Chapter 2
“Here let me observe, that for some time we had experienced the most uncomfortable weather as a prelibation of our future sufferings.” – Daniel Boone

Rogue was stood at one of the large windows at the end of a corridor, gazing out into the pearly blue sky. Sun shone down over the grounds of the mansion, causing the glass to gleam in its reflection. Her eyes travelled towards the horizon, where she could see dark clouds looming forebodingly in the distance. Rogue exhaled a low sigh, why did the bad weather have to ruin such a nice day? Her thoughts were disturbed as she heard footsteps behind her, and turned round to see Logan walking towards her with an unlit cigar jutting out of his mouth.

“Hey, kid,” he greeted upon pulling the cigar from his lips. “What y’doin’?”

“Nothin’,” she answered truthfully. “Just passin’ time till I go and see Beast.”

Logan canted his head curiously, “Ain’t you got lessons?”

A small chuckle sounded from Rogue, “It’s a Saturday,” she reminded him, “There’s no lessons at the weekend.”

“Oh, yeah, ‘course,” Logan replied thoughtfully, twisting his cigar in his fingers. His eyes roamed over the top of her head to look out of the window. Already the clouds were prowling over the rooftops, and the first signs of rain hit the glass window. “Storm’s comin’.”

For a moment, Rogue glanced around, expecting to find their resident weather mutant making her way over. She then gave a quiet chuckle upon realisation. “I know. Looks like it’ll be pretty rough.”

“So, what time’s your appointment with Beast?”

“Four o’clock.”

“Goin’ good?”

Rogue shrugged her shoulders, “I hope so. He took a blood sample yesterday, got more testing today. Hopefully he’ll be able to find a way to control my mutation better.” After this, she gave a little sigh, a hand rubbing at her neck lethargically.

“You ok, kid?”

“Yeah,” she assured with a dismissive wave of her hand, “Just feel a bit sleepy, that’s all.”

Logan canted his head as he regarded her features. “You look a lil’ pale. Sure you’re up to all this testin’?”

“I’m fine, honestly. All I gotta do is lay there.”

Logan gave a small smirk, “Alright then. It’s four o’clock now,” he then added upon checking his wristwatch. “You don’t want to be late.”

“It is?” Rogue quickly checked her own watch before she stepped around Logan and began hurrying off. “I’ll speak to you later, alright?”

“Sure,” he called back. “Oh, Popsicle was lookin’ for you – though hardly a matter of life or death.”

Rogue rolled her eyes, “His name is Bobby,” she reminded him as she backtracked quite a way down the corridor. “And I’ll see him around tonight.” She jabbed a button on the wall to call the lift. ”Bye!” And with that she disappeared in through the opening doors.


The sounds of the automatic doors pulling open jolted Beast out of his deep contemplation, and he quickly looked round to see Rogue walking into the medical bay with a smile of greeting. “I’m a bit late today,” she informed him apologetically. “Got talkin’ to Logan.” She made her way round the table as she moved closer, then noticing the solemn expression on his face. His lips didn’t even seem able to hold the usual smile he had for her. “Beast?” She asked, her tone turning cautious, “What’s the matter?”

He turned away from her as he picked up a folder from his metal desktop, speaking quietly as he moved back to face her. “I need to talk to you Rogue..”

“Why? What? Is it to do with the tests?” Her eyes narrowed, “I’m not stoppin’ them..”

A sigh was heard as Beast gradually raised his eyes upon her face. “Yes, it’s to do with the tests. Please, sit down,” Rogue began making her way to the centre table, but he gently took her shoulder and steered her towards one of the large leather office chairs nearby. He pulled one over from another desk, bringing his seat quite close to hers. He could see her eyes regarding him with worry now, for his actions were sombre and his tone grave.

“Is it about the blood sample?” she asked him quietly. “What is it? What did you find?” She left a pause in which he could answer, but he was regarding his clasped blue hands solemnly. “Beast, if it means there’s nothin’ you can do to control it - it’s.. it’s alright..”

He looked up at her, shaking his head gently, “If only,” he answered, leaving her feeling increasingly anxious. A silent pause was left hanging before he resumed his speech. “You told me yesterday that you were experiencing illness more frequently. A sore throat, a cold. You may have been feeling lethargic and put off your food.” Rogue frowned gently as she watched him, waiting to see where this was leading. “Your blood sample showed me that your mutated genes are mutating into such a state where they are unstable.. and are beginning to destroy themselves.

“You mean I’m goin’ to lose my powers?”

“Yes,” answered Beast softly with a quiet sigh. “However, the volatile cells are emitting deadly toxins, which spreads like a virus, and it’s causing other standard human cells to be killed as well.”

Rogue’s frown deepened as she watched him, his intent gaze boring into hers. “What does that mean..?”

Beast looked discomfited by this question, for he pulled his narrow glasses off his nose and stared down at them whilst he gave them a brief wipe with his lab coat. “There’s no easy way to say this..” A heavy sigh was heard and he slowly returned the glasses to his face. “Rogue..” His shoulders visibly slumped. “You’re dying.”

She continued to watch him, eyes digging deep into his as she searched for some indication that what she just heard was a joke of horrible taste. His eyes lowered gradually, Rogue then slowly raising her hands to her face as she held her forehead. “I can’t be,” she said weakly. “It must be a mistake.”

“Unfortunately, my remarkable intelligence guarantees it isn’t,” he informed her in a gentle voice. “And I would never tell you of this if I was in any doubt,” he continued, leaning forward in his seat. “I was awake all night going through the blood sample, trying to disprove what I saw.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” snapped Rogue, her hands flinging from her face to reveal tearing eyes glaring at him.

Beast shook his head sorrowfully. “I have not spoken a word to anyone, not even the Professor. But I believed you had a right to know, before it became obvious.”

“What do you mean?” she asked softly, her head dropping back into her hands to cradle her tears.

“You will find yourself becoming more susceptible to illnesses, for your immune system will begin to weaken as your cells are killed off. You may already find yourself becoming more lethargic. But the most obvious clue will be your powers, for it will lessen in its strength till it is completely void. And then..” he drifted off, for he was sure she would understand without him having to repeat it. There was a long pause in which neither of them spoke, and Beast regarded her sadly. “Rogue..”

“Don’t,” she said softly as she stood to her feet, wiping tears from her face. She gave Beast a grief-stricken look, shaking her head miserably. “Just.. don’t..” with that she turned on her heel, running towards the automated doorway and disappearing out of the medical bay.

Beast watched her leave, his head then slumping down into his hands in anger at himself for telling her the worst news anyone could ever hear.
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