Veracious by skybluerae
Summary: Follow-up to Doppleganger. You should probably read that first to appreciate this fic fully, but if not you can still follow it.

Categories: AU Characters: None
Genres: PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3317 Read: 4431 Published: 04/19/2007 Updated: 04/19/2007

1. Chapter 1 by skybluerae

Chapter 1 by skybluerae
Author's Notes:
Had this one in the works for a long time, but it was shelved once Torn started. No beta, all mistakes are mine. Not a lot of plot, just smut with SexIncarnateSmirking!Logan. Sorry guys, my smut bunnies are on Viagra.
When he finally found her outside it was already dusk. She stood beside the basketball court, watching some of the kids play intramurals, like everything was normal, like she wasn't being hunted.

Rogue looked so young standing there, a proper little student at Xavier's. Mama taught her good manners, Papa told her to get good grades; she was pristine and lady like. To look at her, anyone would think she was sweet and reserved, the kind of girl that would blush and turn bashful at a phrase like "wrap your lips around my cock".

Logan knew better now. She'd blush alright, but the bashful was long gone - if it'd ever existed at all.

He moved closer to her, arms crossed over his chest to keep from grabbing her right there. He wanted to demand answers. He wanted to throw her down and climb on top of her. Instead, he waited until she slowly turned her head and lifted her chin to look at him.

"Hey Logan," she smiled innocently.

"Hey Marie." The words rumbled somewhere deep in his chest.

He shot her a knowing look and turned to leave. Just a few paces away, he looked back.

"Let's go," he said intently and she followed.

At the gate rounding the mansion, Logan stepped aside to let her walk through ahead of him. The act was done as much for chivalry as it was for the view. He didn't speak to her as they neared the entrance so she finally turned around.

"You feelin' okay?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Moving into her personal space and pushing the door open behind her, the magnetism oozed around them.

"I'm fine. How you feelin'?"

Rogue nodded her head, a flush creeping up from behind her white button-up and adding that alluring color to her face. "I'm fine too," she managed to keep eye contact.

Walking forward and forcing her to back into the foyer, Logan answered smugly. "You certainly are."

He wasn't completely sure what had come over him. Only a few months earlier, even the idea of any of this type behavior with Rogue would have been cut off cold. Things were different now though. Inadvertently, one of his biggest fears and fantasies had come true and the world hadn't come crashing down around him. In fact, everything seemed to be just a little bit...better. He'd ridden hell-bent from Alberta to get back to Xavier's to find his naughty little Marie. She'd played an awful trick when she didn't confess immediately that she was not in fact Mystique, but the real deal. For that, she'd need to be taught a lesson about trying to trick the Wolverine. Rogue needed a reminder on who called the shots. However, the idea of round two with what he knew was the real thing already had the blood running hot through his veins.

When he stopped, she stopped and looked up at him expectantly. Logan thought if he could bottle that look; just that adoring face with the hint of carnal knowledge and all of it speaking so clearly to his own desire, he'd seal it up. Then he could open it up and wallow around in it whenever he wished. As if she could read his thoughts, Rogue smiled at him coyly. Obviously the little minx knew exactly what she did to him.

"Upstairs," he ordered. So she thought she knew so much, he'd just have to knock her off balance.

As she climbed the stairs, an idea on just how to regain the upper hand began to form in Logan's mind. He refused to be thrown off by the fine ass that was swaying within easy reach of his hands, too. Instead, when they hit the landing halfway up, he grabbed her waist, spinning her around and pinned her against the wall. Relishing in her startled reaction, he ran a finger down across the platinum wave of her hair.

"So when did it happen?"

"What?" she asked, her wide eyes not leaving his face.

"Your skin. Your control?"

"While you were away."

"Obviously," he murmured as his finger descended to pluck at the collar of her blouse. "Y'know it wasn't the skin that kept me away."

"Mmm hmm," was her response.

