Reviews For A Necessary End
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Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/03/2013 3:28:57 PM Title: Chapter 21: Smelled Like An Awful Way To Die

oh how exciting! things are really speeding up! i'm so glad victor is looking after rogue, even if it's somewhat stilted and awkward for him. oh and the last line about being an animal but keeping his promises was perfect! so well done!

i can't wait for logan and his fanboys to arrive, though i have faith rogue could take care of herself. (loved the bit where sabertooth was admiring her stubbornness!) great job!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! I got such a soft spot for Creed at the end of the day. I guess b/c him and Wolverine are so much alike, but on two different ends of the same spectrum. If you change a few different events in history and Wolverine could have easily ended up like Sabertooth or Sabertooth could have ended up like Wolverine. So its hard not to at least have a little soft spot for the guy. He's like the bad guy you don't want to like but have to because every now and again he does something heroic that makes you think, well he ain't so bad. rnrnI would love if someone who was good at writing like fluffy/funny/happy W/R fan fiction would write one about Rogue, Logan and his fan boys, cos I could see some hilarious stuff going on b/c of them.

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