“Open wide. Now. You don’t want to mess with me.” She curled to a tighter ball.
“Don’t… Not fair. Look what you did. Do you have any idea how far the nearest Laundromat is?” Just a little while longer. If she squeezed her eyes shut…
“Crap. You know what? If you don’t stop immediately, I’ll eat this goop all by myself and let you go hungry…” What the hell was going on? She sat up, blinking when rays of setting sun caught her eyes. Logan was outside with Kate. Baby was half sitting, half lying on her back on top of the windshield. Logan had a small glass jar in his right hand, and plastic spoon in his left.

“What are you doing?” She asked worried when Logan grimaced and wiped something off from Kate’s face with the spoon.
“Brat’s old enough to eat solid food. And we have nothing to warm the formula with. This…” Logan raised the jar.
“Is supposed to be peach. Looks like shit. And it looks like Kate shares my opinion.” Baby wrinkled her face and spat out spoonful of orange goo, giggling when Logan huffed and growled at her.
“Let me,” Marie asked and reached for the jar.
“No. I can do this. Go stretch your legs. We won’t be stopping to the first service station because you have to pee.”

She walked to the forest lining the road, and found a perfect spot to relieve her bladder, shielded from every direction. After that was taken care of she ventured little deeper in to forest, stretching her legs and back, yawning widely. Turning around she could still see car standing on the side of the road. Kate perched on top of it, and Logan performing something that looked like a modern dance, but was most likely just another botched up spoonful of peach. It was really easy imagine that they were just an ordinary, young couple. On their way to honeymoon to their friends cabin. To Canada, because this was supposed to be just the perfect time of the year for a little camping trip…

“Kid! Haul your ass back in here! It’s too quiet! I have a bad feeling about this!” Screw ordinary. She bolted from the woods just as Logan was securing Kate to the back seat.
“Go to front seat. It’s probably nothing, but I don’t like the feel of this… I need you to keep your eyes open,” he said. She nodded, slid over the hood of the car to the passenger’s side and climbed in. few seconds later Logan slouched behind the wheel and car lurched forward, throwing Marie against her seat and elicting yet another startled giggle from Kate.

For the next hour Logan drove like a maniac. Straight, open road made it possible to break all existing and imaginary speed limits. He didn’t slow down before first signs of civilization, a small gas station and even smaller grocery store came in to their view.

“They’re reckless and stupid, but I don’t think they’ll try anything. Not yet at least. Too many witnesses,” Logan muttered, pointing at last late-night shoppers and a fleet of cars parked in front of the gas station.
“They?” Marie asked. Logan tilted his head and raised his hand, urging her to stay quiet. Then she heard it too. The sound Logan had been listening for the past hour. Sound of jet engines. Blackbird. That meant only one thing.
“It’s not just Summers this time. He brought the whole team.” Logan’s voice sounded strangely calm and hollow. She could have sworn she saw a pleased smirk flashing briefly over his features when he craned his neck to take a look from the sky, eyes scanning the telltale lights and black form of the plane.
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