"The only thing that kept me away has pretty much died a slow and naughty death, darlin'. So...the only thing between me and you are the clothes on your skin. And they don't stand a chance in hell either."

He kept one hand firmly holding her against the wall while the other dipped down, popping open her blouse's top button. Logan let his knuckles graze the swell of her breasts as he kept working his way down. She'd stopped breathing, but she wasn't stopping him either. Sliding a hand in, he caressed the skin and lace before taking her boldly in his hand and tweaking the nipple roughly.

A sharp intake of air had Rogue relaxing her neck, her head falling back against the polished wood wall. He worked the buttons open to her waist before she stopped him.

"Logan! We're on the stairs."

"So," he murmured into her ear and he meant it. Right now, he didn't much care where they were.

"So. Anyone could walk by. One of the kids."

He eyed her for a moment before grabbing her wrist and dragging her behind him towards his room. At the threshold, he pushed her inside and locked the door behind them. Rogue only smiled at his impatience. She understood that sense of urgency because she felt it too. Ever since Alberta, she'd counted the minutes between realization *finally* hitting her bull headed cage fighter and his return to her. The incident at the motel told her that for all the daily fantasies she’d entertained about Logan, he’d had just as many about her.

Logan descended on her then, pulling off the blouse and starting on her skirt. When Rogue moved her hands to remove his shirt, he smacked them away with an impatient, guttural noise. He no longer wanted her to undress nice and slow for him; he wanted her bare ass naked. Now. He stripped her of everything, until all her clothing was a little pile on his floor, and then he looked at her. But he wasn't just looking at her. Rogue felt those eyes on her, amazed at the heat they caused. The way he was studying her made a warmth start in her belly, then slowly pool between her legs. She wondered if he noticed how she drew her thighs together, thinking that might ward off a flood.

Running a hand over her skin, Logan stopped near her collar bone to run a finger across a mark. His mark. He'd live that night over and over in his mind now, and remember it was Marie that showed up at his door. It was Marie that did everything he told her to and then some; and it was Marie who had the guts to be a sneaky little girl with him. One of the many things about her that drove him wild.

He kissed her hard, both hands buried in her hair with his mouth bruising hers. God he loved that mouth. He'd loved that mouth since he'd seen it across a bar. He’d loved that mouth when she got smart with him after knowing him less than five minutes, and he loved that mouth now that he could kiss it knowing it was all Marie. His tongue plundered her mouth and it was warm with the hint of bubble gum she'd had earlier. She was so soft and willing in his arms. Logan couldn't wait to make her moan with pleasure. He also couldn't wait to make those brown eyes fly open wide when he reminded her exactly who the naughtier one here was.

With a low growl he moved his lips to her neck, nipping at her ear, making her cling to him as he backed her towards the bed. Her bare breasts were pushed up against him, the zipper from his jacket digging into her skin but she didn't seem to mind. Logan stepped back to pull off the jacket, then skewered Rogue with menacing look.

"You know that was wrong of you to mislead me. You knew I thought you were Mystique," he spoke lowly.

She looked and felt completely vulnerable standing before him in nothing but her skin, but Rogue still managed a retort.

"Yeah. But you were the one playing games to begin with...I mean Mystique - as me. Really Logan." She cocked her head to the side.

"True enough, but it was means to an end. That was me trying to be the good guy. And what you did...that was bad. I told you that you were a bad little girl. I just didn't know how right I was at the time."

Rogue saw the gleam in his eyes as he worked his belt buckle loose. "Turn around, Marie. Put your hands on the bed."

Her eyebrows drew together in confusion until he slid his belt free in one fluid movement. "Turn around, Marie," he said again, his voice husky but steady. Rogue's brown eyes widened like saucers. He couldn't mean to...

"You know what happens to bad little girls who get into trouble," he spoke softly. "So turn around and put your hands on the bed."

