Author's Chapter Notes:
Sensing a pattern here, because again thanks go to Plainlayz for the beta. This chapter contains two characters I created myself Jessie and Chris.
Arriving in New York the following day, Rogue checked herself into a low rent motel.

Going over the information she received again, she thought about her plan. Barging in guns-a-blazin’ wasn’t going to get the job done, not with Wolverine’s regenerative capabilities and enhanced senses.

Both would be obstacles to say the least, so she decided to pay some old friends a visit.

Walking into the Silver Dragon, Rogue headed for the back room.

Knocking once before entering she asked, “They about?”

A man sitting behind a desk replied, “Boss is upstairs.”

Rogue made her way to a door that was quickly opened, revealing a young woman with black eyes, hair and nails; obviously another mutant.

Looking her up and down, Rogue smirked; taking in the long men’s shirt that the woman wore.

“Am ah interruptin’ ya‘?” She asked.

“Honey, if ya’ were, I wouldn’t have answered the door.” Came the reply.

The two shared a laugh then a hug.

Offering Rogue a beer, the woman asked, “So, what brings ya’ this way?”

“Work.” She answered honestly.

Looking at Rogue, she smiled, “Come to try and kill me again?”

“No Jessie, learned mah lesson on that, ah don’t feel like getting mah ass kicked again… Ah need ya’ help.”

“Alright, shoot.” Jessie answered easily enough, settling into a chair.

“Ah need intel. Mah target’s mutation is a lot likes yours; enhanced senses, uncharted regenerative capabilities, that sorta thing.”

Jessie smirked, “So, in other words: a Healing Factor. Ya’ sure it’s not me?”

“It ain’t. Besides, Chris would kill me before I could even got close… where the Hell is Chris anyway?”

“Right on cue apparently.” Answered a tall, brown haired man; emerging from the bedroom, clad in only jeans.

“It’s good to see you again Rogue.” He said hugging her, before grabbing a beer and pulling Jessie onto his lap.

“What else do you know about the target?”

“Bits and pieces mainly. He’s a cage fighter, with claws and he‘s got serious backup.”


“The X-Men.”

“Hell honey, ya‘ got yer’ work cut out fer’ ya‘ then.”

Rogue took a pull from her beer, “Ya’ ever had any dealin’ with them?”

“Nah, we move in different circles; they wait for fights to start, the Dragon Samurais prevent them from ever happening.” Jessie replied.

“So… any suggestions?”

“A Trojan horse might‘ve worked it wasn‘t for Xavier‘s telepathy.”

“You know Xavier?” Rogue asked, slightly surprised.

Jessie leaned forward, “No, not really. Met him once, though I doubt he‘d remember. Must’ve been about twenty years ago… back when I was a good little girl. ”

Rogue paused in mid-sip, “You were good?”

“Before the fire.” Jessie said in way of explanation, before returning to the topic at hand; “Yer’ gonna hafta get him away from the Mansion and the X-Men.”

Satisfied with then answer, Rogue relaxed; only to tense up again, “But there’s still the whole enhanced senses shit, there’s gotta be a way around it.”

“Not for long there ain’t. Ya’ can change your shower gel, shampoo and perfume, but ya’ can’t change your natural scent… it’s who you are.”

“So ah’ll have to make it quick then.”

Chris interjected, “Use your skin. Healing Factor or not, that guys gonna go down.”

Rogue pointed to her head, “Thanks for the compliment, but I don’t want him in mah head… fuckin’ past jobs still bitch and moan up there.”

“So, do a taste test.” Jessie suggested, half-jokingly.

Rogue looked her over, “In English?”

“Touch him. Not enough for the kill, but just to put him down. Then you can finish the job the old fashioned way. ”

Rogue thought it over for a moment, “Yeah that could work. Just gotta track the cage fighting circuit.”

“What about Xavier?”

“Too complicated, gotta get the target alone.”

“Then check out the meat packing district, that’s usually where they hold the fights.” Offered Chris.

“Thanks. Ah’ll see what ah can find.”

“Be careful down there Rogue, they’re not mutant friendly, but then again… they’re not exactly the brightest bunch either. Me and Chris go down there from time to time and there ain’t been one yet to figure out we’re mutants. Shit, ain’t like ya’ can’t tell either.”

“Yeah? Well, I owe ya’ guys one.”

“Just one.” Said Jessie, shifting as though to straddle Chris.

“And that’s mah cue to leave.” Rogue said putting the empty beer bottle on the table.

“Got a eyeful in Chicago, Ah don’t need to see anymore.” She added; nearing the entrance.

“Ya sure? We still put one Hell of a show.” Jessie called out after her. “Hell, ya’ can join us if ya like.”

Rogue laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure. Have fun though.”

“We always do.” Came the reply; muffled by what Rogue hoped was the door.

Rogue found the fights easily enough, but Wolverine didn’t show. However, she did meet a few people who knew him.

“So you’ve fought “The Wolverine” then sugah?” Rogue asked a 300 pound, greasy haired, drunk trucker as she knocked back shooters with him.

“Sure have baby.” He slurred; pausing to think of a decent exaggeration no doubt.

“He’s one tough bastard though. We were going back and forth, then I got in a good shot straight to his ribs.” The trucker tried to demonstrate the action, but failed and fell off his chair.

Picking him up off the floor, simultaneously hiding her disgust; Rogue encouraged him to continue. “And it was like hitting a dump truck, I swear it hurt my hand more.” He managed to finish before passing out.

~ Ya were right Jessie, this guy’s got the IQ of a lemon. ~

After talking to a few more people, Rogue started to clear image of “The Wolverine“, and things she could use to her advantage.

“He’s like an animal, all growly and wild.” Said one of the barflies. “And so hot and kinda kinky.” She giggled drunkenly.

~ Give me strength. ~

“You see much of him?” Rogue asked, knocking back a shot of whisky; thankful for her tolerance of alcohol.

“Not much, but it’s always worth it when I do. He’s so… grrr.” She tried growling, “And impatient, took me out in the alley last time.”

~ Something tells me that every time.~

Rogue got up to leave.

“Oh, are you going?” The barfly asked.

“Yeah, Ah suddenly feel the need for a shower… and a confession.” She replied before walking out.

She returned to the bar on the following night, Saturday; there was a big fight planned.

Rogue ordered a beer and placed herself at the bar where she had a clear view of her surroundings.

To her left was the only way in or out and straight ahead was the cage where two men were currently fighting.

A quick scan revealed no sign of “The Wolverine”, but the night was still young and the fights hadn’t properly started.

The Amateurs were the opening act, but Rogue wanted the main event.

Where was the fun in bare knuckle fighting if there wasn’t any bloodshed?

Hour and half, three beers, one pack of cigarettes, two broken bones and a sufficient amount of bloodshed later; Rogue’s patience was wearing thin.

Wolverine had yet to show and more then one overweight, sweaty, drooling man or woman had tried to pick her up.

Signalling the bartender for another beer, Rogue’s attention was grabbed by the whispering, giggling barfly from the night before.

Following her gaze, Rogue finally laid eyes on “The Wolverine“.
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