his towel and moved forward, ‘here, let me do it up for you.’ Rogue jumped and stepped away when Scott stepped closer and reached for her. ‘Frowning quietly Scott stepped in front of Rogue and reached out to touch her hair, catching her eye he ran his hand through her hair, ‘I thought we were over this!?’ Rogue looked away from him, ‘just because your not afraid doesn’t mean I cant hurt you.’ Sighing Scott wished that he could hold the sad woman in front of him, instead he placed a hand on each cheek with her hair as protection and lifted her eyes to his again. Staring into eyes that showed years beyond her outward appearance he promised Rogue that he would be careful and asked for her trust. Waiting until she nodded he moved behind her and tied her bathers carefully. Moving back in front of her again, so close to her soft curves and warm body heat Scott couldn’t help but reach out to touch her. Stopping just short of touching her bare cheek Scott stepped up to Rogue never breaking eye contact and bent his neck, their lips only millimetres apart, so close that he could feel her short sharp breaths on his lips. Seeing desire mixed with fear in her eyes Scott breathed in the intoxicating scent of Rogue and loosing himself in it closed the space between them.

Feeling Scott so close so warm and real, seeing his desire for her and letting her desire for him show Rogue desperately wanted him to touch her. But her fear of her skin kept her from closing the gap between them. Reminding herself to breathe she could almost taste his lips and he smelt so good! Then he moved, his lips pressing to hers, softly and so sweetly. When he felt no pull only a slight tingle that could have been the water drying on him he deepened the kiss his hands on Rogue’s face pulling her closer, their bodies pressed together as the kiss became passionate and demanding. Rogue responded letting her desire fill her and flow into the kiss, demanding more as their kisses grew in urgency until they separated, gasping for air. Still holding Rogue’s face Scott rested his forehead against Rogue’s and they stared at each other, surprise and desire mingled in both gazes. Pulling back slightly but not releasing Rogue, Scott stared at her and let his fingers slide across her lips and then into her hair to pull her into another passionate kiss. When they separated Scott rested his forehead against hers again. ‘Rogue, I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wanted to be with you but I didn’t know how to start, or how you felt. Please tell me you want this too?’ Grinning happily Rogue quickly closed the gap between them again, her lips giving all the answer needed.

After spending another hour together by the pool just talking and touching Rogue was getting cold so she pulled on her shirt and grabbed the rest of her stuff so that they could head back inside for the rest of the night. Scott was so happy that Rogue wanted to be with him too, but knew that they still had a lot to discuss and sort out before anything else happened. For now he was just happy to have Rouge and be able to kiss her and hold her. As they wandered back to the mansion the lights started to light up signalling that the X team had returned on time. Slipping inside unnoticed Scott walked Rogue to her room and pulled her close, the fact that she was half dressed not detracting from the heat of the kiss. Pulling back Scott swayed on the spot and reached out to lean against the wall. Rogue gasped as she saw his reaction and felt a rush and the world took on a pink tinge. Wanting to reach out to Scott but unable to without her gloves she stepped back in horror, she had thought that it was over, she could finally touch and now she had hurt someone again! Scott looked up at her, his gaze dazed. ‘I’m OK, just a little dizzy. Don’t worry, I’m sure its nothing.’ Seeing that Scott was able to look after himself Rogue turned and fled into her room locking the door behind her before crumpling to the ground, sob’s wracking her body. Scott knocked on the door but when Rogue refused to answer he recognised that he wouldn’t be able to stand for much longer and called out to her the best that he could that he was OK before making his way back to his room and barely reaching his bed before passing out.
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