Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks go to Fage for the beta.
Sitting on the cell’s only cot, Rogue eyed The X-Men, “Is this your ‘united we stand’ bit? Ah mean, sure ya’ll look good, but looks can be deceiving… ain‘t that right doctor?”

Jean’s temper flared at Rogue’s insinuation, “The only deceiving thing around here is you. You’re nothing but a lying, manipulating little whore!”

“This from the woman who pops Penicillin like they‘re Tic-Tacs?” Rogue retorted.

“Jean.” Professor Xavier interrupted, cutting off any reply she might have made, “We are not here to exchange insults.” He said, looking squarely at Rogue.

She smirked, “Only cos’ ya’ know ya’ can’t win.”

Refusing to be baited, The Professor reinforced his plan of action, “We are here for answers… answers that you will provide.”

“If ya’ say so.”

“I do. Now who hired you to kill Logan?”

“Jesus, broken record much? Ah already told you, a man in a bar…” Thinking it over, Rogue clarified, “Actually it was two men outside a bar. And for the last time, Ah ain’t gonna’ tell ya’ their names.”

The Professor was growing impatient, but forced himself to remain calm, “Why do they want him dead?”

“Got me.” Came the reply, “Guess they never fucked him.”

Rogue took pleasure in the look of shock that had glued itself onto the team’s faces, but continued her revolt, “Look, at the end of the day, it don’t matter what the mark did… all that matters is that Ah get my money. End of story.”

“What a model of society you are.” Jean sneered.

Rogue taunted the redhead, “Don’t think ya’ wanna’ go there.”

“Why?” Jean asked, “You’ve already humiliated me. There’s nothing left for you to expose.”

Icy laughter filled the room, “Sure about that?”

“Positive.” Came the wavering, yet determined reply.

Standing up, Rogue paced the cell as if preparing for a performance of sorts; the room was silent with anticipation. A slight moaning began to emanate from her lips, followed by the sensual movement of Rogue’s hands along her torso, “Oh, oh God… hmmm yeah, like that. Fuck me…” The volume of her moans began to increase until she was screaming, “Fuck me harder you son of a bitch!”

Scott stared at Jean incredulously for the second time that day. Rogue smiled, “It all coming together for ya’ Scotty boy? Just cos’ the good doctor couldn‘t bait Logan don‘t mean she didn‘t run out and get herself a runner up.” She looked at Jean, feigning disappointment, “And in a seedy little place like The Penn Av’ Hotel? Thought ya’ had more class than that… not.”

Mascara ran down Jean‘s face, “How?”

“Touched ya’ back there in the woods. So quick ya’ didn’t even feel it, did ya’?” Rogue confessed. She sat back down, crossing her legs, “Man, this is fun.”

“You think this is fun?” Scott raged, coming within centimeters of the cell, “You’re ruining lives!”

Rogue yawned, “Ah’m getting’ tired of this high horse bullshit. Whaddaya’ say Ah tell the team who you were fucking while Jean was out slummin’ it in the Garment District?” She leaned forward, addressing everyone, “Ah’ll give ya’ guys a hint… it’s Kitty.”

A sharp in take of breath could be heard from among the stock-still X-Men, Rogue winked at the petrified young woman, “That’s right pussy-cat, remember? Ah touched ya’ too… but not as much as the Fearless Leader here did.” She eyed Scott whose mouth hung open, “Am Ah suckin’ your cock right Mr. Summers? Is my pussy tight enough for you Mr. Summers?”

The Professor face remained set in stone as he watched his team being torn apart. He didn’t even bother to quiet Rogue; the truth would come out eventually.

Jean glared at Kitty and then at Scott, “How could you?” She asked in a deadly-calm tone.

“Well if that ain’t the pot callin’ the kettle black…” Rogue trailed off, bringing the team’s attention back to her.

But it was short-lived as everyone waited for Scott’s rebuttal, “It’s not like she’s making it seem. It wasn’t some seedy little affair.” He tried to justify, “I-”  

Rogue interrupted, “Ah beg to differ.”  

“How could you?” Jean asked in an eerily calm voice.  

Rogue put forward two fingers as if to demonstrate, “Well the mechanics work like so…” She began.

Scott raged, “Shut up!”

Rogue was about to reply when Jean’s icy words filled the room, “You disgust me.” She said, not clearly establishing a point of reference.   

Rogue feigned indignation before rolling her eyes in apathy.

Scott broke the momentary silence,

“I disgust you?” He asked, disbelieving.

When Jean didn‘t answer he continued, “You, who by all accounts must have screwed at least half the men in New York state. What I did was wrong, yes, but maybe I wouldn’t have turned to Kitty if you would have spent a little more time in our bed instead of in cheap, charge-by-the-hour motels. So before you go telling me that I disgust you, or call someone a whore, I suggest you take a good long look in the mirror. Then when you’re done with that, why don’t you do everyone a favor and sew your legs together!”  

A collective gasp echoed off the walls.  

Shocked at the bluntness of his words, Jean physically recoiled like she had been slapped. She left the holding cell area moments later, looking positively defeated and much older than she had in the hours previous.

“Bit of a drama queen, isn’t she?” Rogue commented to no one in particular.

Having had enough of her games, Scott gave Rogue a look of pure content and followed Jean out of the room.  

Sighing with all the pain of a dieing man, The Professor shook his head, “I can’t allow this to continue. Everyone out, I shall do this alone.”

“But Ah was having so much fun.” Rogue mock-whined.

The younger team members left, but the others stayed behind to fight the good fight.

“I won’t leave you Charles.” Said Hank chivalrously.

Ro’, Remy and Logan followed suit with their versions of the same sentiment.

“Yeah Chuck, we’re here for the duration.” Added Logan.

The Professor nodded, giving the remaining team a strained smile.

“How touching.” Rogue teased.

The telepath’s expression quickly flickered away in that moment; twisting itself into disdain.

“Does destroying lives amuse you Rogue?” He asked.

Rogue smirked, “You’re blaming me? Figures. Half your team’s playin’ musical beds right under your nose and Ah’m the one that’s suppose to feel guilty. Ya’ll need to take responsibility for you own actions.” She reprimanded.

“As have you.” Hank informed her.

“Already do. This Southern girl ain’t under no illusions… Ah’m a killer, it’s as simple as that.”

“And you’re proud of that fact?” Asked Ro’.

Rogue shrugged, “Why not? It’s a livin’. Ah mean, Ah’d say that Ah ain‘t hurtin’ anyone, but” She broke off laughing, “that’d be lying.”

Gauging Ro’s expression, Rogue straightened up, “Man, ya’ really need ta’ get yourself a sense of humor.”

“I have a sense of humor… I just don’t find murder funny.” Came the angry reply.

Becoming bored with the lecture, Rogue looked over at Remy and smiled.

Watching Rogue’s eyes settle on him, the Cajun tried to prepare himself for the inevitable fireworks.

Rogue sighed, “Ya’ know something? Ah’m beginning to think that Ah shoulda’ left when ya’ said Remy.”

Everyone turned to Remy expecting him to refute the claim, but instead there was a long pause followed by Remy’s heartbroken response, “De Gambit used to run with Rogue in New Orleans.”
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