“What are you doing?” Marie asked when Logan suddenly made a U-turn in the middle of the road and stopped the car.
“We need gas.” She looked at the meter and realized that he was right. They were practically driving on fumes.
“Can we stop now?” Marie asked when Logan drove slowly towards the gas station they had passed just few minutes ago. Logan threw her a nervous smile.
“We’ll just have to find it out… Shit. Take Kate and get out of the car. Go in to that store, it’s still open. Stay there. I’ll come and get you when I have tanked this beast.”
“I have no idea what they are going to do! Chances are they let us get gas and wait until we are in a more secluded area, but if they decide to try to take a hit, I don’t want you or Kate anywhere near that place! Out! Now!” Logan practically threw her out of the car, pushing crying and struggling Kate to her.
“Go in to that store. Stay there until I come and pick you up!”

Store was surprisingly well stocked. She even found a small section reserved for camping gears. She took a small portable heater, thinking it would be perfect for warming formula for Kate, when sudden explosion rocked the building. She pushed the heater back to shelf and hurried to the front of the store, where clerk was already peering through scenery window towards the gas station.
“Goddamned muties…” She heard the man mutter.

Blackbird had landed smack dab middle of the road, and it blocked her view partially, but from where she stood she could see Logan, and remains of their car. Something had blown it up. She squinted her eyes and could see through the thick, black smoke hazy images. Quick calculation produced Logan and three other figures. Suddenly Cyclops emerged from behind the smokescreen, his hand lifted to the side of his visor. Logan ducked just as red beam scorched the asphalt from where he had stood. Something big and hairy flew from the smoke, colliding with him and sending them both several meters backwards. Beast. Logan managed to fight him off. Cyclops was aiming again. This time his concussive blast hit Logan, and he fell to the ground.

“Oh, my God…” She started backing away from the window, clutching Kate tightly against her chest. Clerk didn’t seem to notice, his whole attention was riveted to the battle.

Logan lay on the ground, unmoving. She didn’t think twice. She run. Away from the store, out to the woods. She didn’t know where she was, but at the moment all that mattered was to get out of there, fast. Before X-Men noticed her. If she was lucky, they had thought that she was in the car with Kate when it blew up.

Kate was crying. She was hungry, and it had been all too much time since her diaper had last changed. Marie felt like crying, too. She was literally lost after her narrow escape. Blackbird hadn’t followed her, but right now even Scott would have been a welcome sight. She was sitting under a large fir, its lowest branches hiding her and Kate, and she could only hope that Logan was alive and looking for them.
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