Wicked Game by Joanne
Summary: A journey where Logan gets reminded of what he gave up when he left the mansion at the end of X2. Fate hands him his ass and he gets the message finally!
Categories: AU, X2 Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Dark, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read, Not Spellchecked, Rape/Non-Con
Series: The Journey From Darkness to Light
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 100658 Read: 172465 Published: 04/17/2008 Updated: 04/18/2008
Aftermath by Joanne
Author's Notes:
Logan finds his role in the new structure of the mansion
and a secret thats been hiding from everyone finally comes to light.
Finding Marie in the kitchen, sat brooding over a mug of coffee. Damask next to her quiet and contemplative. Both of them looked up at him at exactly the same moment, the sparkle in their gaze making him feel warm. Uncurling from her seat Marie opened her arms and he filled the space eagerly, Damask smiled and quietly slipped out of the room. Lightly touching his back, sending a shiver through him she left, leaving them together. Feeling Marie’s hands rove over the leather trying to find a hole, a cut, anything to show he’d been hurt.

Finding nothing she spoke, “How’s Bobby?” He knew she knew about the body in the infirmary, she hadn’t seen it but she knew. Bringing her closer to him he hugged her tightly against him, smelling the freshness of her hair and feeling his need for her rise. “He’ll be okay. It’s never as easy as people think it is. I’m just glad we got him back alive.”

She snuggled into his chest making him hard, “I’m just glad you came back alive.” Moving himself a little, Logan looked into her face and she saw his need for her, the spark in his gaze. She moved her chin upward to meet his lips as they moved to hers, he needed her. To feel alive again, to know he was still capable of feeling anything but death’s cold grip. Meeting his kiss she sighed and wound herself around him, enjoying the sensation of his mouth against hers. Concentrating on keeping her powers turned down, breaking away when she felt the control on them beginning to slip from her grasp. “I’m sorry Logan, I can’t control it completely. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her voice deep and breathless, fanning his desire even further. Seeing the animal rise in his eyes, felt as his grip on her body tightened, pulling her hips toward his already straining erection. Bending to her neck, brushing aside her hair biting into the pale soft flesh revealed to him. Gently pulling the skin until he felt the start of her power, feeling the pull of her, filling his need to be consumed by her completely, to lose himself in her entirely. Gasping she pulled away, hips still together she could feel his desire, his need for her touch across his skin. Her mind full of him and what he wanted to do right now in the kitchen, no matter who was around or not. He just wanted her, right now. The animal was having its way and inside he knew she was excited by it, wanted to feel its passion run across her body.

A new scent drifted toward the kitchen and he quickly moved away from Marie, standing next to her as the Professor wheeled in quietly with their new addition to the faculty. Meeting Xavier’s gaze as he wheeled over to them both, feeling Xavier’s inward smile as he saw the flush on Rogues cheeks. He continued his running commentary about the school as they passed through the kitchen, telling Hank about the school and its policies on diet.

Logan watched Hank as he passed them, watching his pupils dilate as he caught Rogues aroused scent. The moment passed quickly and he noted that his senses weren’t as sharp as they looked. Marie seemed intrigued by the new visitor and slightly scared by his large frame, a memory surfaced in her mind flashing itself across his also. Sabretooth above her, all teeth and fur, his dark eyes full of desire, not for sex but for violence. Pulling her to him, his comforting grip dislodging the memory and bringing her back to the here and now.

Xavier had reached the other door and was about to leave when he turned to him, “Logan could you spare us a few moments please? There are a few things we need to discuss about today’s mission.” He felt a thought come with the voice
Squeezing Marie he answered. “Sure I’ll be with you in a minute.” He caught the amber gaze of Hank and the jealousy that rose in his gaze was evident to his acute senses. Looking away he followed Xavier, listening to the continued commentary.

When they’d left he pulled Marie close again, planting his lips firmly on hers, tongue racing through her mouth. Feeling and tasting her as he ground himself into her clothed hips, hearing her moan with pleasure at his strength and grip on her. Pulling away as he felt the first tugs of her gift he left her holding the countertop, skin flushed and eyes burning with need. “See you later?” A question that didn’t need an answer, she’d find him later and they’d finish what he’d started. He could bet on it, smiling he left the kitchen, still tasting her on his lips.


