“We should probably go and warn these settlements,” Vasquez said, tapping two dots on the screen of the radar. Logan harrumphed, but turned the truck to their general direction.
“Is it a good idea? We’ll draw those aliens in there after us,” Marie pointed out, tapping red dots that marked the vehicles following them. Logan smirked.
“That’s the best idea I have heard in ages. I’m guessing that most of the men in those settlements are armed. Our friends will get a warm welcome from them…”
“What if they don’t have weapons?” Marie asked. Logan shrugged his shoulders.
“We’ll worry about that later. But we can’t keep running forever. Eventually something is going to give and we’ll have to stop. It might be something small, solar panels need cleaning or we need to change filters. It can be something we can’t fix, and if that happens, we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere with a swarm of goddamned monsters breathing down on us.”
“Commander?” Vasquez butted in to their conversation.
“Would you shut up!” Marie huffed.
“For the umpteenth time, Bodycount! Name’s Logan! Even Wolverine will do!” Logan growled.

Vasquez stared at them for a moment. They had spoken simultaneously, and it took her couple of seconds to comprehend what they had said.
“Logan, I have a plan,” she finally said. It seemed to twist her gut to call Logan anything else but the commander, and she pronounced his name like it was the worst kind of insult she could think of.
“Let’s hear it.”
“We can’t know which settlement they’re going to take on first. Drive to the other first, drop me off there and continue to the second,” Vasquez explained. Logan frowned.
“We can’t. I can’t afford to waste time for picking you up afterwards, you know that. It’s not only those aliens I need to worry about. We need to hide from the whole fucking army.”

Vasquez shook her head.
“I’m not coming with you, commander.”
“You’re my commander, want it or not! But this time I can’t follow you. Army… It’s my home. Just leave me in to the first settlement, then drive to the second. I’ll send a message to let you know if the aliens attacked or not.”
“And after?”
“What do you mean, commander?” Vasquez asked puzzled. This time it was Marie’s turn to join in to the conversation.
“Will you be sending hunters after us?” She asked. Vasquez looked at her horrified look in her eyes.
“Hunters? No! I’ll tell them that you both died.”

Logan let out a bitter cackle. Vasquez turned to look at him questioningly.
“There’s exactly one person besides me in this truck that I trust with my life, and guess what? It isn’t you, Bodycount.”
“You think I would rat you out, commander?” Vasquez asked, anger creeping in to her voice.
“Fuck. I don’t think. I know that you’d sing out what happened after the interrogators had worked on you for few hours.”
“Interrogators? Sir… It’s not… It’s not like that anymore. All that stopped when the new army was reformed.”
“New army? You actually believe in that bullshit?” Logan asked. Vasquez looked confused.
“Just think about it. How many muties we had in our team?” Logan asked.
“I don’t know. I think at least Anderson was human. And Gordon. But what does that have to do with anything?”
“Anderson and Gordon were only humans in our team. Besides technicians and our superiors there were exactly three other non-mutants in the whole fucking base.”
“That’s… That’s impossible! And even if that’s true, I don’t see what it has to do with anything. Freaky coincidence or something, that’s all.”
“When I noticed the imbalance I checked things out. It’s the same throughout the line. Muties get sent to the front while humans sit back and enjoy the show. I can’t see why things would be much different than before ‘the peace’ between both races. People… They don’t harass us as openly as they did back then, but I bet there are things going on behind the veil. And I’d rather kill you to the spot than hand you over to them. I can’t risk Marie’s life. Hell, I won’t risk our lives. Either you tag along as long as it takes to make us all to disappear from their radar or I’ll finish you off. Which is it going to be, Bodycount?”
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