
And if it isn’t the mother of all poor and used up twists in the plot… We got off from the planet, hitched a ride in a last ship with somewhat working engines and a crew that consists mostly of other runaways and shady characters.

“Wait here. I’ll go and have a chat with our captain.”

We got ourselves a cabin of sorts. Isolated from the rest of the crew, hidden at the back corner of the cargo bay. A small hangar usually reserved for powerloaders. The whole 500 and plus years we first spent frozen and then in a mental institute our credits kept piling up, and now we basically own this ship. Basically. Captain is still the captain, and she handles the ship and the crew.


“She doesn’t know where to go yet. We’re staying on the orbit for now, until we know better.”

That sounds like a plan. At least we’re not shooting off in to space blindly, like most of the ships did.

“Though I’m not sure of how wise that decision is. She could have at least moved this heap of junk to circle the Moon instead. Harder to spot from there.”

Harder to spot? What the hell is he talking about? Those creatures aren’t going to bother with outer space, all they’re interested are the people down below. The ones they can reach and grab to plant embryos.

“It’s not going to take long from those people still left down there to realize that there still are ships left up here. It’s not going to take long from them to figure out how to use those defensive cannons to shoot few of us down. With this kind of ship it doesn’t take a direct hit, the shot might miss us altogether, but it could still disrupt systems and force us to land for repairs.”

And this small ship would be swarming. Swarming with people at first. Those creatures would follow soon.

“Margo… The captain, she’s working with the echo officer. They’re trying to contact other ships, the ones that left already. They’re trying to figure out where everybody went, and if… If they all went to same direction, perhaps we could follow.”


Hour 4800. Counter left from 0000 hours when we left the atmosphere behind. We’re still on the orbit, just sitting here and waiting. There’s still no confirmed contact. All channels are jumbled, nothing is getting through, and now they’re starting to suspect that somebody is messing the frequencies intentionally.

“Has to be somebody from the ship. Nothing except those laser cannons can reach us from the Earth’s surface. We haven’t told to anybody yet. It’s you, me, captain and echo who know about this now.”

Captain. Vasquez look-alike. Echo. Modeled after Hicks. It has been eleven years and few days, plus few measly hours since I last slept with him. He really knew what to do. What buttons to push to make me reach the point where I was nothing and nobody, just feeling good and sated.

I wonder if that was a herited trait, something passed along in his genes.

I wonder if Echo could do the same for me.

As the last traces of the sedatives are leaving my system, I’m beginning to notice these things. My body has been missing a human contact for far too long.

“Okay… And that’s our cue. Come on, kid. We better leave and let captain and echo to do their job…”

We’re leaving? Now? Just as it was getting more interesting, I think Echo was starting to notice my presence, and…


“You’re not getting involved with these fucking clones anymore, kiddo. They’re all too fragile.”


“I know. You’re grown up and yadda-yadda and all that shit. It fucking doesn’t matter. Each and every one of these fucks around us is expendable. They’re artificial, designed to be used and then discarded. You wouldn’t even think about fucking with that powerloader, right?”

No, but that’s not…

“Shit… I’m sorry, kid. I really am. But I just want to make sure that you don’t get hurt anymore.”
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