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Reviewer: Corinne Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/19/2009 10:58:24 PM Title: I Still Don't Give A Fuck

yeh! i love Feral!Logan

i love it when stories show the untamed animal in him. something the movie don't tough on enough.

Reviewer: September Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2007 7:13:34 AM Title: I Still Don't Give A Fuck

Woah - dark! But good! And this bit?

"The best thing next to gettin’ off is sinkin’ another part of my anatomy inta’ somethin’ livin’. The first second, when the claws slide in like a hot knife goin’ through butter and the blood spills over my hands… everything gets quiet. Next thing I know, I got the metal taste of blood stuck to the back of my throat and I’m tryna’ fuckin’ swallow… but I can’t. Fuckin’ tease."

This was fantastic! I love that bit! So dark. Knife going through butter, and blood spilling. OMG that's so vivid I can almost feel it! Eeak! ...And that's scary!

And that bit's your subtle Rogue reference as well isn't I right...?

Reviewer: sharonmjl47 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/23/2007 4:57:28 AM Title: I Still Don't Give A Fuck

OOOHHHHhh...very very dark, but good. Who knew a song like that could be so.....true!

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