“Professor Xavier has a summer house not too far from here. I can stay with Rogue and the baby until we figure out what to do next,” Scott promised. “I’m not leaving them. Besides, you’re better with this figuring out –business, and…” Logan started. “Aren’t you forgetting something? Me and Rogue, we’re perfectly okay with her mutation. For you… For all we know, you could die if you’re exposed to the baby’s mutation much longer! I’ll stay with Rogue, you’ll contact Professor Xavier and we’ll figure out what to do next,” Scott interrupted sharply. Logan had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that the younger man had a point. “But I’m coming with you to that cabin and check it out before we do anything else. Knowing Professor, there will be the state of the art security systems, but they’re wired wrong…” He grunted. Scott huffed. “Fine. But as soon as you have done with your little check-up, you’re going to get the fuck away from the baby,” he said.

Logan turned on his seat and reached over the backrest to tickle the baby’s feet. Marie glared at him openly from her seat and turned to look at the passing scenery. “There’s a supermarket little further down the road. We’ll stop there and stock up some supplies,” Scott said. Logan tuned out his voice as he went on about anything and everything they’d need, and turned his whole attention to the baby that was now in turn smirking and in turn chewing her fist. It was hard to admit that something so small and innocent could be his downfall. It was even harder to imagine that he should abandon her.

“Is it a good idea to touch her?” Scott’s question pierced the silence suddenly. “She’s a baby, Summers. Not a monster,” Logan grunted, but let go of the baby and turned back on his seat. “I know. I’m just worried. It’s not every day I see you fall on your knees in a battle,” Scott said. “I guess you’re right. I should keep my distance…”

After stocking up on diapers, baby formula and other necessities along with food for Scott and Rogue they drove to Xavier’s cabin. Logan wasn’t sure of what he had expected, but when the car pulled to a stop in front of a small, one story log cabin he smirked. The building looked nothing like he would have imagined. He couldn’t for the dear life of him see Professor Xavier sitting on the front porch and just enjoying the sun and silence. Lavish mansion was more his style.

“Professor used to come here often when he was younger. There’s a small lake not too far from here, and Professor often speaks how he used to go fishing with Eric,” Scott said, as if reading Logan’s thoughts. “That was, of course before WC.” “WC?” Logan asked, grabbing few of the bags from the trunk of the SUV. “Before he got in to the wheelchair,” Scott said.

Their belongings unpacked there was no much to do. Scott helped Logan to check their surroundings, and when nothing alarming came up, it was time for Logan to leave. “I’ll make sure that somebody brings you a car. And I contact Xavier for the first thing. Maybe he can figure out what to do next,” Logan said, one foot already in the SUV and one hand braced on the roof of it. “The most logical step would be…” Scott started. “The most logical thing to do would be to look for the mother of the baby. There has to be somebody. It’s not like she popped to existence out of a thin air,” Rogue interrupted him. Both men exchanged glances, then turned to look at the girl. “Kid… Whoever it was that left the baby in to that dive… That person probably had a good reason to do so. It’s quite safe to assume that the mother doesn’t want to have anything to do with her, or is dead,” Logan then said, silently wondering which of the reasons was more likely true. In this world there were no guarantees of either of them. “Of course we have to assume that the mother is alive and looking for the baby. But right now there’s no safe way to tell anybody about her. Too many people would love to get their hands on to a perfect weapon like her,” Scott said when Rogue looked none too pleased over Logan’s response. “A weapon? She’s just a baby!” Rogue huffed, clutching the girl on her arms closer to her. Scott turned to look at Logan who shrugged his shoulders. “Good luck explaining her that,” the older man grunted, stepped in to the car and drove off.

Curiously enough he felt the dizziness he had learned to accompany to the return of his mutation only after he left the Xavier’s property far behind. He assumed that the baby was still getting stronger. It worried him greatly. If her powers kept escalating at this rate, pretty soon it wouldn’t be safe for other mutants to share a city with her. Given enough time, would it be safe to be on the same fucking continent with her? What if… He shook his head. It wasn’t healthy to dwell on those thoughts too long. He dug his cell phone from the pocket of his jeans and dialed the Professor Xavier’s number. friendly, yet determined voice of a woman told him that currently Professor Xavier was out of reach, but if he’d like to leave a message, Professor would return shortly.

“This is fucking ridiculous…” He huffed and stashed his cell phone to the glove compartment after trying to reach both Ororo and Jean. He probably would have had better luck in calling to the president. Perhaps Rogue was right. The mother of the baby would be their best option now. Finding out what happened to her couldn’t hurt. Maybe they’d get this whole deal figured out before Professor, Jean and Ororo came back home? But where to look for clues of that mystery woman?

He stopped the car in front of ornate gates that closed the driveway to Xavier’s mansion. He wouldn’t find any answers from there. He’d have to return to the motel where this whole mess started.
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