When he walked into the office he caught the strained edge of Xavier’s voice, taking a quick look around the room he saw that most of the security team were here as well as the rest of the faculty. Sliding into a seat he allowed the rest of the conversation to wash over him.
“The whole point of having training is that we won’t have another problem like we do in the infirmary. Bobby has control of his powers yes, but not in highly emotional situations. We can’t risk the students having to defend themselves without some knowledge of their limits.”

Xavier was trying his best to remain even-voiced but he was beginning to raise its tone. “Scott we have to be realistic about this. I don’t want any of them to come to harm but we need to train them how to defend themselves and if need be,” he struggled with the word. “Kill.” Scott turned to him, his face full of anger and barely suppressed rage. The red welts on his skin even more vivid against the black of his visor. Turning to Logan Scott ground his words out, “I suppose you’re in favour of this decision?”

Looking at Scott’s already red face and the pale knuckles he was ready to fight, Ororo put her hand on his shoulder and he could see the tension ease out of him a little.
“First of all, could you tell me what is being decided here? If it’s about training the older students then it’s about time.”

Scott pushed himself back into the soft sofa, all posture lost in his exasperation. The action riled him, as if he was dismissing what he had to say even before he had time to say it. Discounting his experience, Bobby’s experience too. The rolling eye sweep of Scott enraged him and it took all his self-control to keep the blades from popping out of his hands and into Scott’s smugness. It took a few moments but Xavier spoke and confirmed that yes that was what they were talking about. They needed his judgement on whether he believed the students could be trained and how he would go about it. He noticed Hank watching him, eyes narrowed and almost calculating an assessment of his reactions. The amber stare made his skin crawl and his voice sounded almost like a snarl.

“First things first, we need to get the students to understand that losing control of their powers isn’t an option.” Scott gave him a skewed glance as if to say ‘this is coming from Mr Restraint here?’ He ignored it and continued to speak in the quiet room. “Bobby is going to need help after this Prof, he hasn’t taken it well and there’s something else going on under the surface. Something he’s been hiding from us, don’t ask me why, I just know that there’s something there. Something wrong.” Pushing out of his seat walking to the window he saw the confusion cross Xavier’s face. Turning to Xavier he continued. “Bobby was one of the more stable kids here, if he has stuff going on inside that he’s managed to hide from you, from all of us; then there’s something wrong here. Something we’re not seeing.”

The concern in Xavier’s eyes almost made his heart break for him, at that moment he’d looked as if he’d just lost Jean again, another student lost to him by his inattention. Logan reached out and touched Xaviers shoulder, everyone lost in the significance of what he’d said. Bobby had been the most stable, most reliable, most humorous of the older pupils. Xavier had thought he’d been capable of tackling a small mission and had been proved wrong by a death at Bobby’s own hands. Hank chose this moment to speak to the gathered group around him.

“If there is a state of tension around the older students, maybe it would be a good idea for them to actually do some physically challenging exercises. Like a war game for example? Professor you said that the grounds here are extensive and cover many different terrain’s? Maybe some actual practice runs would do them some good? You described yourself how long it took for the school to settle down after the attempt on your life.” Scott gave a piercing look in Hank's direction and kept his mouth in a tight thin line. “Maybe Logan wouldn’t be adverse to training all of the older students in the basics of self defence, then moving onto the greater challenge of actual combat. But doing it here in the actual grounds of the school, many academies have their own assault courses and play war games. Maybe we can introduce an incentive for the dorms to compete?”

The stunned silence echoed around the room, it was so simple it had been obvious to them all the time. They didn’t feel safe anymore, the students needed to know they could fight if they had to. That was why Bobby had seemed so wound, so uptight, he wanted to prove he could fight. He'd wanted to fight the night the soldiers came but he’d had to run and that had hurt him deeply. That was the reason he’d been so nervous, so afraid to make a mistake, he’d seen it as a chance to prove his skills, to show him that he could stand when he needed to but he’d almost been killed in the attempt.


