Reviews For Future Shock
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Reviewer: smilinghoney Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/24/2013 4:11:23 AM Title: I Had to Know

I'm not sure if I've ever commented on this wonder series but if I haven't well, that was a damn shame. I love the whole Future Shock series but this one. This one had my chest hurting in ways the other ones didn't.

The way you captured all the love and pain between all the characters was awesome. Hell, I wanted them to stick to the events and let Summer be born. But the pain Logan felt in the scene after his nightmare was so real to me.

You truly showed your talent in this series but especially in this story. Thank you!

Reviewer: askita Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/10/2008 4:10:23 PM Title: I Had to Know

Great, you made me cry and still had jean and logan have sex! Thanks bunches. You still did a great job, but I always react this way to angst. Great job on the rest of the series though. Although I'm confused because in every other story in the series marie controls her powers, and there's no mention of it here. And I'm also confused as to when this is supposed to take place in the series. I mean, i realize that the first two are parallel, but I guess I'm still kinda lost.

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2007 9:01:11 AM Title: I Had to Know, lemme get this straight...even tho everybody had the real inside story, and could have changed their future, they didn't. Thereby allowing the same stuff to happen, only this time around, Marie forgave Logan and everybody lived happily ever after?!?!?

Eh, I think I'd rather she never existed than for that forbidden tryst to have transpired. What can I say? I'm a hotheaded, quick tempered redhead with a long memory and a penchant for not forgiving easily (if ever); so sue me!!

But I LOVED this series! Thought it very neat how each story began with the same opening. So add my voice to Chris' - NO your writing DOES NOT suck!!

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2007 8:25:04 AM Title: A Lesson in Seduction

Hmmmmmm, "Getting Logan: 101....Ya know, it all seems so disturbingly simply when ya write it down like this. Alcohol based perfumes, tight clothes, none too innocent brushing of bodies...hmmmm, yeah, wonder if works with all of the males of the species???

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2007 8:12:03 AM Title: The Howl Heard 'Round the World

Awwwwwwww! *warm, shippery goodness spreads out from tummy*

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/28/2007 12:36:07 AM Title: Future Shock

DAMN!! These time traveling stories always give me a headache! Temporal rifts, wormholes, Space/Time continuum, screwing with "proper" timelines...I don't give a rat's pa-tooty about none o'it!! As long as the good guy gets the girl and the bad guy get beat!! In /this/ case, Logan gets Rogue sooner than expected, Logan got Rogue back, and the bad ol' Grim Reaper got bupt-kiss!! All is well with the world!

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