Smothering a yawn Rogue slid across the bench seat of the truck and leaned against Logan’s shoulder as he cranked the engine over. A glance in the back revealed his bike, along with his bag. Turning around she faced the front as Logan pulled out onto the highway and turned north. Twenty minutes later he pulled to a stop in front of a small, nondescript building under a few maple trees.

“You sure this will work?” Rogue asked softly.

“He’s gonna be pissed but it don’t matter,” Logan replied quickly as he held the door for Rogue before slamming it and watching the truck bounce a bit. “Damn idiot figures he’s so smart, lets see what he thinks when he realizes that he didn’t ensure all the ‘i’s’ were dotted and all the ‘t’s’ were crossed.”

Rogue nodded and smoothed a hand over her jeans before following Logan into the courthouse. Moving down the hallway they stopped when they saw Bernie talking to a young woman dressed in a flowing black robe with a fancy white tie.

Moving forward a little slower, they stopped when Bernie glanced up at them and smiled slightly. They waited impatiently for the cop to finish whatever he was discussing before coming toward them.

“This is the courtroom. Do you have the papers I gave you last night?”

“Yes,” Rogue replied pulling them from her jean pocket. “I noticed something though; it looks like they required a signature that isn’t on here.”


“My acting guardian,” Rogue declared with a shrug and a twisted little grin. “Who just happens to be standing next to me right now. Logan is the one who picked me up in Canada; he’s the one who risked his life for me. As far as anyone is concerned, he is my acting guardian until I’m twenty one.”

“You keep saying twenty one,” Bernie frowned. “Why?”

“Professor Xavier told us that’s the age of release in New York,” Rogue replied.

Bernie nodded and grinned, “But you’re not in New York right now. In fact you aren’t in the US at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re in Ontario,” Bernie chuckled, “Here once you’re sixteen you’re of age to live independently.”

“Damn I wish I’d known that before,” Logan growled. “We’d have stayed put..”

“Let’s just get this over with. I want to be sure that Chuck isn’t going to come down on us for this.”

“Go through those doors. My partner will be giving his testimony shortly then you can show the judge these papers,” Bernie said holding them up and jiggling them, “Once he sees them he’ll rule pretty quickly in your favor. Just don’t sign them Logan.”

“Wouldn’t anyway.”

“Good. Now then go, enjoy your moment in court. I’ll see you later.”

“You on duty tonight?”

“Nope,” Bernie grinned at him. “Might stop by for coffee.”

Chuckling Rogue looked at Logan who followed Bernie’s departure with his gaze before turning to face her for a moment then winking and leading her into the courtroom. Glancing once at the pair sitting behind Jean who was sitting next to a lawyer, Rogue shuddered and moved closer to Logan who tucked the papers into his pocket and moved to sit as far away from them as possible in the courtroom.

Ten minutes later the judge; an older, obese little man appeared in his black robe, and white wig, carrying a folder. “Be seated,” he ordered quickly and opened the document he’d carried in.

“This is a simple misdemeanor charge,” he stated quickly. “Contempt I see. Honorable Bean do you have a statement from your client.”

“Yes your honor,” the lawyer rose smoothly. “My client was merely attempting to bring the ward of her employer back to their home before anything bad happened. It has been proven in the past that she has faced several difficulties out on her own. Including being kidnapped..”

“I see,” the judge looked up and glared at the defense attorney, “Does you client understand about international law?”


Logan and Rogue hid their matching grins at the paler that crossed over Scott and Jean’s face, and the uneasy shifting of Charles within his chair.

“Obviously not,” the judge declared. “It has been brought to my attention that there are documents providing proof of custody..”

“Uh yes sir,” the attorney shifted uneasily. “There are in the possession of the ward at the moment sir.”

“Is the ward here?” the tired, put upon tone had Rogue rising to her feet.

“Yes sir,” Rogue smiled shakily, “right here.”

“Very well. Do you have the documents?”

“Yes. I do,” Rogue moved toward him and handed the papers over carefully. “They are all in order sir.”

With a nod the judge looked at the young woman before turning his attention to the pages before him. A few minutes later he glanced up at those before him, a dark look on his face. “Is the guardians in court today?”

“I am your honor,” Charles said with a quick nod.

“I see. You are Charles Xavier correct?”

“Yes sir,” Charles glanced sharply at Logan who snorted and shifted in his seat.

