Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay sorry this was so long in coming, hope i've taken all the advice that was sent my way and used it still trying so please bare with me.
Marie sat riding behind Logan for what felt like forever, but in reality it was only a matter of hours. Already they had crossed into Canada, and were now making there way further north when Logan cute the speed down to a normal pace.

In the back of Marie’s mind there was a steady pressure making its way to the front of here mind. Rogue was trying desperately to gain control here. It had become harder to keep her at bay the more they travel into Canada. It’s almost as if Rogue knew exactly were they where. Hell she probably could if her Rogue was anything like Logan’s Wolverine.

Marie briefly wondered if this was how Logan felt everyday. If he too had to be constantly on guard. Shaking her head, knowing that was a stupid question.

“You okay back there Marie” Logan asked as he slowed the bike even more to make a turn.

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just hurry up. Don’t think I can keep her back for much longer suga’” Marie said.

“know what you mean darlin’” Logan muttered.” wolverine been trying to give me a mirgrain since we crossed the border”

Marie smiled against Logan’s back. Huggin’ her arms even tighter around his waist.
Suddenly there was a sharp pain and then shaking her head she smiled to herself.

Finally Rogue thought. Now for some fun.
Moving the arms that she held around Logan, She began to feel along his stomach and slowly let her hands travel south. Grinning ear to ear she worked her hands all over. Touching everywhere that she knew would drive him crazy.
Rogue then moved her face so that she could nip at his neck and shoulders. Biting ever so slightly. Licking his ears, and sucking on them. Bouncing between the two.

By this point Logan was doing all he could to keep them both up on the bike. Wolverine was in the back of his mind screaming to let him out. This was his mate calling to him. Begging for him and only him.

Logan made another turn, then another and slowly began to go up a gravel drive. Trying to make it there with them both in one piece so to speak, took everything he had. And then some.

As he made to stop in front of a cabin, he cut the engine and pulled Rogues hand away slowly. He managed to remove himself from the bike and turned to face her.

There, sitting as pretty as day was Rogue. Smiling ever so slightly. “Come out, come out, where ever you are” Rogue chanted to him. Her brown eyes had changed he notice. There were sparkles of green running through them now. Sure sign that Rogue was in control.

“Since your still here, answer me a question Logan. Where the hell are we?” Rogue asked.

Grinning he turned to look back at the cabin they were sitting in front of. “I won this years ago in a cage fight. Only been here a couple of time but I figured it was perfect for both wolverine and you and me and Marie whenever we need to get away.”

“Oh, why have you never mentioned this before?” ask Rogue as she slowly got off the bike and began to walk around. Taking in her surrounding. Scanning everywhere. Looking for anything that she should be wary of.

“Never got around to it. Never needed to take you and run before.” Logan replied.
He closed his eyes, wolverine was fighting harder now.

“Let’s get our stuff inside and then, then…”
Logan fell to he’s knee’s and clutched his head. “Damn it, can’t you wait another 2 minutes”

Laughing, “I don’t think he wants to wait. And to tell ya the truth I can’t either” Rogue said as she backed away. Still grinning. “Come on wolvie, come and get me” Rogue said as she kept walking backwards until she reached the forest edge.

Suddenly looking up, a load rumble made it’s way out of Logan’s body , but when she glanced at his eye’s, she saw only one thing there. Her Mate. She turned and ran into the woods.

With a roar that echoed around them both he shot to his feet, running and sniffing the air to catch her scent.

“Come out come out, I know you here” he mumbled, repeating her earlier taunt.

“Now where is the fun in that?” she asked from somewhere above him.

“NOW!” he growled. He wanted her and he wanted her now.

“Since when do I follow commands.” She whispered, “You want me then come get me”

“Rogue, I don’t like games”

“Who’s playing Wolvie?” she asked back.

“DOWN HERE NOW ROGUE!” He growled.

“Well that was fun for all but a minute or two” she said softly before she let herself float back to the ground.

“The fun hasn’t begun yet” he growled as he slowly stalked closer to her.

End of chapter 2
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