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Reviewer: RedLotus Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 07/18/2014 1:09:59 AM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

I love the way Logan enjoys all of Marie's little nuances while she sleeps the morning after.

I lack the words to articulate all the things I loved about the ending, but I will try. I loved how it seemed like Logan was about to take off again, without Marie, and it's not until the end that we can see how his thoughts about taking off could be misconstrued.

I love how nervous he is before proposing. How he asks for his tags back, and the narrative of the hurt that Marie shows on her face -"like watching a vase shattering"--such a fantastic analogy!

And finally, I love the line after he leaves Xavier's office..."There's only one end to this. There's only ever been one. "...and then the closure we get at the end with "And there was only ever one end to this."

This ending made me want to do a happy dance!

One last thing--I love how you managed to make Logan masculine and tough, yet vulnerable and sensitive, and seriously funny, all at the same time. You really balanced everything perfectly and in a believable way. Oh, and even though it was a small part, your characterization of Jubilee was awesome. :)

Thank you for writing such a wonderful story, one that I will definitely return to read again and again!

Reviewer: Iamthemagicmaker Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 04/01/2014 3:40:09 PM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

Wow. This fic. So gorgeous, so many great shippy, sweet, funny (the revenge on bobby and Scott's reaction had me nearly busting a gut!) and angsty moments. And that ending - nearly turned me into a total basket case. I'm not sure how I would have reacted if the ending hadn't been so happy. Just an amazing fic, So glad I discovered it!

Reviewer: Comic-cake Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/11/2010 2:06:02 PM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

Okay, so you know how much I love 'Overlap' and 'Heal Over', right? So I needed cheering up this afternoon and I noticed there's a story of yours I'd not read (how I missed it I have no idea!). Honestly, I have so much to do today, but I couldn't tear myself away from this once I'd started. Put simply, it's another brilliant piece of writing. You can imagine I have so many lines I want to quote, but it might freak you out if I copy and paste your entire story here in this review, so I've picked out a few:

"Baby-sitter," I repeat, baffled at the depth of poor judgement those words imply. - ha ha ha!

It's wonderful how expressive Cyke's face can be, even with his eyes covered. I bet he's just itching to take off those glasses, just for a moment. I wonder if I could take it. - great line, made me grin stupidly at the laptop (hubby thinks I've gone insane...maybe I have?)

I kiss the top of her head and tell Marie the truth, the only thing that comes to my mind. "I think you're perfect, Kid." - awwww - so sweet!

In the afternoon I spend a few hours in the garage, go for a ride on the bike, or watch football in the lounge. Economically, any of the previously mentioned activities can be done while pissing off Scott. - I always love a bit of Logan's Scott-bashing and you do it perfectly!

Ain't it strange, when your claws just pop out, without you meaning to? Well, I suppose you wouldn't know. - hahahaha!

Apparently you shouldn't tie a student to the wing of the Blackbird and threaten castration. Iceboy's a little squealer. - love it!

I adore the ending of chapter eight - "I want you," I whisper, just in case she need clarification.

Chapter nine is hot - "I swear, if she backs out now I will die-healing factor or no." - Anyway, has someone turned the temperature up in my house??

Xavier bites off each carefully-scripted declaration, as if struggling to contain himself. - love this description.

Phew! Right, I'll get back to real life now and stop stalking you... :-)

Author's Response: What a great surprise! Thank you so so so much.I love getting reviews for older fics; its like finding Christmas presents when you didnt know it was winter. Believe me, if this is how you do it, please stalk away. (Huh. Dont find myself saying that alot.) Im glad you liked it....I dont know why Im so mean to Scott. I actually like the guy! If it werent for Logan, Id have a crush on him(but then I wouldnt have seen xmen fifty times)....its just so fun! Thanks again, and Merry Christmas! :~)

Reviewer: Corinne Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2010 10:27:04 PM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

YAY! happy ending.

seriously i really wish Jean would stop being such a harpy BITCH and just leave Rogan alone. and god, the professor is just soooo snoopy. even my own mother got her nose out of my bedroom business once i turned 18 LOL!

loved this story! glad Logan's taking her with him...they can't ever be apart now.

and screw the sanctimonious X-men and their prudery.