“Mister Xavier, I’m certain you are familiar with the way laws work. Did your representative not inform you that you needed another signature on these papers?”

“No sir, I was informed that they are as needed.”

“Who is the previous guardian?”

“I am,” Logan growled softly and glared at Charles. “Or rather was. Rogue was seventeen when her and I became involved.”

“How old are you Rogue?” the judge demanded glancing at the young woman who shrugged.


Shaking his head the judge reached over and drank half a glass of water before looking toward those on the right and the pair on the left, “Your guardianship is null and void. These documents were not filled out properly to begin with and as such are illegal. You sir have been holding guardianship to your own imagination. Miss Rogue, as you are nineteen I will be brief in this. You are required to be honest in the answering of my questions.”

“Of course sir,” Rogue smiled softly. “I’ll be as honest as the day is long.”

The judge nodded, “I’m sure you will be. This locale that you and your ‘friend’ have been meeting at, is it place you visit often?”

“Your honor,” the defense attorney rose smoothly, “What does this have to do with the charges against my client? She was arrested and charged for a crime she did not commit!”

“Honorable Bean, sit down or you’ll be held in contempt of court. The reason she was in that location was because of this young lady. You honestly think that this does not have some bearing on the charges against Dr. Grey? If so perhaps you should rethink your stand. Now then Miss Rogue, please answer the question.”

“Yes,” Rogue shrugged and glanced at Logan who squeezed her hand and smiled softly at her. “We’ve been meeting there for over a year now,” Rogue explained quickly. “Logan found it one night after a bad episode and we’ve met there ever since.”

”And what exactly do you do there?”

“Drink a lot of coffee, eat, dance sometimes,” Rogue replied softly, honestly, “Love him without having to constantly watch over my shoulder.”

“I knew it!” Jean snapped glaring at Logan, “I knew you were doing..”

“Silence,” the judge brought the hammer down and glared at Jean. “Silence in this court or I will hold you in contempt of court Dr. Grey. Please continue Miss Rogue.”

“Sometimes we talk to the truckers, pitch in and help the owner’s out if they have trouble with customers. Mostly though we just sit and talk and hold each other until the sun comes up.”

”And after the sun comes up?” the judge asked noting the sadness in the girl’s eyes.

“We go home and pretend that we’re nothing more than friends, that we don’t feel anything more for each other than what we’re supposed to.”

“And what are you supposed to feel?”

“Gratitude for his saving me time and time again, affection like a brother and sister. Nothing more, but I’m sure they’d like it if it was less.”

“And your friend will testify to this as well?” the judge looked at the man sitting holding onto Rogue’s hand. He could clearly see the devotion in the man’s gaze and the firm belief that she was strong enough to face this.

“Yeah I will,” Logan grunted glancing at the judge. “I know what they think of me. I know what they want me to do but I ain’t gonna do it.”

“That’s hogwash,” Scott snarled. “You don’t have a single clue about anything, other than your cigars and barmaids.”

Logan glanced at Scott, “Ain’t my wife racing off after your ass. I lost track of the number of times Jeannie’s gotten a little too up close and personal with me. I know more ‘en you do any day of the week.”

“Gentlemen,” the judge glanced at the silent man sitting in the wheelchair and noted the tenseness in his frame. Obviously he wasn’t overly happy with having the personal information being related exposed but it was no longer his choice. “Please continue Mister..”

“Just Logan,” came the quick, surly reply. “In the past year I’ve had my past waved in my face several times in obvious attempts to get me away from Rogue. Guess they figured I’d just chase after that ghost and forget her.”

“I see. I got a statement from the owners of the diner you frequent and from what they’ve told me your interest in the young lady is far from selfish. As trite as it may sound what exactly are your intentions toward her? Do you wish for her to finish school, get a job, what?”

Logan shrugged and looked at Rogue, “I want her to see Alaska. I want her to follow her dreams because she needs them. I want her to know that I’ll wait as long as I have to so she can have what she wants, what she needs from life.”

The judge nodded, “I see. I will let you know my judgments shortly. Court is in recess,” the bang of the gavel coming down had everyone jumping slightly.

Sinking down next to Logan, Rogue leaned against him and stared at the faded spot on his jeans, “What do you think he’s gonna do?”

“Whatever he thinks is best,” Logan replied softly. “Hopefully it’s in our favor but even if it isn’t, it don’t matter. We’re not in the states so therefore Chuck can take a flying leap.”

