Summary: I started to think there was some kind of time continuity problem centered on Logan's room.
Categories: X1 Characters: None
Genres: PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 5
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4966
Read: 24178
Published: 06/01/2015
Updated: 06/30/2015
Chapter 2 by cschoolgirl
Author's Notes:
Uniform malfunction.
Logan and I slipped right back into our easy friendship. Not that I wouldn't be willing to fall into bed with him again if asked, but I figured the other morning had been a one time thing.
That was until I came back from a mission covered in … something. I thought my mutation was bad, but I wouldn’t trade it for the ability to spray others with a goopy mess that only served to tick your opponent off. So I kicked the other guy's butt and we headed back to the mansion, me sitting on the floor of the jet.
Once back I had to be hosed down to be able to unbuckle my boots. I thanked Storm and assured her I could get the rest of my uniform off by myself.
Turned out I couldn’t even get the zipper halfway down. I had only one thought: Logan could fix this. That is how I found myself dripping wet and barefoot knocking on his door.
It was opened immediately, Logan filling the doorway in nothing but his faded blue jeans. He raised an eyebrow at my condition, but before he could ask any questions I blurted out, “I’ve already cleaned off the mess, but all the water and gunk has done something to the zipper.”
The grin was making a slow appearance. “And you need my help getting it unstuck?”
I dumbly nodded at him before squeezing between Logan and the doorjamb. He solidly closed the door behind me and turned his full attention on me.
Standing by the wall, gazing around Logan's room (Okay, yes, I was staring at his bed.) I decided this might not be such a good idea. I was suddenly having thoughts about Logan that didn't stop at him helping with a zipper.
I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind of all the sexual thoughts, hoping Logan couldn't hear my heart beating out of my chest or sense all the hormones flooding my system. Logan made a low rumbling sound in his chest. No. No. No.
Opening my eyes I smiled up at him like an innocent child. Or at least I hoped. But the way he stared at my lips left doubts in my mind as to how innocent this whole situation came off.
I tugged at my uniform zipper, bringing it below my breasts where it stuck. "That's as far as it will go."
"I see." Logan's voice was all husky and deep, filling the couple of inches between us. He slipped his finger behind the zipper slide, brushing my breasts.
Damn. I was in trouble.
Frantically, I scanned the room for anything to distract me from what Logan's hands where doing. No, don't look at the bed. Not the dresser mirror either. I don't need to see his fine muscular back.
Oh, look a picture on the far wall. What is that a meadow?
"Marie?" Logan had been saying something and I missed it. "I need you to take off the top of your uniform."
Looking down, I saw he'd lowered my zipper to near my bellybutton. "Uh, okay." Logan helped me take the heavy, wet leather off.
Never in the year since I'd gained control of my mutation had I been this excited about touching another human being. Logan's powerful hands skimming over my shoulders and down my arms could easily have sent me over the edge.
He winked at me before kneeling down to get a better look at the zipper. Tugging on the zipper gently sent the wrong signals to my already overloaded brain. I leaned against the wall for support.
Time had slowed to a crawl. Breathe Marie, breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Repeat. My body wouldn't stop trembling.
I stole a peek at Logan on his knees in front of me, hot breath on my damp flesh. He looked up at me through heavily hooded eyes; he didn't miss my hard nipples making my breasts stand out even further. He growled low in his throat and popped the zipper from its track.
Logan quickly divested me of the bottom half of my uniform. He stood again, capturing my lips in a desperate kiss. I fumbled with the button on his jeans, while he made a condom magically appear.
He lifted me up, pressing me securely against the wall. My panties were pushed out of the way and I literally can't remember a thing.
That's a lie. I remember lots of heavy breathing and grasping hands. I'm pretty sure I pulled Logan's hair. There might have been some biting. I honestly don't know past the slick heat and the way his growl rumbled through my body.
I really should get a junior science kit to investigate the time continuity problem in Logan's bedroom. This time when I blinked it went from a few minutes past 'home from the mission' to 'I'd better get ready for the day'.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.