"But Logan!" she cried, unsure of what her argument could be. "You're not gonna...I mean." Her words were cut off by the look on his face. She saw that he was absolutely gonna and he meant exactly what it looked like. A part of her was shocked and more than a little incensed that he would treat her this way, but a bigger part was vastly curious and turned on by pretty much everything the man did. He made a twirling motion with his finger, telling her to turn and Rogue obeyed with a cringe.

Surely he wouldn't hurt her. Not really. But she'd already seen another side to him in that motel room. The way he'd looked at her and spoke to her when he thought there'd be no repercussions. She'd never imagined that it could be that way with him. So...dirty. But God, it was so wonderful all at the same time. He'd been bossy as hell in Alberta and she'd liked it. He wasn't over the top about it and in the end his own vulnerability in regards to her was obvious. The idea of repeating that night made her legs feel wobbly and she placed her hands on the bed to steady herself.

The leather caressed her bare ass as Logan let it dangle against her. He was toying with her and loving every minute of it. Reflexively she balled her fists into the blankets. He was showing her that even though she was now absolutely sure of the pull she had on the man, he'd never quite give up the lead on that leash. Then she flinched when she heard the belt snap as he jerked it tight.

"Don't you trust me, Marie?" she heard him say.

"Yeah," she managed.

She saw the leather fly back in a high arch in her peripheral vision and squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the pain. The belt hissed through the air and as the leather made contact on the bed with a smack, she felt Logan's teeth bite playfully on her bottom.

Rogue's heart felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest and hop across the room. That was it? Every muscle was strained tight, but she managed to turn her head to see Logan drop the belt. He was trying to fuck with her head, she thought. Proving he’d always try to stay one step ahead of her.

She was fully prepared to rail on him when he came up behind her, smoothing his hands across her. He kissed her skin and ran his tongue across the pink area he'd caused. Her temper was immediately replaced with a heated yearning.

"Put your knees up on the bed," he instructed as he helped lift her. "I wanna look at you."

Rogue completely forgot about her temper as she placed her knees on the edge of the bed and Logan positioned them wider; gently pushing her shoulders towards the mattress. In this position she felt completely exposed, but with him it also felt seductive. He moved back, looking at her before caressing her skin then taking two fingers to stroke the folds of her sex.

Logan made a low sound, so similar to a hum, as he slid those fingers inside her, spreading the moisture until she was slick all over. She moaned quietly as her hips moved towards him.

"That's right," he encouraged. "Let me feel you. Let me see you."

Arching her back obediently, Rogue tried to show him more.

"God baby. You are so fuckin' sexy. Do you know that?" He continued to touch her. “I’ve thought about you…and…the other night…” His hands moved back to her hips. "You drive me absolutely crazy."

Logan abruptly sat on the bed, pulling her over into his lap so her back leaned against his chest.

"You were gonna let me use that belt on you too; weren't you?" he asked.

Still in a sensual haze and a little shocked with herself, she nodded. "Yeah, I...I just..." she smiled sheepishly. "With you I...I dunno."

He nuzzled her neck, moving her legs to straddle one of his. Rogue knew he'd only been messing with her head; proving that no matter how wild she could drive him, he'd always have the upper hand.

“I wanna make you scream and moan again,” he told her as he petted her skin. “I want to do it, knowing it’s you.”

The humming started again in his throat as he continued nuzzling and kissing her neck. His hands moved to cup her breasts, teasing each in turn, then dipped down to find her core hot and slick. With his fingers he played her, toying with her clit until he caused that little bud of tension to rise to his calling. Rogue moaned softly and shifted on his leg, rocking into his hand, needing him to increase the pressure.

Keeping her balanced with his hand that was causing so much excruciating pleasure, Logan ran his other hand up her back and into her hair. He gripped a hand full, then pulled it back roughly, causing her to arch her back, her hips rolling forward and her hands reaching back to grip his legs. She bit her bottom lip, whimpering louder at the feel of it all.

"That’s what I like. You like that, baby?" he asked, licking the side of her neck.

"Mmmm hmmm."