After the realisation had spread through the faculty it had been agreed upon that the last few weeks of the year would be taken up with planning and building the assault course. Ororo would help to stabilise the weather and Kurt would help with the moving of the large pieces of timber that would be needed. Scott and himself could do the cutting in the woods, maybe making that a challenge. See whose team could pull the most down the hills behind the school. A thought sneaked into his mind, maybe he could build a little home out there too. Using the logs that were too small for the course, it’d be nice to have a place out in the woods again. He could use it for the survival course, it helped to have a permanent place out there but there was also the bonus of if he needed time alone he could just camp out there for a while. He’d be close enough to Xavier and the school for him to be back within five minutes if he was needed.

The meeting carried on into the evening, the first patrol went on duty and had returned before they’d finished detailing the next few months in his life. He was going to be very busy, organising the older students into work parties and teams. Rotating everyone so they all had shot at being boss and being a worker, nothing like it for bringing you down to earth when you knew that next week you’d be the one digging the trench, not telling others to do it.

The clock had moved around to ten when they finally all left Xavier’s office. He’d waited around to talk to Xavier, he’d wanted to ask him something, something about their new addition. Clutching his new schedule in hand he turned to Xavier, who was busy re-ordering the budget to fit the new equipment that would be needed into it. He knew he was there, he was just waiting for him to acknowledge his presence. After a minute or so he looked up from the papers in front of him, his eyes regaining some of the sparkle he’d first seen in there when he’d first met him. “What do you want to talk about Logan?” His tone was playful, almost goading as if he knew what was bothering him. Sitting on the edge of the desk he looked at the sheaf of paper in his hand.

“You haven’t left me much free time here Xavier, think I’m going to run off again?” The image of Xavier wavered in front of him, as if he was behind a wall of heat. Blinking furiously he wiped his eyes and looked again at Xavier. Pushing himself away from the desk he turned to face Xavier fully, revealing his small frame, almost lost in the chair. His lower limbs were almost wasted and he could see the discomfort he was in just sitting there. Xavier saw his reaction and the scene wavered again, this time solidifying on his true image.

“How long have you been hiding this?” Racking his mind to try and find an image of him in between, of the onset of this illness and he knew he wouldn’t find it. He knew how he’d been doing it, he’d been projecting his healthy shape in their minds, it had been what they’d expected to see so it was what they’d seen. He cocked his head toward him and he reached for the internal phone, snatching it out of Xavier’s reach. He dialled Scott’s room and got an immediate answer.

“What is it now?” he sounded grumpy and annoyed, just how he liked him but this wasn’t about him, it was about the man who’d provided him with a home and a purpose.
“Get down here Cyc, there’s something you should see.” He could hear the cogs going round in Cyc’s head, if he was on the internal phone he had to be in the office. If he was in the office still there was something else he needed to know. “I’ll be down as soon as I’m dressed.” Smiling to himself he replaced the receiver and saw the annoyance burning from Xavier.

“You know I’m doing this for your own good. That’s why you wanted me here because you knew I’d do this. Some part of you knows this and took the rug out from the rest of you.” Smiling he put his hand on the older mans shoulder and felt the touch of Xavier’s mind on his. It’s touch gentle and appreciative, a tiredness that could be allowed to be shown leeched from him and into his own metal clad bones, making him feel even heavier. But it was nothing to the burden that Xavier seemed to have been carrying. “You're welcome, I suppose I’ll have to put up with not knowing about Hank for a while.”

The door opened and Scott stood there dressed in his pj’s, red silk with white piping. For a moment all he could do was stare at him, until he gave him that ‘You should judge’ look. Waving Scott in he went behind the desk and pulled Xavier’s chair from its cover. The shock told on his face and he made to speak but he got in first. “Xavier needs some rest, away from here for a while.” He could feel him about to argue with him but he was so tired he couldn’t even raise a finger never mind a hand. “Any ideas?” Scott bent down looking at Xavier’s tired form and the guilt for not seeing it sooner echoed through him. He smelled the change in his scent and decided to step in. “Bobby wasn’t the only one hiding stuff from us all, was he?”

