Reviews For My Fairytale
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Reviewer: Moviemom44 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/05/2010 12:10:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

Your first story? Really? Well, you sure could have fooled me. And as for the grammar and punctuation and all that hoo-ha -- this was a diary entry, so I doubt that Marie cared much about where one sentence started and another began. I certainly didn't. I understood exactly what she meant from beginning to end. I loved the way you conveyed the emotion and it followed the exact progression Marie said it did; I could tell by the end that she wasn't angry, just resigned to living without him and determined to give him credit where it was due.

This was wonderful and I will be ever grateful to the 'Story of the Moment' feature for unearthing it for me. --Wendie

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/03/2010 7:08:28 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is great! Really nails all the crap and bs that a young woman can go thru, no matter what's going on in her life. The almost 'stream of consciousness' way it's written really remind of me of some of my own diary/journal rants and rages. Great job!

Reviewer: RouDeVil Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 11/13/2007 8:49:41 PM Title: Chapter 1

Good story. Fit perfectly with how X3 went and at the same time openned possibilites for all us Rogan shippers. :) I love the disgruntaled vibe in Rogue's voice, much more realistic than just the 'oh, I pine for you so.'

But the end for me seemed almost cryptic....Makes me wonder why she won't be around to tell him.

Author's Response: There's so many ways that this could go and if i continue i want to make sure i don't kill what i've done if you know what i mean! As far as i'm concerned there is no other ship!! and when reading i love a happy ending so i understand why everyone wants more - but how to get there and more to the point can i do it that is the question!! Thanks so much for the review they are a great confidence boost for a virgin!!!!!!!! x

Reviewer: Browneyedgrrl Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 11/13/2007 8:38:54 PM Title: Chapter 1

That was sweet and sad at the same time. Please let Logan read the diary and find the hope, the peace, the love and the happiness with Marie. :)

I love happy endings. :)

Author's Response: i love happy endings too would never have thought my 1st attempt would have gone this way! - have no idea where the anger came from i must have been having a bad day! Thanks so much for your review x

Reviewer: bima140277 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 11/13/2007 2:40:44 PM Title: Chapter 1


Terrific story - I can almost see Marie, can hear her writing this down.

I think this screams for a sequel ^_^

Author's Response: i'm so glad you enjoyed, i was nervous putting it on here as its the 1st thing i've ever written, i'm just glad it got a review and a good one at that - so thank you (if i was reading i'd scream sequel too i'm a sucker for a happy ending but this writing lark is harder than reading and i don't want to ruin what i've done so no promises but i might see if i can!)

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