“Ororo. Good to see you.”
“I wish I could say the same. If you came for her…”
“I came to get some rest. And bring Anna back. I’ll be out of your hair in no time, don’t worry.”
“Fine. As long as you understand that we can’t let you see Marie…”
“And why the fuck would I even want to see her? She went fucking nuts and tried to kill me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s over. Just take care that she can’t come after me again and everything’s okay.”
“What about… You’re still married to her.”
“Yeah? So? I’m married to a freak that you’ll be keeping locked up for the rest of her life. Hasn’t been a hindrance before. Won’t be now.”
“Fine. But if we find you snooping around anywhere near her room…”
“You won’t. Honestly. I rest for few days. After that… You won’t be hearing from me anymore.”

Ororo’s not stupid. Neither is Jean. Have to stay out of their way. And Anna… Fucking shit. I knew I forgot something. Anna. She doesn’t know how to shield her mind from Jean. She’s walking around carrying a fucking neon sign on her forehead. ‘Spy’, blinking on and off, bright red light, and as soon as Jean spots her… Fuck. Where did she go? Where the hell did you go, Anna?

“Not now, Jean.”
“Walk with me. I need to discuss with you.”
“I don’t have time for…”
“You could have come to me and asked instead of sending Anna to do your dirty work.”
“Logan, please. Neither of us is stupid. And Anna is scared out of her wits. What the hell were you thinking when you sent her…”
“I know Ororo would wish you to have this information, but she can’t ask me to hand it over to you.”
“Hush, now. I will give you this envelope. There’s everything you need to know. But I’m asking something from you in return.”
“I don’t want to see you ever again when it’s over.”
“We have a deal. Just… Take care of Anna and Marie for me, okay?”
“You don’t have to ask. They’re family. They will be taken care of.”
“I… I need to look though this stuff. Make some plans. I…”
“You still have your room. But as soon as you’re ready…”
“I’ll go. I promise. And Jean… Thanks. Thanks for everything.”

I have to open that envelope eventually. There’s no way around it. But do I really want to know? It’s thick. It’s not as much an envelope as it is a folder. It’s from Jean’s desk at the infirmary. One corner is little frayed, and there’s X-rays peeking through the torn seam. X-rays. What the fuck do I need those for? I need names. Faces. A decent target. Fuck. I need a beer. In fact, several of them wouldn’t hurt right now… Who’s that at the door? I thought everybody was asleep already… I fucking know that scent. This is not good. Not good at all.

“Marie? How the hell did you get out?”
“Got out? What the hell are you talking about? I have been at the mall with Jubes the whole day.”
“I called to Scott when we were ready and he told me you’d come and pick us up. We waited like three hours and you didn’t show up, so we had to hail a cab! Do you have any idea of how much it costs to get from the city back here?”
“Um… No?”
“Oh… Why do I even bother to ask! You probably haven’t used a cab in your life! Well, anyway… I just came to tell you that you shouldn’t start worrying even if Scott said something. Oh, and I brought you this! Enjoy.”

Six-pack of Molson’s. Where the hell did she pull that out? From her ass?

“Thanks, uh… You’ll be heading to Bobby, then?”
“Why would I do that? He’s probably off somewhere, fawning over Kitty. I’d rather hang out with you. That is of course if you don’t mind…”

A girl you know and who has tried to off you with her poison skin and big-ass dildo on the previous week shows at your door and proposes a date. What do you do? What do you do, bub? Considering that the girl’s telepathic and telekinetic friend, as well as her weather-controlling friend have already warned you off from her.

“I don’t mind. The roof okay with you? It’s a nice night out there.”
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