Logan turned his head toward Xavier and Scott and sighed heavily.
“There was so much to do, so many things to organise. The new information from Hank makes our position even more precarious, the F.O.H is gaining popularity and we’re going to need all the strength we have just to stay afloat here. I’ve just been overworking myself that’s all.”
Scott looked at Xavier and shook his head, “This isn’t just overwork Xavier and we both know it. You need time away from us all here. You need to get away for a while, time to rest, time to heal.” Xavier settled back into the cushion of his chair as he realised that he wouldn’t make any headway with either of them. He was going to be away from the school for the winter, all of it. Ororo could keep him updated on events every day if need be but he needed rest.

It took them two hours to get him packed and ready to go, he was going to spend the holidays on Muir Island. A research facility set up for the understanding of mutant powers and abilities, it was also miles from anywhere and only accessible by plane. He watched Scott take Xavier into the deep blue black winter sky, out over the horizon and into a more peaceful place, a place he could recover and regain his health. Just like he had when he’d arrived here. Blowing cigar smoke into the crisp air he wondered if Marie was still awake.


Walking to his bedroom to collect the bottle he’d promised himself to introduce to Bobby he found the door already unlocked, scenting the air inside he could smell Marie. Opening the door fully he saw her asleep in his bed, dressed in his old flannel work shirt, cuffs held under her nose so she could breathe him in as she slept. The sight of her made his heart ache just watching her sleep, closing the door quietly he crossed over to the bed and knelt down in front of her. Watching, as her senses realised she was no longer alone in the room, after a couple of minutes her eyes opened. Looking into her green eyes and seeing the fire he’d banked in them rekindle with his presence, stretching out her arms toward him and snaring him in her embrace. Smiling he allowed her to pull him toward her body, hands roving over her covered form tracing her shape and feeling her warmth.
“Hey,” her voice was full of sleep even though her eyes were awake and devouring his features as if burning them into her memory. Touching her arm, fingers tracing the muscle he found there watching as her pupils dilated as his fingers moved over the cloth. Sensing her arousal at his most simple touch of her.

“Hey yourself, how did you get in here? I thought I’d locked the door this morning.” A smile crept across her face, fanning the desire he felt for her.
“Ah now that would be telling wouldn’t it. Besides I thought you asked me here, you did want to be found didn’t you?” She moved across the bed towards him, hearing the sheets move across her skin, sending her scent blossoming out of the bed. Mixing with his own, making him sweat under his shirt, watching her eyes as she caught the scent and moved closer. Kissing her lightly he wrapped her arms back up in the bed catching her look of disappointment as it crossed her eyes. He watched as the emotions crossed her face, from hurt to confusion, to anger. Brushing a stray piece of hair form her eyes he kissed her again, relishing the softness under his own lips. Tasting her sweetness, making him ache for her.

“I’ve got to finish something first. I’ll be back soon and we can finish what we started.” A wolfish smile covered his face, “Besides it’ll make it taste better, some things are worth waiting for.” Understanding she slipped the covers away and he could see her laid out in the warm bed, moving her legs so he caught a scent of her, sensing her heat and her need for him. Catching the look in his eyes she laughed. “You look hungry,” his eyes roved over her body until she flipped the covers over, cutting off his enjoyment. Growling at the back of his throat he got up and walked to the door, repositioning the erection that strained painfully at his trousers. “Just wake me up when you get back,” turning he saw her snuggle down into his bed and turn her back to the door.
“Darlin’ when I get back, you won’t be sleeping.” He heard her smile and felt her emotion’s rise as he opened the door.
Remembering another moment like this one he sent the memory to her, both of them on a train, talking about the school and whether she should go back. He’d told her that he’d look after her, care for her, not knowing that even then she’d already captured him. “Promise.” Feeling her mind settle down into sleep, he left the room carrying his liquid friend with him. Time to go see if someone else was sleeping soundly.


