“Don’t move kid. You got hit pretty badly.” Logan. Logan was there. Everything hurt and it was hard to breathe.
“Lo… Logan… Trouble…”
“I know, kid. It’s taken care of. Just lay still. Hey! Mac! We need a medic in here! Fuck, kid, stay still. There’s no bleeding but your back…” Words blurred to incoherent murmurs in her ears. It was dark. Dark and cold.
“What do we have here?” She couldn’t recognize the voice.
“Female, sixteen. Xavier’s lackey shoot her in the back.” Logan.
“Careful there. She’s a mutant. Drainer.”
“Summers shoot another mutie? What the hell did she do?”
“Nothing. Was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Collateral fire…”

“What is it, kid?”
“I can’t… I can’t see… Why is it… So dark in here…”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. They fried some wires. Lights are out. Just rest now. This man is going to take good care of you. They’re going to take you to a hospital.” A lie. She knew he was lying.
“I can’t see!”
“Hush. It’ll be alright.” She grasped his hand, too afraid to let go. He would disappear if she let go now.

“Logan? Can you carry her out? There’s too much shit and muck in the way, we can’t get a stretcher in there.”
“Yeah. I think. Kid? Ready to go?” She let go of his hand and grasped the front of his shirt instead when he lifted her carefully on to his lap. Her back protested and she let out a scream that had been building in the back of her throat for some time already. She felt Logan tensing.
“Sorry, kid, but we have to get you out of here. Those pillars look about ready to collapse…”
“Why can’t I see…” She moaned, more worried about her eyes than anything that might be wrong with her back. She couldn’t feel her toes either, but she didn’t need her toes to fulfill her dream. Some day she was going to be a famous painter, and for that she needed her eyes.
“You hit your head. But I’m sure they can fix whatever there’s wrong, don’t worry about it,” Logan spoke with quiet, even voice. He had never before sounded this serious.

“Can you come… With me?” She asked when she felt the hard stretcher under her back. Logan had let go of her.
“Not yet. But I’ll come to see you later, okay? And I ask somebody to pick up your mom. She’ll be with you when you wake up.”
“Wake up?” She was tired, but there was no way she could sleep.
“Don’t worry, kid. Everything will be okay…” Darkness fell over her again.
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