Logan frowned as he saw the pale envelope with his name on it in Jean’s hands. “What’s this?”

“Came for you.” Jean snapped before stalking off.

Shaking his head, Logan barely spared her a glance as he headed for a quiet place to read his mail. It didn’t take long for him to make his way to the roof and settle on the bench that Rogue and he had set up after a night spent on the cold bathroom floor because of their shared nightmares.

He ripped the envelope open and pulled out a simple, plain white piece of paper. Unfolding it he reached for a cigar and clamped it between his teeth as his eyes settled on the blue ink scrawled across the page.


Yeah, you’re thinking’ this is my handwritin’ but I didn’t write this. Ya did to and I can prove that you did. Under your bed, in the shadows at the head of the bed is a small metal box that no one but you knows about. Inside that box are two things. One is a set of keys with a name tag attached to them, the other is a ring set.

Now, you’re probably askin’ how the fuck does this prick know this…I know because I put ‘em there dickwad. So shut up and listen. You love the kid, have since you saw her in that dive in Alberta but you’re scared. Let me tell ya something. Fear’ll get you a lonely bed and a lot of heartache.

I’ve watched over her for so long that I’ve forgotten more about her than you’ll ever know. Still, I’m tired. Tired of your being a coward, of you chasing after Red…trust me here, catchin’ her ain’t worth it. She’s a sour lay on a good day, and the cost of it’ll be too high. Because of the need to fuck Red, you’re gonna lose Marie, she’s gonna do that whole eye for an eye thing and fuck Scooter.

Trust me here, the easiest way to settle the whole thing is to stop chasin’ Jeannie and focus instead on making Marie happy. You got all you need to do it. All ya got to do is have faith in Marie. She’ll show you the way.

I ain’t saying that things don’t work out, they do. We get a chance to be with her for a while but I gotta admit, greed is a motivator here. I had nine years with that woman, nine years of love, of faith, and forgiveness, but it ain’t enough. I ain’t gonna lose her cause of Jeannie and Scooter and us making bad choices.

Take Marie and run, bub. Put her in that old truck of yours and go, don’t look back, don’t wait for her to grow up, or wait for the X-geeks to accept your relationship. It won’t happen…they never did figure out that Marie and us, we’re supposed to be together. Don’t waste another moment; don’t take the time to question everything. Put your heart in her hands and your faith in her heart and never look back. – L
P.S. When the time comes don’t let her go with Jeannie to Kentucky – she don’t come back outside of a box.

Logan stared at the page for a moment before rising to his feet and moving to stare out over the grounds. Inhaling he caught the faint smell of perfume, the scent of vanilla, and roses, and the distinct smell of Rogue.

Catching sight of her he smiled, could he do it? Could he believe in himself enough to trust that she’d carry him through? More importantly could he trust himself enough to carry her through life?

“I’ll take care of you.”

“You promise?” Soft, fearful the voice sounded so young, so delicate, but underneath there was a strength there he hadn’t seen in too many people.

“Yeah. Yeah, I promise.”
The promise rang in his ears and he crammed the letter into his pocket before turning and headed downstairs. He’d trust himself – because nothing was worse than knowing that he could lose the one thing in his life he needed beyond all else.
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