The medical bay was quiet when he walked in, the lights were dimmed and the only sounds were the gentle hum of the medical fridge’s. He’d been in here so often he knew the routine of the small fridge’s each one timed to run a certain amount of time to keep the temperature at a constant. Walking over to Bobby’s bed he found him awake, sat up and reading with the small lamp attached to the bed. A textbook on Biology, the cover battered and torn. His blond head half obscured by it as he searched the text on the page. Coughing lightly, watching as he realised that he was there, seeing him almost blush as he realised he’d been caught studying when he should have been resting.

“Catching up?” The question was light, an opener to see how he was feeling.
“Cyclops has asked me to take his class tomorrow morning. It’s only about the basics of biology, the different subclasses of fauna and the ecology of the local area. He’s away so someone has to step in, Storm’s doing his afternoon class.”
“I thought classes were going to be suspended for a while?”
“Cyclops thinks we need to keep up with some aspects of the courses, especially the older students, so I’m doing some extra.”
Putting the bottle down on the bed he picked up the textbook and looked at the section he was expected to teach tomorrow. Basic ecology and biology, the classification of animals and plants, something the kids could learn in half an hour of outdoor practice instead of two hours inside. Grunting at the amount of wasted effort he threw the book down and reached for the small glass on the bedside cabinet.

“Time for you to meet a friend of mine,” turning the glass in his hand as he reached for the bottle. Watching Bobby’s nerves fire as he poured the amber liquid from the small bottle into the glass, its rich aroma flooding into the sterile room. Offering the glass to Bobby he saw his hands twitch nervously, wondering if he should. “Look at it this way, it’ll help you sleep if nothing else.” Seeing the relief flooding his eyes as Logan spoke Bobby took the offered glass, lifting it to his nose and smelling the warm spicy sharpness that met it. “Go slow with it, it’s an old one. One of the best, don’t know where old Charles got it but it’s welcome on cold nights and lonely ones too.” Mentally reminding himself of who was waiting for him upstairs at the moment and that lonely nights may be a thing of the past. Watching as Bobby tasted the liquid in his glass, seeing it move through him, relaxing his face, easing the pain in his frame. “Get any sleep yet?” Bobby shot him a glance he’d hit a nerve then. “Want to talk about it?”

Nervous Bobby took another sip and spoke. “I was in the building again, alone this time. I was running to something but I couldn’t see what. I just felt..” he stumbled for the right word. “Alone, afraid I guess. My hands were itchy and I couldn’t scratch, they were locked up in something and I was trying to find a key to get them open. I ran into a huge room and ‘he’ was there.” Bobby’s eyes were remembering the sight, of its flesh, blackened and skin stretched taught over a distended stomach. “I tried to get away but I couldn’t stop myself. I got closer and it burst.” Tears began to fall onto the book, his knuckles white as he gripped the glass in his hands. “I killed him.” Bobby cried for a while, watching as the boy poured out all the guilt and hate he’d been feeling since seeing the man he’d killed. He let him get it all out, didn’t interrupt, didn’t say anything until he’d been quiet for about five minutes.

Bobby had aged in the hour he’d been down here with him. He was twenty but he looked thirty under the light here, new hollows and appeared in his face and in his eyes. Bobby looked up at him when he’d finally drained his glass, “Any chance of another?” Grunting displeasure he took the glass from his hands and put it back on the small bedside table.
“Nope, one should be enough for you bud, I don’t want Cyc coming down here and finding you dead to the world do I? I get in enough trouble with him already.” Bobby’s eyes were less haunted now, less afraid of himself and what he’d done. Inside he knew he’d need some more help from Xavier and Cyc but it would have to wait. He’d be there to do what he could but at the moment he needed sleep. Plucking the books from the bed he piled them to one side, held up the cover and motioned to Bobby to get down. Smiling he scooted down into the sheets, his features already drowsy from the 20 year old whiskey. “Night Logan, thanks for introducing me to a friend of yours. I hope I’ll meet them again sometime.”

Logan left the room and carried the bottle with him, Bobbt had learned a lesson about life but then so had he. Who knew that in six months he'd gone from running away from here to helping to run and protect the place? Although it helped that Marie was here and bringing his thoughts back to what was waiting for him upstairs Logan began to run.
This story archived at http://wolverineandrogue.com/wrfa/viewstory.php?sid=2764