Author's Chapter Notes:
**...** indicates song lyrics. Crap. I'm going to give up and stop calling my scribblings complete since Logie obviously wants more than one-shots.
**Life's gonna suck when you grow up,
when you grow up, when you grow up
Life's gonna suck when you grow up,
it sucks pretty bad right now**

He groaned and rolled on his stomach, dragging the pillow over his head in an attempt to muffle the noise coming through the wall. Then turned on his back, threw the pillow to the floor and for a moment considered slicing off his ears. Then decided it would be much more easier and less painful to go directly to the source of the disturbance and skewer that instead.

**You might have to go to war,
shoot a gun, kill a nun
You might have to go to war
when you get out of school**

It was even more awful from the close range. He growled and knocked on the door politely before kicking it open. Marie had been sitting on her bed, painting her toenails, and squeaked startled, spilling the blood red polish all over the soft comforter under her.

**Santa Claus does not exist, and there is no Easter Bunny
You'll find out when you grow up that Big Bird isn't funny**

He glared at her CD-player where it sat on her table and stalked closer to it, unsheathing claws from his right hand and plunged them trough plastic and wiring, hearing a satisfying snap when the CD that had been playing shattered to pieces as well.

“If I have to hear one more time how Life’s gonna suck when you grow up, you’re going to stop growing, kid…”
“Asshole. You’re going to buy me a new CD-player!”
“Like shit I will. Or didn’t you hear? Santa Claus doesn’t exist.”
“Fuck you! You’ll get me a new one or I’ll… I’ll…”
“You do what? Go and tell Xavier? Oh, please, professor, Logan’s being mean to me…”
“Get out!”
“I’m going. Just a piece of advice before I leave: If you’re so fucking big girl and grown up, start fucking acting like it!”

He slammed the door shut forcibly, making it rattle on hinges. Twenty-four hours. Fucking-twenty-fucking-four hours straight, and now blessed silence. She had been playing that song ever since she had gotten back from that last mission. Hell, it wasn’t like he had abandoned her. He had called to Scott from the first payphone on his way back to Xavier’s and asked him to pick her up. And it hadn’t been like she wasn’t capable of taking care of those fuckheads on her own. Shit. Had he stuck his head in there and she’d had beaten him as well while she was at it.

He hadn’t been able to sleep when that creepy song played over and over again, but it wasn’t much easier in the silence either. The scent of her nail polish clung to his sinuses, and he could still hear the annoying tune ringing inside of his head, one verse especially.

**Life's gonna suck when you grow up,
it sucks pretty bad right now**

“Yep. For that you’re right, Denis…” He grunted, then decided to raid the fridge. There should be some beer left from the last night’s barbecue.

He wandered along the silent corridors. What the fuck was it with kids today? One day they were playing with dolls, running around playing cops and robbers, and on the next day they were all grown up and knew everything there was to know about the world. Then they made a U-turn and it was back to kindergarten again.

“Would it be so fucking hard to show some respect to your elders?” He growled to no one especially, scaring the wits out of Bobby who had gotten the same idea as him and was sitting in the kitchen, ice cold bottle of beer in his hand.
“Uh… Who? Me?” Bobby asked voice trembling, and Logan could already smell the scent of ice and snow as frost started to creep over the table on top of which Bobby was resting his palm.
“Not you. Piss off, pipsqueak. I’m not fit for company right now…” He snorted and Bobby scooted off from the chair, grabbing the beer and making a beeline towards the doorway.
“Not so fast, Iceprick! Leave the bottle!”
“Do you want to keep your left or right ball, punk?”
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