Conflict Resolution – X-men Style


“Yes Rogue?”

“Where’s Dr. Grey?”

“In the lab.”

“Can she play poker?”


“Yeah, poker. Texas Hold ‘em, Blackjack…”

“I don’t know. I don’t believe so. Why?”

“Just thought I’d ask her to play a few hands.”

“Well she’s in the lab.”

“Thank you.”

“Dr. Grey?”

“Yes Rogue?”

“Wanna play some cards?”

“I don’t…”

“I’ll make it worth your while.”

“How so?”

“You play me a few hands and the winner gets…”



“Rogue, I’m engaged in case you forgot.”

“So? Doesn’t seem to stop you.”

“So winner gets Logan and loser gets…?”

“Has to back off completely. No stepping on toes, no pushing, no manipulating, nothing. Professional relationship only.”

“What does Logan say?”

“He’s a man. What’s he gonna say?”

“Where and when?”

“Rec Room, one hour.”


“What’s going on?”

“Hey, Jubes. You back from the mall already? What happened you buy the place out?”

“Uh yeah, chica what are you doing?”

“Getting changed?”

“For what? A night on the town?”

“Nope a card game.”

“Cards? You need sheer sleeves and plunging necklines for cards? Who’re you playing Logan?”

“Need every advantage possible. And I’m playing Jean.”

“What are you playing for? A share of Prof’s bank account?”


“Logan has a bank account?”

“Don’t be dumb, Jubes. “Cuse me, I’d hate to keep Dr. Perfect waiting.”

“You look shell-shocked.”

“Kit-Kat what does Dr. Grey have to do with Logan’s bank account?”

“Nothing. Didn’t know he had one. Why you asking?”

“Rogue said she was playing cards with Dr. Grey for Logan’s bank account.”

“Why? All Rogue’s got to do is ask him for a few bucks and out comes the wallet.”

“That’s what she said.”

“Repeat what she said exactly.”

“I asked her what she was doing and she said she was playing cards with Jean for Logan.”

“For Logan?”

“That’s what she said.”

“That’s not fair! Dr. Grey can’t read her mind and she’s got at least two expert poker players upstairs. Still it’ll be fun to watch…”

“Kitty! Kitty! KATHERINE PRYDE!”


“What’s going on?”

“Rogue challenged Dr. Grey to a few hands of poker. The winner gets Logan all to herself.”

“Oooh, and Logan says…?”

“He doesn’t know. I’m waiting for Rogue to tell him.”

“That’s one conversation I can’t wait to watch.”


“’Ro have you seen Jean?”

“No, I’m sorry Hank I have not.”

“Perplexing! We were to go over the results from the latest round of tests. Where on earth could she have gotten to.”

“I heard something about a card game between her and Rogue in the Rec Room. I was just on my way to observe it, if you’d care to join me.”



“Two cards.”

“Three please.”

“I’ll see your five, raise you twenty.”

“I’ll see your twenty and I call.”


“Language Doc, language. So how many does that make?”

“Shut up and get ready to get your butt kicked. There are more chips in front of me yet.”

“Don’t get your thong in a knot. Twenty starts the pot.”

“See you and raise you ten.”


“Three please Bobby.”

“I’ll take two.”

“After this hand we should get some refreshments.”

“Cooler by your feet.”

“Don’t cheat!”

“I have no intention of cheating.”

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, Mr. Summers, we’re watching Rogue kick Dr. Grey’s butt at cards.”

“Rogue seems to be winning a great deal.”

“Naw, its not about money.”

“Shut up Kitty.”

“But Jubes…”

“Shut up.”

“What’s going on Kitty and don’t lie.”

“Uh, winner takes all. If you’d like to watch we’re supposed to be quiet.”

“I’m going to grab a drink, be back in a minute.”

“You almost told him!”

“Well duh, its not like he isn’t going to find out!”

“Try not to let your lust addled brain do the thinking from now on! Jean’ll be torturing us if he finds out and freaks.”

“Looks like Jean’s outta money.”


“Just remember the deal. Winner takes all, you back out, make a move on him…”

“I’ll keep my part of the deal, Rogue. At least until I figure out how you cheated!”



“Whatta want Jean?”

“To talk is all.”

“Some reason you got Rogue glaring daggers at you?”

“Who knows.”

“You’re a bad liar.”

“Okay, so I know. Just remember it was her idea!”

“What was her idea?”

“A deals a deal Dr. Grey and you’re infringing on my…”

“I’m going, I’m going. You’d think you’d invented the rules system.”

“What’s she babbling about? Hey! Watch it, you almost spilt the beer.”

“I got tired of her flirting with you every other minute and challenged her.”

“To what?”

“A few hands of poker.”

“What’s that got to do with me?”

“Winner got you. And I won. See you tonight.”

“Rogue wait! What are you…?”

“I’ve gotta move my things.”

“Where? Rogue what the hell…?”

“I’m moving into our room. Winner takes all right, and I won fair and square!”


“What are you hollering about now Logan?”

“Shut up Scooter. I’ve got a kid to corner.”

“Give it up. You’ll never figure it out. They won’t let us.”

“You know what they were playing for? Huh? You know exactly what your wife was playing poker with a twenty year old for?”

“No. But it couldn’t have been that big a deal. I haven’t heard…”

“Well as soon as I get a clear answer outta Rogue I’ll fill you in. Seems to me that if I’m supposed to be the prize, they coulda asked me first!”



“Scott you look horrible.”

“Remind me again Hank, why you think I’m not going insane?”

“Uh, cause you’ve got…”

“I need to go lay down. Or take a very long vacation. Or something. The women around here are playing hands of poker over us men! Where’s the fairness in that?”

“Scott really, I think you’re over…”

“I need a stiff drink. I’ll be in my room if you need me. Don’t call me unless the house is on fire or the army’s attacking…here’s the keys to my bike…keep the army away and the fire extinguisher handy!”

“But I don’t want your bike.”

“Objects, they’ve reduced us to objects…”
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