The day they reach Eden, Laura and Logan find the lookout abandoned. They are alone now, and while Logan has escaped his original fate from X-24 and the Reavers, he must viciously cling to the last threads of his health while taking care of Laura. Meanwhile, fifteen years in the past, Logan finds Rogue after over a decade of absence, while the world around them falls apart. When you’re struggling to stitch together wounds, sometimes the answers for the future lie in the past.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1,
Days of the Future Past,
Characters: None
Genres: AngstTags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read
Series: None
Chapters: 23
Wordcount: 149263 -
Hits: 150245
Complete?: Yes -
Published: 08/06/2017 -
Last Updated: 10/02/2017