Author's Chapter Notes:
Does anybody even remember this one anymore? Kind of doubt that. One, short follow-up coming after this, probably this weekend and then this is finished. Ah. Finally.
“Logan, you have to stay awake. I can’t carry you…” Marie. She was talking to him. Putting clothes on him, trying to be careful. He cringed when her jostling stretched the tender wounds. Marie. She was here. Talking to him. Touching him. And she sounded scared. He tried to take in her scent, but found his sense of smell, as well as all his other senses strangely dulled. And he felt sick.
“Alaric has been gone for too long. Something has happened. We have to get out of here before they come after us… Come on, lets see if you can stand on your own…”

It was a brief struggle but finally he stood on his two feet, swaying slightly. Marie was still shorter than him, but something wasn’t adding up. Something was wrong with the way she could so easily push him around. Something was wrong with the way he could feel his clothes against his skin where it wasn’t covered with thick bandages. How he could slide his tongue over his teeth without getting nicked. And how the skin at the back of his hands looked, light and hairless… It was too much. He shook his head and grunted in approval when Marie grasped his hand and pulled him after her. His trust in her hadn’t been misplaced before; it most likely wouldn’t prove otherwise now.

A horse was waiting outside. Black and sleek, strong looking animal. He could hear Marie muttering a silent praise to her Goddess. She climbed on to the saddle and stretched her hand.
“Come on. We have to hurry.” He shook his head. This wasn’t how it was done. He’d crush the horse under his weight or it would throw them both down and run in fear of him. But Marie urged him to climb behind her.

He settled down carefully, wrapping his arms around Marie’s waist and trying his hardest not to scare the animal under him. He could hear shouting and loud howls from the distance, then it took all his strength to hang on to Marie when she urged the horse forward.

They rode through the night. He couldn’t hear anything threatening from anywhere close, but apparently Marie knew better than him about what was going on, because she kept up a steady pace, allowing the horse to rest only short periods.

When first rays of sun appeared to the horizon he hid his face against the back of her neck, whimpering, expecting the sun to scald his eyes. Without his cloak he’d be blind after few minutes. He scrunched his eyes tightly shut, letting the cascade of her silky hair cover his face from the threat looming at the sky in front of them. He felt Marie’s hand on his thigh, squeezing comfortingly.
“It’s okay, Logan. It’s okay. Look.”

Look? Why on earth would he… He raised his head hesitantly and opened his eyes, just a small crack to let the light in, not daring to open them completely.

There was no pain. Only slight buzzing inside of his skull and exhaustion in his bones, both born from fever that was burning in his veins, but the first small glimpse from the sun made him gasp and open his eyes properly. And it clicked.

The Wolf was gone. Gone for good.
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