**Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse**

“You fucking idiot!” She huffed.
“I haul your ass from harm’s way and that’s what I get in return?” He grunted, trying to shift to a more comfortable position. Decided not to move when he started sliding lower and grimaced. Something was pressing his left lung and he felt like coughing. Probably not a good idea.
“Nobody asked you to do that! You fucking arrogant, prick, I could… I could…”
“Oh, come on! Let me give you a hint: Crying kind of takes the point from all that shouting and cursing… Shit… You wouldn’t mind going to see what’s taking Scott… So fucking long? I can’t hang out in here all day… I have a life…”
“Are you sure?”
“Fucking go already! … I’ll be waiting when you get back, won’t go anywhere, that’s a promise…”

It was a close call. As soon as the echoes of her footsteps disappeared something gave up, and he slid all the way down, thick and sharp steel rods skewering him. He had the time to feel a small jolt when one of them pierced his heart, then darkness fell.

**You're gonna be a giant mess**

The compound had been abandoned ages ago. He had stumbled upon it accidentally, then decided that it would make an ideal training camp for the secondary team who were already getting too skilled and restless for the danger room. Professor had offered the funding, and he had equipped the place himself, taking care that the kids would get a decent challenge though nothing lethal was implemented.

He hadn’t counted the building itself being the most lethal weapon on site. It had seemed and felt sturdy enough, three floors of solid concrete, everything steel-reinforced. He had been running with Marie across the third floor when he had heard creaking sound. He had grabbed the girl and tossed her towards the elevator just in time before the floor under him gave up and he fell, to the second floor first, then that gave up as well and straight through he went until the first floor and sharp, rusted steel structures from the two previous floors stopped his descent.

**Life's gonna suck when you grow up,
it sucks pretty bad right now

Hey, if you know the words, sing along**

He opened his eye and groaned, trying not to move. His internal organs, heart among others had healed, and shifted slightly to better accommodate the extra hardware inside of him. He could practically feel his ribs scraping and chafing against the rusted rods every time he breathed. He tried to yank his hands free, but it wasn’t working. It only made his ears ring when bones of his palms creaked against the steel.
“How’s life, Wolverine?” He heard Scott asking from somewhere above.
“It sucks pretty bad right now… Give me a hand, would you…”

**You're gonna be a giant mess
when you get back from the war**

“Jesus, Logan! You’re bleeding all over the place!”
“Well, excuse me, Scooter… I’ll mop it up as soon… As soon as healing kicks in…”
“It’s not the fucking jet I’m worried about! You need a transfusion if that doesn’t stop soon!”
“Scott? He’s going to be alright, right?” Marie. Trembly voice. Where the fuck was the Valkyrie now?
“Yes, I think… I think so.”
“I’ll be just fine… Don’t you worry, kid…”

He tried to sound assuring, but it was pretty damn hard when half of his blood volume was soaking to the carpet of the Blackbird. He managed a strangled squeak, then reached for her hand, intending to squeeze it gently. His hand flopped limply over the edge of the gurney and lay there, only twitching lightly no matter how hard he tried to lift it. For his relief Marie grabbed his palm between hers, and he was able to curl his fingers, lace them together with her more slender ones.
‘I’ll be just fine,’ he mouthed for her and closed his eyes, bracing for the lift-off.
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