The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Awwwwwww! That was so sweet! I loved it! My only complaint is that it ended too soon! I wanted to see them really get together, get married, have more cubs! Maybe if enough of us ask nicely, we'll get a sequel!
Author's Response: Thank you :) I considered continuing it but was worried it would just end up angsty and predictable, I will keep it on my radar though for possible sequel material.
Wow! That was a delightful chapter! I just loved the interaction between Logan and Jubilee and Logan and Kaden! The scene between Logan and Jubilee is so reminiscent of their relationship in the comics and the 80's cartoon (That I'm TOTALLY am not old enough to have watched! I caught the reruns, yeah, the reruns!). I'm kind of sad there wasn't any in the movies.
The scene between Logan and Kaden was too cute! I really liked that Logan was gentle but matter of fact about being a feral. I get so tired of fics where Logan hates Wolverine or vice versa. And the last line about eating veggies was hysterical! I think Marie is hoping in vain for Kaden's "wolf" to like vegetables.
Everything has been pitch perfect so far! Now I can't wait to see Marie and Logan reunited!
Well, we now know how Marie and Logan met and got separated. I'm also happy that she finally got to Alaska! But, I'm confused; she said she didn't tell Logan she was a mutant. Does that mean she can control her skin?
This story is shaping up to be a great one! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response: Yes, in this one she figured out how to turn off her skin.
Well, this setup is VERY interesting! A young boy with a single mother, named Marie, has a feral mutation and needs help controlling it? I wonder who the father is? *snicker*
Awww how sweet, Logan is a softie, love it!
Love the veggies comment! That is such a mom response. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Love it!!! I can't wait for Marie and Logan meet each other again!
New story yay!!! I love it! Can't wait to see what happen next! Update soon, please
Author's Response: Chapter 3 up now, enjoy!
Yay! New chapter! Love the back story of how Marie became pregnant with Kaden. Can't wait to see the meet between Logan and Marie, and Logan learning about Kaden.
So far love this chapter hope to read more soon love Rogue as a mommy and loved her since protective I always think those stories are cute
Author's Response: Thanks, Rogue ends up a mum in most of my stories I've noticed.
Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next? How often will you be updating?
Author's Response: I try to update a chapter a day until finished. Chapter 2 up now.