Author's Chapter Notes:
Okay, to bore you, the book mentioned in the last part is "Lost Warriors" by Rachel Lee. The hero is a Vietnam vet tormented by his past, the heroine a woman twenty years younger than he. I thought the quote fit. Normally Emote's emotions would be explained in words not ~feelings~ but I wanted the reader to see what she felt while in contact with Rogue's mind. Also when I switched to Marie and Angelica, I was speaking of their `human' aspects, or rather their more vulnerable aspects. Hope you like it. //telepathic thoughts//
Frustration was a dangerous thing for an empath to feel, especially doubled like it was. After four sessions with Rogue, they were no closer to a solution to her skin. Emote knew she was arrogant. It came with the control over her power she had mastered. But she was afraid that if she couldn't help Rogue, the young woman would know that no one could, and would give up completely… on all fronts. Rogue's relationships with everyone important to her was at stake. She knew it was something simple, a complex riddle wrapped in an enigma. They just had to find the right key to unlock the question of WHY Rogue's mutation was on all the time.

Because Emote had an idea of the answer. Her certainty had grown with every session. But the last piece hadn't fallen into place…until now.

Emote was struck by a thought. "Rogue, project."

Rogue looked puzzled. "What?"

"Project your feelings."

"I'm not?" ~surprise, curiosity~

"No. Well, you weren't." Emote thought for a minute. Something was really odd. "Can I `read' you?"

Rogue shrugged. "Yes."

Emote gave her no chance to change her mind. She `grabbed' Rogue's thoughts. Though not nearly the telepath Xavier was, she was no slouch at it.



//You trust me.//

~confusion~ //Yes?//

//No, that's not a question. ~Enlightenment~ Touch me.//


//Touch my hand.// Angelica reached out to Marie.



Marie reached for Angelica. As their bare hands met, nothing happened.

"Oh my goodness!" ~HAPPINESS~

"Thought so." Emote was satisfied.

"Is it… the cub?"

Emote giggled. "No, it's not your `cub'. Cute, you're channeling Logan. It's you." She paused. "You're not gonna like what I say."

~Confusion~ "What?"

"What happens between a man and woman is not usually one person's fault. It takes two." Emote waited.

Rogue nodded. "So you're saying that Logan calling out Jean's name is my fault?" ~upset, trying to understand~

"No, but your reaction to it is. You chose to run rather than fight. Why?"

Rogue thought. Emote had told her that Angelica was a therapist. She knew there was a reason behind the questions. "Because I didn't want to hear excuses?"

Emote shook her head. "Nope. Try again."

"Because I knew the answer already. I'm a substitute for a dead woman." ~Anguish~

Emote was sympathetic but persistent. "You're not but that's not the reason. Rogue, you're an X-person. You've faced certain death every day. Physical pain every mission. So why run when the emotions get high?"

Marie thought. "I'm not really sure."

"Want me to answer?"

"Yes, please." ~Anticipation~

Emote smiled. "Fear. And trust.."

~Puzzlement~ //Huh?// "Huh?"

Emote laughed. "Trust." As Rogue continued to look puzzled, she expounded. "You trust me, so I am able to enter your mind without blocks. Conversely, I am unable to hear your feelings when you are distracted by something else. You don't have to concentrate to block me out, same as with me. Because you trust me not to hurt you emotionally, I am unhurt by your skin physically."

"So why can't I touch Logan?" ~Skepticism, fear, love~

"Because you don't trust him not to hurt you." At the look on her friend's face, she explained. "Rogue, you're like a wild animal. Someone you trusted hurt you once. David kissed you and you imprinted him. You hurt him physically, but he scalded you emotionally. So you're afraid of touch. You trusted Logan enough to hide in his truck and then he hurt you, first by stabbing you (physically), then by preferring Jean to you (emotionally). You trusted Bobby, and that relationship ended, mutually and without regrets, but it still ended. Another emotional wound. Almost everyone you've trusted has hurt you. So your defense against your emotional wounds is your physical mutation. If you don't trust anyone enough to touch you physically, they can't hurt you emotionally. That kinda backfired on you, though, when Logan finally claims you, then pulls this stunt. Now you're really hurt AND `untouchable'."

"But I love Logan!" ~Indignation~

"Yes, but you don't TRUST him." Emote was gentle. She had to lead Rogue to the right truth carefully.

"Yes I do."

Emote didn't say a word, just arched an eyebrow.

"I do!"

"I know you LOVE him, sweetheart, but if you trusted him, you wouldn't have run. You would have stayed and fought. But it's more than that."


"You don't trust yourself."


Emote explained. "I went into your mind, remember? You don't trust yourself enough not to hurt him. You're afraid of gaining control, getting mad at Logan or Xavier, and using your skin against them. That's where the fear comes in. You're afraid of the possibilities of hurting others, of taking what they won't willingly give. So you tell yourself that you're safer being untouchable. You have no faith in yourself."

~Sadness~ "No, I don't."

"Sweetie, I know you love Logan with all your heart. But love isn't complete, isn't REAL, without trust. In order to love him with all your SOUL, you have to trust him. And you can't do that without trusting yourself." Angelica reached out and held Marie. "I trust you to love yourself—and Logan, and that `cub' you made together—enough to find the switch that's holding you hostage to your genes. Can you trust me enough to help you?"

Marie looked at Angelica, Rogue looking at Emote. ~Fear, longing, HOPE, love~ It was hard. Emote was asking for more than anyone ever had before—faith. But on a long journey, you have to start somewhere. Marie took a deep breath… and touched Angelica's bare face with her bare hand. "Yes."
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