“Oh, come on! Stop that, you little brat! That blueberry will never leave from that shirt…” Logan grumbled, wiping off blueberry jam from Kate’s chin and shirt. Big, dark red globs that faded to violet when napkin dried them. Suddenly Marie wasn’t hungry anymore. She couldn’t get the condition of Logan’s clothes off from her mind.

“We have money and a car…” She started. Logan nodded, chewing a mouthful of bacon and eggs.
“Where did you get them?” She asked the question that had hung over her head during the whole time they had sat in the diner.
“Won them. I was thinking we should go and get some supplies. Food, diapers, some camping gear…”
“Won them? From where?” She interrupted him.
“From few guys in the bar last night. Look, I made a list of everything we might need. You were in that store earlier. Do you think they could have these items? Or do we have to go…”
“Logan! You just don’t… Nobody wins that kind of money and a whole freaking car from some random people in a bar!”
“Stop shouting. I won them, fair and square. Now, about this list…”
“I saw your clothes.”
“Huh? My clothes? What about my clothes?”
“There was blood on them.”
“It was a fight bar, Marie.”
“A what?”
“Fight bar. Bunch of people build a cage in to a bar, then they let people in that cage to fight each other for money and stuff. I went in and won.”
“But… All that blood…”
“Mostly mine. Had to make it look good. I don’t get bruises. Had to let them get in some good punches to start a nosebleed. Didn’t want them to start questions about why I was still standing, looking none the worse than at the moment I went in.”
“I got us what we need. Just drop it.”

She finished her breakfast in silence, forcing the food down. Logan was goofing with Kate, trying to distract her long enough so that she would eat, rather than spit and drool out everything that went in to her mouth.

“Thanks…” She whispered awkwardly when Logan paid and they left.
“For what? Oww… Shit…” Logan asked, struggling to get loose from Kate who had decided that his muttonchops would make a nice handle, and was trying to pull his face for a closer inspection.
“For everything you have done. I have been acting like a spoiled brat. Whining and nagging for everything…”
“Don’t worry. You have every right to be a spoiled brat, it’s not like I have been discussing things over with you… Besides, it’s… It’s nice. Nice to see that you care about Kate so much.”
“Yeah. Kate and… Uh… Shopping? What were you planning to buy?” She asked. Logan had managed to detach the baby from his face. Pouting baby was squirming and trying to get her hands loose to grab him again.
“ It’s in my pocket. The list.” He had his hands full with Kate, so Marie fished the folded paper from the pocket of his jeans. It was hard not to let her hands linger longer than it was absolutely necessary. Logan didn’t seem to notice. Kate was holding his whole attention. Baby’s face was slowly reddening. Lower lip quivering.
“Oh, crap…” He lifted the baby higher and pressed his face against her stomach, tickling her with his nose. Impending crying fit was replaced with uncontrollable giggling and victorious ‘dah!’ –shout when her small fists closed around Logan’s muttonchops again.
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