1. Chapter 1 by Author Interviews
The pen name FlameDancer77 comes from an original character from the aforementioned saga: Mara, who has the title Flame Dancer among the Dragons. She was one of my first OCs, and remains one of my favorites. And the ‘77’ is from the year I was born, 1977. It was actually my pen name on FFN first and I figured I should just keep one name for all my online writing, but that account on FFN was closed and I’m now LadyV77 there. But I figured I was ‘established’ here as FlameDancer77 already, so I made no attempt to change it.
As for numbers, that depends if we’re counting WIP or not. On WRFA (combined with feedback received on wrbeta), for finished story it would be a tie between “Marie’s List” and “Candy or Claws” with 7 a piece. Including WIP, it would be my story “The Darkholme Legacy” with a current tally of 10. On FFN, completed WR story would be “Marie’s List” with 11; “The Darkholme Legacy” again leaps out in front if WIPs are included with a running total of 98. If we’re talking any fandom, my completed multi-chapter story on FFN entitled “Child of the Sun” had a grand total of well over a hundred were it not for the unfortunate circumstance of having to repost as I was nearing the end.
As for a LiveJournal, yes, I have one on livejournal.com (Win helped me start that – thanks again, hon), but I hardly ever update it. I go through phases where I write everyday for a couple days and then not at all for months. I used to do the same thing with journals and diaries when I was younger. I have been thinking lately about using it more, and at some point I’d like to start posting stories and chapters there just to see if they would attract any attention. My screenname is “etebarigirl” but, remember, you’ve been warned about the lack of updates!