Author's Chapter Notes:
This is sort of a retroactive shipper fic. Logan/Marie(Rogue)
I'm sixteen today, and I have got to be the first irrefutable virgin birth since Jesus.

Most people don't know that, and frankly I'm not about to tell them. You see, my parents are both mutants. You've probably seen them on the news a few times. They're X-Men and for some reason they're fighting to protect a bunch of humans, most of whom fear and hate them for something they can't help. Dad is the one they call Wolverine. Yeah, he's short, and hairy, and he looks mean, but he's really a softie. For me and Momma anyway. And Aunt Jean, but I think that's mostly to bug Uncle Scott. They call Momma Rogue and she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

The virgin birth part comes in because no one can touch Momma without having their life energy sucked out of them. Not even Dad with his mutant healing ability -- he nearly died twice touching Momma to save her life. So I'm not exactly a miracle; there are lots of kids whose parents used artificial insemination. My parents just had different reasons.

Now of course we get down to the nitty gritty. I won't be joining the other kids my age in the more focused classes. The classes that focus on how to control and use their particular mutant powers.

Because I'm not a mutant.

My entire life I've just sort of expected for a power or special ability to show up. I'm not just a late bloomer -- I made Aunt Jean run the DNA test six times looking for the X-factor gene that causes mutation. I'm not even a carrier for it.

I'm human and I feel like a freak. My friends don't get it. Every one I know is a mutant. From Papa Charlie down to my little brother Arron, and Arron is only six but he already has Dad's healing ablity.

I guess this is how everyone else here felt before they came to the School.

But don't even think that the fact that I'm human is going to keep me from being an X-Man when I grow up. Uncle Scott was not happy when I said that. Okay, so I yelled it, but he shouldn't have suggested that I transfer to another private school. One with kids like me.

Oh, but the look on his face when those claws came popping out of my gloves. That was priceless. Dad's adamanium claws gave me the idea. Three eight-inch steel claws set up switchblade style and mounted on gauntlets on each forearm with a trigger set at the wrists so I don't pop them out on accident when I make a fist.

The kid they call Forge helped me make them. He had one of the coolest mutant ablities I've ever seen. Jean called him an "intuitive engineer." He can make anything out of junk and take anything apart. Now he's gone and drawn up plans for a suit of body armor with me and my self-destructive tendencies in mind. I heard him mumbling something about it being along the lines of Iron Man's armor but less bulky.

Scott wanted to forbid him from building it, but Papa Charlie said it was an acceptible use of Forge's talents. I think he just understands that I can't stand by and watch the people I love go off and get hurt. Not without trying to do something to help them.

But sometimes I'm scared. Then I look over at my parents. They managed to get past all the fear they had to have had; between Dad's swiss-cheesed brain and Momma's mutation, there was a lot to be afriad of.

I think I'll be all right about turning out to be human. After all, I can kick eighty percent of the asses in this school without a mutant power.

Yeah. I'm going to be all right, because I'm Jessie Logan. But everyone calls me Wild One, and someday I'm going to be one of the X-Men.

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