WRFA - The Wolverine and Rogue Fanfiction Archive


Submit your story by posting it to the WRBeta mailing list.

The WRFA isn't strictly a 'shipper archive. We also accept friendship stories. As long as a significant part of the story focuses on the relationship between Logan & Rogue, your work is more than welcome.

Please note, however, that we no longer archive works in progress.

Please note that once stories are added to the archive, we are unable to remove them. Please keep this in mind when submitting stories to the WRFA.

Submit your story by posting it to the WRBeta mailing list.

Some guidelines:

  1. Story Header:

    • Story Title
    • Author Name
    • Author Email Address
    • Rating  (G through NC-17)
    • Summary  (All stories must have a summary.)
    • Continuity  (X1, X2, X3, AU, etc)

  2. If you do not provide me with this information, I will probably just make something up, so if all your stories get added as Comicverse songfic, that's your fault.

  3. I've dropped all the previous submission guidelines about spelling and punctuation and whatnot, because I got tired of going back and forth about people over why it actually is necessary to put a period at the end of a sentence and the like. If you don't care if your fic sucks, I don't either. But please remember, once it's in, it's not coming out, so you might want to make sure what you send me is what you want on the internet with your name attached to it for the rest of your life.

  4. No Real Person Fic. This means stories in which real people such as actors or celebrities play a role in the story. Mentioning that the X-Men are watching a Hugh Jackman movie as a little inside joke in your story is fine. Having Hugh Jackman present and interacting with the characters in your story is not.
Submit your story by posting it to the WRBeta mailing list.

NOTE: We reserve the right to make a decision as to which stories are archived here. If we feel that they do not meet this site's criteria, they will not be archived. Thank you.

Please note that once stories are added to the archive, we are unable to remove them. Please keep this in mind when submitting stories to the WRFA.