Reviews For Wolfen
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Reviewer: Bancainte Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/18/2007 7:29:41 AM Title: Chapter 9

The Wolverine in Marie's room must be the most sweetly emotional scene in the whole Tier-Wolfen story so far!

Glad that you are back to taking your time with these scenes, and giving us the chance to follow Logan's reasonings.

On a grammar level, you might perhaps wish to purchase a load of both definite and indefinite articles (THE meat was dark brown; THE people surrounding him were just people; THE realization made it even harder; even A husband...).

Also, a short look at word order in questions probably couldn't hurt: She had left. (Subject-modal-verb) => Why had she left? (Question word-modal-subject-verb).

Any hint as to when I should go back to reading Tier (just so that the time-line works for the story)?

Author's Response: Thanks for the grammar lecture! :) I swear I'll trash my comp soon... as for the Tier, that's it. Wolfen kind of took off where it ended. Well tag along with Logan for a while now and see if we can have this mess sorted out with him. If he can't solve his problems and save Marie, we return to Marie's POV in a third story.

Reviewer: RouDeVil Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2007 12:37:15 PM Title: Chapter 9

Hold on, wait, I can't find my drums for the bum bum BUM. Oh well, you're just going to have to update SOON! P.s. I love the fact that he named his fox Buddy. Now THATS badass. :D

Reviewer: bima140277 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2007 12:33:52 PM Title: Chapter 9

*One good reason, that’s all I’m asking…*
“I know where she is…”

That's a good reason...

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