Story Notes:
Based on comicverse origins of Wolverine, which I have twisted and corrupted for my use.
Author's Chapter Notes:
First chapter is pretty short. I'm sorry I'm starting something like this. If you happen to see me on the streets feel free to beat me for multiple WIPs.
(Just keep in mind I love you :~o( )
"So, how is she, doctor?" James Howlett asked reluctantly as the elderly, grey-haired man came out of the room, still fidgeting with his briefcase and shaking his head.

The doctor took a deep breath. He regarded the younger man with reluctant, sad eyes. "I'm sorry, James, but I really must insist again on an institution."

The muscles along the side of James’ jaw clenched. "No,” he growled quietly. "How will she get better surrounded by strangers telling her she's crazy? She needs to be with her family. She needs love. She needs me, damn it."

"But James," the doctor came forward and placed a warm, heavy hand on his shoulder. "Isn't having to take care of her and the boy at the same time too tiring? How can you possibly give them both the kind of care they need?"

"The staff helps me," he immediately supplied. "And junior is going to get better. He's going to grow out of it. He's strong inside; I can tell."

"Yes, yes he probably will," the doctor relented with a nod. "But -she- will not."

"-She- is my wife. I will not give up on her," he snarled as he threw the doctor's hand away from him.

"Very well, I'll---"

He was cut off by a soft, witless voice calling "James" from the other room. James instantly nodded his goodbye to the doctor and followed the summons. Inside the opulent bedroom was bathed only in flickered candle light, even though the sun shone brightly outside.

"I'm here, my love," James walked towards the woman sitting on the bed, drowning in covers. She had deep, dark brown hair, brushed perfectly back, out of her face. Her face was soft and pleasant, except for the paleness and grey tint of her skin.

"James," she repeated again in a whisper with a fleeting smile.
As soon as he was close enough to reach her, he stroked her cheek gently, starring into his favorite deep mahogany eyes, even though now they were slightly redden and glazed over. He returned her smile with a kind, slightly forced one before he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"No more strangers today, love," she told him.

He bit his lip and nodded and kissed her again. He stopped reminding her that she'd seen Dr. Lewbert for years a long time ago. "I promise."

"Do you have time to sit with me a bit?" She asked unassumingly, in a near childish manner.
"Always," he assured her and eased himself down on to the bed beside her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his chest. She went willingly and sighed contently as she snuggled up against him.

"James," she cooed again. "Where are the boys?"

He flinched but quickly corrected himself and ran his hand up and down her arm, more to sooth himself than her.

“Junior is in his room and John--" he swallowed, steadying himself against the familiar pain that never eased.

"John isn't here," he finally answered her.

She remained very still against him and he sighed as he continued to caress her, running his hand into her hair. After a minute she spoke again.

"He's..." her voice was shaking, laced with confusion. "He's not here."

"Shhh," he whispered into her ear as he immediately tried to sooth her, not wanting her to have another episode. He pulled her tighter against him, all but desperately clinging to her.

"I'm here, Elizabeth. I'm here."
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