The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Interesting start! I'm eager to see where this story goes!
Hello, Erro. Are you ok?
I'm missing you and your story.
Author's Response: I'm here! Sorry, real life kicked in for a while and I've had no internet (oh the humanity!), it's been a long few days but I'm back now, with a brand new chapter. Enjoy :)
I’m obsessed with this story. Please keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Thank you :) This is so far one of my top favourites of the stories I've written, my muse continued world building long after this story was finished so I may be revisiting this 'verse in the future...
omg sabertooth?
Author's Response: Well he had to show up some time, lol. What did you think of the twist I gave his character?
P.S. It's not the last we'll see of him, stay tuned.
omg sabertooth?
I am loving this! I love that Logan is a little less grumpy and that Marie is not such a soft little girl ... I also like this whole Alternate Universe, not so attached to the original story ... although I hope to see some of the X-Men if it is possible
Author's Response: The X-Men will definitely make an appearance, a few more chapters to go yet before that can happen though, and Sabertooth has to catch up with them first...
Wow! I'm liking what I see so far! The not-so-gruff Wolverine and the tougher in-control-of-her-skin Marie is a bit of a departure in a X-1 story, but I think it's a refreshing change. I can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Yeah, I wasn't sure if I should include the X1 tag but the general storyline of that does kick in... eventually.
Happy Birthday for you! Ohh how great, i love long stories... thanks for sharing this one with us on oyu birthday
Author's Response: Awe, thanks. Hit a bit of writers block recently so this is a good way to fill the time and reenergise myself too.
Will there be a Logan's point of view?
Author's Response: Got a Logan POV chapter up now but it's mostly going to drift between the two of them from here.
I'm trying to avoid rehashing scenes, so not likely to see the same scene from both points of view.