“So we could run off like Bonnie and Clyde?” Rogue teased gently.

“Or Lancelot and Guinevere,” Logan replied tugging on her hair. “We’re a team baby, don’t make what they’re trying to do any different or any less powerful, it just means its us against them.”

Rogue nodded and glanced up at the movement off to the side. Glaring at Chuck’s unreadable expression she snuggled deeper into Logan’s arms and sighed. She knew she’d disappointed him, but she didn’t give a rats butt about it anymore. She wasn’t a pawn to be used, and it was about time that everyone figured that out instead of just Logan knowing it.

“Is this what you really want?” Charles asked softly eying the pair. “Are you really prepared to deal with life with each other?”

“What’s that supposed to mean Wheels?” Logan growled angrily.

“You’ll probably never have a normal relationship. You can’t touch her, and at any given time your past could come back and slap her in the face. Not to mention that Rogue’s powers could kill you.”

“They won’t,” Rogue replied softly, soundly even as Logan pulled her tighter against him.

“I think I’ll take my chances with Rogue,” Logan glared at Charles. “She at least understands what it means to have something pure. You don’t. All you understand is power and control.”

“You have no idea about what I understand,” Charles replied coldly just as the side door opened and the judge stepped back into the room. Moving back to where he’d been sitting he glanced once more at Logan and Rogue who were holding hands and watching the judge. He could sense their unease with him but there was also peace, also acceptance and a deep love that they’d risked being caught to further. Turning his attention to the judge he waited impatiently to know what the outcome would be.

“Be seat,” the judge snapped banging the gavel down. “In regards to the charges against Dr. Grey for contempt, I find you Doctor guilty. You’re ordered to spend thirty days in jail. As soon as the proceedings in regards to Miss Rogue are completed, Bailiff you will remand Dr. Grey into custody. Now on to the other matter that was brought before me. Professor Xavier, during this entire courtship did you not realize that they had crossed the border? What holds some legal weight in the United States does not hold such weight here. Your total lack of awareness in regards to the papers that you flaunted tells me that you weren’t really thinking of Miss Rogue’s best interests. As such it is the ruling of this court that Miss Rogue be remanded to the custody of her prior guardian Logan until such a time as she feels she is able to stand alone,” the judge declared. “Of course that means she could get up and walk out right now and there would be nothing that could be done. I do believe though that she will not.”

Rogue clung to Logan as the judge finished reading his judgments. The ruling was indeed in their favor but it didn’t mean they were out of the woods just yet. Feeling his arms tighten around her she snuggled deeper into his embrace, her arms wrapped around his neck as she tried to stem the tears.

“We won,” she whispered as Logan pressed a quick kiss to her temple.

“Yeah, we won,” Logan replied softly, “So let’s get the hell outta here before they realize they lost.”

“Good idea,” Rogue said as Logan rose to his feet pulling her with him. Hand in hand they walked past Charles, Scott, and an irate looking Jean who stood silently while she was put into handcuffs to hurry out of the courtroom doors.

*I can’t believe this judge,* Jean fumed angrily, silently, *doesn’t he understand just what he’s done?*

*Jean don’t worry about it,* Scott soothed softly as the bailiff escorted Jean out of the courtroom. “This isn’t over yet.”

Charles sighed as he watched Logan and Rogue slip further and further from his grasp. He had no doubt that they would keep one step ahead of him, and while it would have been quite impressive to have their level of power on his side, Charles knew that it would never happen. In trying to tame them, in trying to harness their powers for the greater good, he’d killed his credibility with them.

“Let us return to New York,” Charles stated quickly, calmly. “We’ve lost for now, but we will come out on top next time.”

Sitting in the middle of the bench seat of the battered truck Rogue smiled at Logan as he pulled out of the parking lot and turned north instead of south. They needed time; time to learn to love each other outside of the night, time to learn that they were safe and she knew he’d go where he felt safest.

“So what do we do for clothes?” Rogue asked softly as he squeezed her thigh.

“Don’t worry about it,” Logan grinned at her, “I’ve got more than enough to take care of us and if we run short I’ll just line up a fight or two.”

With an understanding look Rogue leaned on Logan as the truck sped up the highway. They were together, and revenge had been sweeter than she’d ever thought. It would take some time for Dr. Grey and Professor Xavier to think about coming after them and that was all she could ever hope for.
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