They had been diving for a while when car suddenly stopped. Sabretooth yanked the backdoors open and pulled Logan out, tossing him to the sidewalk, and dropping the folder that contained intel he had gathered from Xavier, as well as another folder named briefly ‘Wolverine’ on top of him. Marie managed to catch a glimpse of their surroundings before doors closed. They had left Logan in front of Xavier’s school.

“What are you doing? Let me out! Let me out!” She started struggling and kicking the walls of the van. Small window between front seat and cargo bay slid open and Magneto smiled at her.
“Let you out? I can’t do that, my dear. I already gave your friend to Xavier as a peace offering. Now, be a good child and shut up before I ask Victor to close your mouth…”
“What are you going to do?” She asked.
“You’re quite vital part of my plan, so I guess it’s only fair to let you in to some details… I’m sure that living at Xavier’s has given you certain amount of insight of human-mutant relations. I only tend to tip the scale to our favor. First in here, then I’ll deal with the rest of the world.”
“What do you mean? Tip the scales?”
“You probably have noticed that now we are the minority. People tend to hate minorities. Everything that breaks the norm. I’m going to change their view on the subject. Make them see things from our side of the world. Make them us. For that I need you.”
“I still don’t understand…”
“Yes, yes. You live in the school, but I should have remembered Charles is the headmaster. Using long, meaningful words must be hard for you, my dear. Don’t worry… You’ll see and understand soon enough.” And with that window slid closed, leaving her in darkness.
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