Reviews For Touch
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Reviewer: Moviemom44 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/29/2009 2:18:21 PM Title: Chapter 1

This was really nice. I like the way he was silently coaching himself through their reunion in his room. Very clever. --Wendie

Reviewer: kjst1more Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 12/30/2007 5:15:46 AM Title: Chapter 1

very nice. just right.

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/16/2007 8:11:19 AM Title: Chapter 1

Loved it! Exactly what the dimwits at the movie front office should have done!!

Might want to find someone to proof read for you, lots of spelling errors were quite distracting in such a wonderful story.

Author's Response: sorry, I do try but my beta is expecting a baby soon, and I'm dyslexic even with spell checker I cant get it right lol. Thank You for the feedback

Reviewer: bima140277 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/13/2007 5:33:26 AM Title: Chapter 1

Good one!

Just saw that the story was already archived back in 2006.

Author's Response: Thank you, and yes it was, but I fixed some of the spelling mistake and changed a few bits

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