Reviews For Leather and Metal
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Reviewer: Globalsea Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/30/2013 2:53:08 AM Title: Leather and Metal: Heaven's Silver Lining

Logan poses as a prostitute marie is brotherhood

Reviewer: jenefaner Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2011 8:11:36 PM Title: Leather and Metal: Heaven's Silver Lining

Ooo! I like this one even better! I love how Logan was so ready to leave everything for her. He looked like shit, like he had suffered those months without her, and he had only just met her. Very nice!

Reviewer: jenefaner Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/21/2011 6:21:53 PM Title: Leather and Silk: Walk the Darkside

This was very good! I would love to have seen you continue in this arch. Very unique way of getting him into the Xmen, and getting the Rogan together. Well done!

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 8:31:12 AM Title: Leather and Metal: Heaven's Silver Lining


Loved this pair of stories... definitely going into the favs!!!

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/20/2009 8:11:33 AM Title: Leather and Silk: Walk the Darkside

SOOOOOoooooo glad to see this come over from the old archive!!! Loved it then, loving it anew, now!!! (scurries over to read the companion piece)

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