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Reviewer: BlueFrog Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 07/10/2017 11:40:34 PM Title: Chapter 1

Bah! Love this story. So much promise, so much potential. Well done.

Reviewer: Killing_time Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 08/30/2014 8:40:43 AM Title: Chapter 1

Damn this was good, too bad you're not writing these two anymore ( an understatement) would have loved to have seen that follow up!

Reviewer: Corinne Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/10/2009 8:47:06 PM Title: Chapter 1

i love Halloween too...actually i'm going as Nightcrawler this year hee hee!

Reviewer: likelandm Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/03/2009 9:41:40 PM Title: Chapter 1


I love this much good stuff to gush about but, I'll try to stick with a few :)
-soo cute that Rogue was the designated adult and her "knack", and also nice that the kids got a chance to have fun.
-her costume-awesome
-Logan as silent guard..and getting his much he wants her, and has for years and their flirting *swoons*
-Finally, L/M on the bike going off into the night with endless possibilities...delicious.
Thank you for this little gem of a story....aaand, I normally wouldn't bring this up for a one-shot..but, there was mention of a possible sequel(though it was a couple of years ago, so possibly not), would be a nice treat for the upcoming Halloween. ;)

Author's Response: There is a second installment planned. I just can't decide where to go with it. I have scenes in mind, bits and pieces, but I need to have it glued together, and so far, it ain't stickin'!

Reviewer: Digiella Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2008 10:08:31 PM Title: Chapter 1

"If ever there was a man born to jaywalk sexy, he was approaching her now. " - Hot DAMN! This is just sex rolled up and hidden in an PG-13 rating. O_O -drools- Logan... Oh god... x__x I think I just died....

Author's Response: Thanks! I keep having a jaywalking Logan picture in my head - it even popped up in "Poison," too. My Logan jaywalks a lot, I guess. lol! It's those long, long legs.... *goes away for a while*

Reviewer: Like a Hurricane Signed star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/30/2007 8:07:44 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hot damn. Sexy!Rogue in fishnets and Logan with fangs; I just lost my train of thought...
Oh yeah! You're awesome. That's what I was thinking before I got...distracted.

Author's Response: The whole visual of Logan with fangs (Movie!Logan, that is) just melts me. Bite me, sugar - bite me hard!

Reviewer: aranenumenesse Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/18/2007 1:17:11 AM Title: Chapter 1

I'm still waiting for that follow-up... Have you written it, or do I have to wait forever? You can't leave it like that. Well, technically you *can* do anything you like... Grr... :)

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/17/2007 2:04:57 PM Title: Chapter 1

OMG!! YES! Yes! I vote for more chapters! You CAN NOT leave it there! (Trust me I know, I ride behind my hubby on his '69 Harley!! There are waaaayyyy too many places to go from here to NOT go at all!!) Bring on the 'adult' content!!

Author's Response: LOL! Arane and ct - yes, there will be a follow-up. I'm just too busy right now to write it (still chest-deep in my chaptered story that's entirely too long and I'm never writing more than 2-3 chatpers again, I SWEAR!). Yes, there will be sex in the graveyard, eventually. OOPS!

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