When Logan could feel her getting close, his nibbles turned into him closing his teeth firmly on the tendon in her neck. Rogue cried out as she came, digging her nails into his thighs.

After a moment, he moved her to her feet, steadying her with his hands on her waist. She swayed into him, still riding the waves of her orgasm.

Logan smirked proudly. "You okay?" he murmured, stroking her cheek. Rogue finally looked up at him. "Oh yeah," she smiled.

He kissed her again, touching and fondling her. Still so soon after her climax, Rogue thought she may just ride out another one when he pulled back and put her hands on his chest.

"Undress me," he said.

Her smile was wide. Gladly, she thought as she pulled on his t-shirt. Tugging it over his head, and then flinging it across the room, she went to work on his jeans while he stepped out of his boots. Rogue could have looked at him for hours, but wanted to feel all of him with her skin. She moved her hands over his chest, relishing him under her fingertips and loving the fact that she could touch him like this now. When he pulled her closer to kiss her again, the stiff length of his cock bumped against her and she smiled against his lips.

"What's so funny?" he murmured.

Rogue's eyes sparkled as she looked up at him.

"You really are such a bad girl," he said.

She closed her eyes and still saw exactly what he looked like as if her eyes were open. Her mind was branded with it now; how his muscles tensed with the notion of what was to come, his senses were honed to predatory perfection and it showed all over his face.

He moved them back towards the bed and sat down, leaning against the pillows.

"C'mere. I want you I can watch you." Logan pulled her forward and positioned her to straddle his lap. He pushed her back until the length of his erection hit against her bottom. Rogue bit at her bottom lip coyly, making the corner of Logan's mouth pull up in a half smile. He grabbed her by the back of the neck, pulling her down to kiss her deeply. He kissed her thoroughly, tangling with her tongue and biting at her lips, loving the taste of her and knowing it was the feel of her body pressed against his. Logan held her mouth with his as he positioned himself and thrust deep inside her. He caught her gasp on his lips, feeling her tense then turn to silk in his arms.

Rogue pushed up, her hands on his shoulders, moving her hips to find the motion that would take her over the edge.

"That's it baby. I wanna see you. I wanna watch you come," he told her as he pumped his hips from underneath.

She rubbed against him as he worked. Their pace increased and she was getting closer. Looking down, Rogue realized that it was all real. She was really here with Logan, there were no tricks involved; he'd rushed back here to find her and had always wanted her as much as she wanted him.

"Oh...Logan," she murmured as the swell of her orgasm began to rise. Her eyes turned watery with the high from it and she clung to him, digging fingers into his chest. "Oh...yes...Logan," Rogue sounded desperate and elated all at the same time. The intensity crashed over her then, making her grind against him harder, tossing her head back.

With a firmer grip on her hips, Logan drove into her faster. He wasn't far behind her. Feeling her all around him, seeing her luscious body bounce in front of him, and watching as the sheer pleasure grew on her face, it had driven him to the brink.

"Oh God, Marie," he growled. One more thrust and he exploded inside her, pushing further as if milking it for all it was worth.

Rogue fell forward, their sweat slicked bodies pressed against each other. Logan's arms encompassed her, holding her there for what seemed an eternity.

Finally, lifting her head, she gave him a warm look followed by a giddy, satisfied smile.

Logan shook his head and actually laughed, causing his chest to rumble, the movement shaking Rogue.

"Mmmm - that was niiiiiiiice," she purred.

"Nice?!" he asked, sounding offended. "That's the best you got? Nice?"

Rogue giggled at him as he rolled them over, pinning her underneath him.

"You know what I mean," she said, rolling her eyes.

"No," Logan shook his head. "I think you're gonna have to do better than 'Nice'."

She paused thoughtfully. "Then...maybe we should try it again?" she offered with a cheeky smile.

"Keep tryin' it again and again 'til we get it right? That the idea?"

Rogue nodded emphatically as Logan started to stir against her once more.

"I love the way your mind works, Marie. ‘Specially when it’s bad.”
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