Reviews For Logan on the Couch
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Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/03/2016 2:11:37 PM Title: Logan's turn

Yes, Logan, you've been's all there for prosperity, you can't deny it!! LOL

Reviewer: Jahunta4974 Signed star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/08/2015 6:13:05 PM Title: Logan's turn

"Thing is, she's kickass is my girl. She'll get me back anyways. She'd crawl outta the damn grave to stick me when I'm sleepin', for all the good it'd do. And she'd probably do it in that tight leather suit that is *so* fuckin' illegal that... No. I didn't jus' call her 'my girl' you imagined it. I *said* YOU. IMAGINED. IT. Don't make me come over there and...

Oh. Fuck. I didn't know you recorded these things on tape."

Oh my God! Those are the funniest lines EVER!

Reviewer: litlen Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/03/2008 8:15:22 AM Title: Logan's turn

'And then I'll have to kill him too. Which I'd rather not, because, y'know, there'd be paperwork, and deep down he's a good kid. Very deep down... very *very*... actually scratch that. He's a dick.'

why is there pain from laughing at that little statement? after all, he's just telling the truth - Bobby is a dick! :)

Author's Response: *lol* you gotta love logan when he tries to do the right thing... then fails *g*

Reviewer: bima140277 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2007 6:35:28 PM Title: Logan's turn

Awww poor Logan *snickers*

Author's Response: I know...*hugs poor Logan* :o)

Reviewer: White Dove Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/04/2007 12:08:46 AM Title: Logan's turn

LOL this is so funny!

Author's Response: *g* Thank you. Foof Logan is always so much fun to write!

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