She lay on the bed, her whole body still tingling, muscles lax and heavy. Within week Logan would be leaving. She didn’t know exactly where, or when he would return. If he would return. She pushed the thought back as soon as it threatened to surface. She had promised to Logan and more importantly she had promised to herself that she would trust him enough to believe him when he said that he would come back.

“Ariadne thinks we’re making some progress,” she said, curling on her side, her palm landing on Logan’s chest.
“Really? That’s… That’s good to hear.”
“She had this theory that she wanted to test out with me.”
“I… I told her about earlier times. The times when the mist triggered. She thought she could create a scenario to see if she could pinpoint the exact moment when it starts working.”
“A scenario?” Logan asked, suddenly tense.
“In the training facility. All supporting structures in there are made out of adamantium. Holo devices are surrounded with it.”
“What kind of scenario?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know. She’s probably trying to scare me to trigger the mist,” she said. Logan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him.
“I don’t like it. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“No. Let me finish. I don’t like it; I don’t like the idea of you being scared. It’s my fucking duty, my responsibility to make sure that you don’t have to be scared. Remember? You’ll stick with me, talk with me…”
“And you keep me well and safe.”
“Exactly. You do what you have to do; I have no right to stop you. But I want you to know that what ever you do, you do it for yourself. You don’t have to do anything because of me, or because of the Army. Remember that.”

They lay there for a long moment, both just breathing and enjoying the closeness before she spoke again.
“I started practicing as much because of us as I started because of me. I can’t keep hiding behind your back every time something happens. I’m big enough girl to take care of myself.” Logan chuckled quietly, noise vibrating through his chest and making her cheek tingle.
“I know you’re a big girl… It’s just… I guess I’m just an old fashioned asshole, but I kind of like it when you hide behind my back. Now, I’m not bragging, but there are worse places to hide…”
“I don’t think you’re an asshole. I think you’re kind of cute when you talk like that.”
“Kind of cute?” Logan’s left eyebrow shot up.
“Cute as a cookie.”
“Cookie? You know… I have gutted men for far less…”
“Cute as a chocolate chip cookie… With big bits of chocolate I get to lick off…” She whispered, trailing his collarbone with her tongue. Logan gasped and grabbed her, rolling around so that he ended on top of her, between her thighs.
“That’s more like it. I could live with that…”
“Oh, no. Not like this… Not now…” She hissed, flipping them over again, ending straddling Logan. His eyes narrowed momentarily, then he relaxed.
“Okay… You’re the boss. Do your worse.”

She could feel his cock twitching against her already slick crevice. It would have taken only a small nudge and she could have gotten it inside of her, but she wanted to play a little. She wanted to hear him beg before she gave in. Logan’s eyes twinkled knowingly when she leaned forward to nibble his throat. It wasn’t often when he was willing to surrender, but there were times when it paid off.

Air was still thick from their combined scents, musk and sweat from their earlier lovemaking, vanilla, honey, peppermint, pine, everything she had learned to combine with Logan and herself. Logan’s breath came erratic, he was breathing with small gasps and moans when she explored his body with her hands and mouth, giving extra attention to areas she knew were the most sensitive. Hollow of his throat, his pectorals and small patch just below his navel.

He was already squirming and practically pleading for mercy when she scraped her nails lightly over his forearms.
“Oh, shit… Marie…” She licked the thin red lines her nails had left on his skin.
“You do still want me to fuck you, right?” Logan panted, grasping the sheets, his knuckles shining white as a bone. She leaned back, rolling her hips, moaning when his cock bumped against her clitoris. Incoherent murmur, something that sounded a lot like a prayer escaped from Logan’s lips accompanied by string of curses when she rode on top of him slowly, always moving fast enough not to let him slide in. She wasn’t sure of how much longer she could keep going like that, but she hadn’t heard what she wanted, what she needed to hear yet.

Suddenly Logan’s hands clamped tightly around her hips and his lips retreated to grimace. Yellow, almost golden flecks danced in his irises, mingling with the hazel when he locked his gaze to her eyes.
“For fuck’s sake, just fuck me already!”

She lifted her hips slightly and let his throbbing cock sink in. She was sure that later she would find bruises from where Logan’s fingers were attached to her thighs and hips, but right now she found it impossible to care. His cock was rubbing from all the right places, stretching her almost uncomfortably.
“Wait… Honey, wait…” Logan whispered, pulling her closer, anchoring his left hand against her lower back and flipping them over, pulling her under him.

“Enough of these games… Just let me love you…” He murmured, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face against the side of her neck.
“I may be old… I may be an asshole… But I want to hold you and take care of you as long as I can…”
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