Reviewer: litlen Signed star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2010 10:12:00 AM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

I love your interpretation of Logan - his inner voice and his thought process along the journey to realization.

Loved the little reminders along the way of things said and seen in the past, sometimes this tends to be overdone – I think you got the balance just right especially with ‘so heart cold...’ and variations thereof.

You did really well integrating scenes we know into your story without feeling like a written version of the films. – not as easy as some would think!

Not many I give special mention to for titles but yours deserve it. Great concept and well thought out and I really thought you kept your chapters true to them without loosing any of the rhythm of your story.

Loved –

The gentleness at the beginning ‘I can't quite get Westchester out of my head. I find it cropping up in my mind at random times’

Using anger as an excuse at why he’s fed up with the old routine and then at the end of his rant almost as an afterthought you add ‘I haven’t sent anything to Marie in a while’ - perfect timing to throw that thought in, even if for Logan there’s no comprehension of what it means yet.

The protectiveness shining out in chapter 4 - ‘Yeah, son. You're no match for me. Just get out of the ring. Not that we're competing’

Chapter 7 A.K.A, the Wondering Chapter – realization hammered home - brilliant ending!

Chapter 9 – gets a title shout all of its own! Short, sharp, quick paced sentencing - wonderfully written.

Chapter 10 – from the way the Prof used Logan’s feelings at the beginning, and the fact that I hate Jean anyway, knew they wouldn’t let it lie but I struggle with the American version of ‘too young’ (in England the age of consent is 16) – that being said I understand the reason for it, If the age of consent is 18 then 17 is too young just like 15 would be over here. Now for the ending- which has confused me even after re-reading it! (maybe it’s my age!!)

Was he leaving with the engagement a promise to come back or was she going with him?

Very well done, a great paced fic that was thoroughly enjoyable to read x

Author's Response: I read your review. Then I read it again. And again. And then I calmly stood up, brushed off my jeans, and performed something resembling a Victory One-Woman Breakdance, complete with a thrown-back head and shouts of joy. Thank you. Thank you thank you. I rarely get one so thorough and kind.....In answer to your question, Marie leaves with him. I was semi-worried people would think he was going away without her, but any attempt I made to explain just ended up sumarizing. I trusted that reader's could imagine it for themselves, or choose whichever ending he prefered. But I am happy you asked. Again, thank you.

Reviewer: sahara Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/29/2010 1:08:06 AM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

I'm not gonna lie, as a rule I generally have a problem with the whole 'everyone in the mansion doesn't approve' premise in Rogan fics, but I like the save at the end - especially since your Logan was so confident in his decision.

I really enjoyed this & how you wrote Logan. I hope you have something else up your sleeve next. If not I'm wishing many Rogan bunnies your way!

Author's Response: Neither do I. If it helps, it was only Jean and Xavier, and Scott-but he wouldn't have found out. Im sure that in other fics they will be very accepting. However, in this one that wasn't plausable.

Reviewer: Moviemom44 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/28/2010 8:18:04 AM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

Love the twist. His nervousness was about the proposal, not the leaving. Outstanding. Your Logan has been one of my absolute favorites I have ever read. And your Jean inspired a deeper murderous rage in me than most, too. Heh, heh. This whole story was a joy to read, which probably means it was not easy to write. Congratulations on finishing it. Now let's see what else you've got! --Wendie

Reviewer: rogue91 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2010 11:49:04 PM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

I want epilogue, thats all u need to know

Author's Response: Did you not like it? There won't be an epilouge; I figured it'd be senseless.

Reviewer: lilmizz3vil Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/27/2010 4:55:56 PM Title: Matter: To Change Or Not To Change (And) Alchemy: Fair Exchange.

Lovely :-D Jeans a scabby old bitch. xXx

Author's Response: Agreed. :)

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