Wiping at his face Hank glanced at Jean and Charles as they sat in stoic silence in front of him. From the paler on Jean’s face and the bruising he knew she’d gotten a real pounding. A thorough examination hadn’t revealed any indication of sexual activity… at least recently and he wondered about that.

Charles on the other hand was covered in small red lines from his knees to his eyebrows. A fine tremble in his frame told of horror’s no one would wish upon another and he kept rubbing his face, almost as though he were searching for something.

“I’m going to prescript rest,” Hank declared. “Both of you should take a couple of days to recuperate. I’ll ensure that the security is stepped up…”

“They can get in despite it,” Charles sighed and looked at his friend. “Even with all the security, all the care we’ve taken they still came in. Jean was lucky they didn’t kill her, the wounds will heal but the damage is done.”

“Here,” Piotr handed him a piece of paper and stepped back, “I found it in Scott’s room.”

“Where is Scott?” Jean whispered softly.

“There were several indications of sexual activity,” Piotr declared. “Used condoms and the like.”

Swallowing painfully at the thought of what Scott had endured Jean nodded and fell silent as Charles opened the page and blinked to clear his vision.

“What’s it say?” Hank asked as Charles let it fall to his lap.

“Read it yourself,” Charles replied already looking longingly at his chair.

Taking it Hank glanced around before focusing on the page, “X-Men – just so you know Frankenstein will never forget, nor forgive. The debt hasn’t been paid. Now you know we can take you anytime we want – don’t push us. F.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means we’ve got a new enemy,” Charles explained softly and glanced around. “Watch yourselves out there. The Brotherhood may be dangerous but they’ve never done something like this, they have more control.”

“And this wasn’t?” Storm demanded. “They could have killed all of us instead they just hurt you and Jean. What does that say about them?”

“That we’ll have to deal with this new threat on their terms,” Charles replied seriously.

Knowing that no one would be able to talk him out of an all out attack, everyone remained silent. There would be time enough for payback later, when everyone had healed.

“So now what?” Scott asked as he paced the confines of Kitty’s room. “You do realize they’re gonna come for you?”

“Let them,” Kitty drawled from where she’d flopped onto the bed. “I don’t fear them anymore, don’t fear the past the way they want me to.”

“Still you should have gotten something, some form of apology instead all you’ve gotten is a one way ticket to being an enemy. They’re gonna be gunning for you a lot more than they will the Brotherhood!”

“Let them,” Kitty replied softly and turned to face him, “We’ve learned a few things since then Scott. We’re not girls any longer, we grew up.”


“Jubilee found a man to love her in Tank, Rogue has Logan, and I have you. We discovered what we wanted, we found the strength to face it, and we rose above the shackles placed upon us by the army. Xavier wants a war let him have it. Every single day we train, we practice, we watch, we learn…Frankenstein is very real, and more powerful than even Xavier could ever have feared.”

“But what about you?” Scott asked softly staring at the woman before him, “What about Katharine Pryde the woman?”

Glancing down at her hands Kitty shrugged, “She’s a figment of imagination. All that’s left is a vague memory, and the ruined corpse.”

Scott stared at her in shock, stunned to realize that was exactly how she saw herself, “I don’t think so. I don’t see a ruined corpse, I see a woman. A real live woman, not the fake image so many have.”

The sharp rap on the door had both of them turning to see it open and Logan step in, “How you doing kid?”

“Okay,” Kitty smiled slightly, “How’s Rogue?”

“Sleeping,” Logan leaned against the doorjamb, “Planting all those thoughts into Xavier’s mind took a lot out of her.”

“Haven’t seen Jubes since we got back wonder how she is,” Kitty mused.

“From the sounds coming from the basement I’d say she’s doing well. Better than that, she’s back on track.”

Giggling Kitty nodded as her face flushed, “Do you think it’s over? Do you think they’ll…”

“Kid if there’s anything in this world I’ve learned it’s never let your guard down. Good or bad, the minute you do you’re setting yourself up to get your ass kicked,” Logan shrugged and glanced between them, “I’ll let you know if there’s anything we need.”

Kitty nodded before glancing at Scott then back at Logan as he pulled the door closed behind him. Swallowing Kitty faced the man standing waiting for her to respond, to pick up their discussion.

“Your eyesight hasn’t improved with freedom,” she whispered sadly.

“And your mind hasn’t changed,” Scott replied moving to face her squarely, blocking any attempt at escape she could make real or imaginary. “You don’t see what I see. And until you prove to Xavier that you’re not that girl anymore you never will.”

“We did that already!” Kitty snapped.

“No, you proved you were strong…proving you aren’t a puppet to be played is gonna take more than ambushing the mansion. Someday, somehow you’re gonna be faced with a choice Kitty, kill or save and only your heart can tell you which one it’ll be.”

Jerking away from him Kitty grabbed her coat, “I’m gonna go train. You can stay here or do whatever the hell you want. A warrior, a true warrior never stops just because of a minor victory.”

Shaking his head Scott sighed, “But it isn’t minor Kitty. You’re a lot stronger than you think.”

The faint sound of a ringing phone followed by Logan shouting out for Tank had Scott shuddering, he wasn't too sure he wanted to see how Frankenstein worked but something told him he was about to learn.
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